12 proofs that Mohammad was not a prophet

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1. did not speak in the lingua franca of the time
a. God sent prophets to the Jews, they were suppose to be the lamp onto the nations (gentiles, non-jews, that’s us folks)

2. did not know God’s name
a. allah is not Elohim, any more than Zeus is Dios, they may have the same root, but they are not the same god

3. did not know he was a prophet
a. since when did prophets need someone else to tell them they were commissioned by God? Who is Kadija, that she would know more than Mohammad, that he was supposedly a prophet? All other prophets knew they had been sent by God, why didn’t Mohammad? Because he was commissioned by satan, the father of lies. Confused? You should be, stop believing the liar, open your eyes to the truth, convert to Christianity

4. did not know the difference between the so-called word of god & the satanic verses
a. how can a true prophet not know the difference between God & Satan?, or the messages from each?

5. did not know who Jesus was
a. everything about this muslim Issa, proves that Mohammad did not know God, the Bible, or Jesus

6. inserted Ishmael as the sacrifice, instead of Isaac on Mount Moriah
a. why the switch? Because Ishmael, as father of the arabs needed to be glorified? Very un-jewish of him

7. did not know who Moses or Miriam were or how they were related
a. there is only one Miriam, that is Moses’ sister. There were several Marys, one the earthly Mother of Jesus, Mary Magdalene, & an other. So if Mohammad is to be believed Miriam, Moses’ sister was the Mother of Jesus? Wrong woman, wrong time= false prophet

8. did not admonish Christians or jews to return to God
a. all prophets did that before Mohammad, why did Mohammad need to start a new religion? An anti-christian religion! Because he was the anti-christ!

9. Mohammad was a man of war
a. Badr, the Ditch, etc. etc.

10. Mohammad was man of the flesh
a. How many wives? What prophet married more than one wife? Only kings did, like Solomon. Isn’t there a Hadith talking about his prowess with women, that he could plow 30 women a night?

11. Mohammad was a man of greed
a. 20% of the plunder; wars & raids all the time to make more plunder

12. Mohammad was a man of this world
a. Mohammad’s kingdom was of this world, he is the right-hand man of satan, read the New Testament, where Jesus is tempted by satan, saying that he would give all the kingdoms to Jesus, if Jesus would bow to him. Jesus refused, saying in Matthew 4:10, “away from me satan! For it is written: Worship the LORD your God, and serve him only.” (from the NIV, btw in English language Bible’s the word ‘LORD’ is used to denote the use of the Tetragrammaton ‘YHWH’)

Seems like Mohammad took the offer.

How are these proofs any more indicative that Muhammad was not a prophet than the fact that he never ate at Baskin & Robbins?
Re: And?

Originally posted by tiassa
How are these proofs any more indicative that Muhammad was not a prophet than the fact that he never ate at Baskin & Robbins?


And never met Randolfo to learn the truth about Allah The God Of Jesus.

*still smiling*
Even The Aramaic Bible mentions "Muhammad" as the next Prophet of GOD Almighty

I was getting shock when I read that "Paraklytos" is actually "Muhammad" in Aramaic - the mother tongue' of Prophet Jesus (p.b.u.h).

Follow me as we trace the Biblical history of this Greek word "Paraclete". Startling as it may seem, at one time the word read "Periklytos" and "Paraklytos", which is the name for "Muhammad" in Greek. Surprising? It should not be because both words mean "Praised" or "Celebrate," the meaning and character of the man "Muhammad." (1 Jesus in The Qur'an, One World Publications, (c) Geoffrey Parrinder 1965, 1995, ISBN 1-85168-094-2. Knowing this, there is a need for us to study the life of Prophet Muhammad in depth to see if it all stands up. Surprisingly it does.

Allahu Akbar (GOD is Great)!, for the complete explanation by Aramaic Bible Society please visit:


This proved what has been said by Qur'an:

"Those who follow the apostle the unlettered prophet (prophet Muhammad - p.b.u.h) whom they find mentioned in their own (Scriptures); in the law (Torah) and the Gospel" (Qur'an 7:157)

According to Holy Qur'an the name of prophet Muhammad or Ahmad (p.b.u.h) is mention by name in the Gospel (Injeel):

"And when Jesus son of Mary said: O Children of Israel! Lo! I am the messenger of Allah unto you, confirming that which was (revealed) before me in the Torah, and bringing good tidings of a messenger who cometh after me, whose name is Ahmad (the Praised One)." (Qur'an 61:6)

If you refer to Song of Solomon in Hebrew scripture, the name 'Muhammad' also mention there, please read Song of Solomon 5:16, it looks like this:

"Hikow mamtaqiym wkulow mahamadiym zeh dowdiy wzeh ree`iy bnowt yruushaalaaim."
Re: 12 proofs that Randolfo is an idiot

Originally posted by Randolfo
1. did not speak in the lingua franca of the time
a. God sent prophets to the Jews, they were suppose to be the lamp onto the nations (gentiles, non-jews, that’s us folks)
M*W: Gentiles are neither Jews nor Christians. How do you fit into these categories? BTW, speak for YOURSELF only!
2. did not know God’s name
a. allah is not Elohim, any more than Zeus is Dios, they may have the same root, but they are not the same god
M*W: How stupid! Allah and Eloh are the same and mean the same. When "im" is at the end of the word, the word is plural.
3. did not know he was a prophet
a. since when did prophets need someone else to tell them they were commissioned by God? Who is Kadija, that she would know more than Mohammad, that he was supposedly a prophet? All other prophets knew they had been sent by God, why didn’t Mohammad? Because he was commissioned by satan, the father of lies. Confused? You should be, stop believing the liar, open your eyes to the truth, convert to Christianity
M*W: Jesus was confused about his purpose (at least that's the way the myth is written). "Satan" was created as the adversary in Christianity. Let me say that again, "Satan" was created as the adversary in CHRISTIANITY! Since CHRISTIANITY created the idea of Satan, how do you dare say Mohammad is Satan? Did Christianity create Mohammad? I suggest you read Biblical scholar Elaine Pagels' "Adam, Eve and the Serpent" and "The Origin of Satan." Christianity created the myth of Satan and, in fact, Christianity is Satanic. Jesus called himself the "Morningstar!" Look that up in your Funk & Wagnalls.
4. did not know the difference between the so-called word of god & the satanic verses
a. how can a true prophet not know the difference between God & Satan?, or the messages from each?
M*W: There are prophets from all the ages of the human race. Prophets do not create themselves, they are more advanced than the average human being. They are more evolved spiritually. This is a GIFT they have and a calling. Prophets will continue to emerge from the populace and prophesy for the current times just like Elijah, Jesus and Mohammad prophesied in their times (well, that's if Jesus really existed, but most likely he was mythical and Mohammad was real).
5. did not know who Jesus was
a. everything about this muslim Issa, proves that Mohammad did not know God, the Bible, or Jesus
M*W: How absurd can you be? Jesus (although you believe he is God) didn't know or speak of Mohammad or the Qur'an either. If Jesus was God, he should've said something about the coming prophet. But since Jesus didn't write anything himself, Paul didn't include Mohammad in his myth of Christianity. Mohammad wasn't a myth, was he? He was a real, true prophet.
6. inserted Ishmael as the sacrifice, instead of Isaac on Mount Moriah
a. why the switch? Because Ishmael, as father of the arabs needed to be glorified? Very un-jewish of him
M*W: Ishmael was Abram's first-born son. The scribes changed it to promote the Hebrew agenda. Abram himself was Muslim because he totally submitted to Allah.
7. did not know who Moses or Miriam were or how they were related
a. there is only one Miriam, that is Moses’ sister. There were several Marys, one the earthly Mother of Jesus, Mary Magdalene, & an other. So if Mohammad is to be believed Miriam, Moses’ sister was the Mother of Jesus? Wrong woman, wrong time= false prophet
M*W: It's quite possible that Moses (aka Tutmose, the Pharaoh) was the child of Miriam who would have been his mother and also his sister conceived by family values of the day. Miriam is a TITLE not a name. Why do you think there were so many women named "Mary/Miriam" in the Bible? In Aramaic Mariam means "rebel/rebellion/rebellious woman." It signifies a woman who stands out among her peers and not meaning bad or adversarial. The Hebrew version of "Miriam" may be slightly different. Generally speaking, "Miriam" is a one-of-a-kind woman who is very special and significant where it appears. Again, "Miriam" is a TITLE not a name. What's more, it was originally an Egyptian word. Anytime you see the name "Miriam" it has an Egyptian connection. I bet you don't know anything about that, do you?
8. did not admonish Christians or jews to return to God
a. all prophets did that before Mohammad, why did Mohammad need to start a new religion? An anti-christian religion! Because he was the anti-christ!
M*W: According to your logic, 3/4 of the world is the Antichrist and 3/4 of the world today do not admonish Christians or Jews or any other religion to return to God. Since there is only ONE God, it wouldn't be to hard to admonish Christians or Jews to return to God. The bare naked truth is that the remaining 1/4 of Christians in the world is steadily declining. There was a NEED for Mohammad to start a new religion. Christianity was brutalizing the world. Again, 3/4 of the world is anti-Christian TODAY! Stating that Mohammad is the Antichrist is ridiculous when the biggest majority of the human race in Anti-hristian! You're in an endangered minority, my friend. You need to look at the facts and quit believing in fairy tales.
9. Mohammad was a man of war
a. Badr, the Ditch, etc. etc.
M*W: And Jesus wasn't? He even said (or Paul said for him when he wrote the myth) that he didn't come to bring peace (he called himself the "Morningstar!"
10. Mohammad was man of the flesh
a. How many wives? What prophet married more than one wife? Only kings did, like Solomon. Isn’t there a Hadith talking about his prowess with women, that he could plow 30 women a night?
M*W: Jesus was also a man of the flesh (as written in the myth). Let's see, how many wives...? Abraham was married to his half-sister Sarah, took Hagar for his concubine at the same time, and married another woman after Sarah died, all the while keeping Hagar as his concubine who had just as must marital rights as those legally married. Sarah, OTOH, slept with the Pharaoh when they were down in Egypt and conceived Isaac. Then there was Jacob who was married to both Leah and Rachel and had children by them as well as his two concubines and had children with them too! As late as (c)750-800 AD, Charlemagne had at least 8 wives and any given number of concubines who produced heirs. The concubines lived in the palaces all throughout the HRE right along with the wives and children. They all inherited equal rights. Even Adam had two wives. It was the custom of the day to have as many wives and concubines as one wanted. Concubines weren't looked down upon then like they are today. Usually marriages were arranged, but concubines were chosen.
11. Mohammad was a man of greed
a. 20% of the plunder; wars & raids all the time to make more plunder
M*W: Not as greedy as Christianity, the bloodiest religion in the history of the world!
12. Mohammad was a man of this world
a. Mohammad’s kingdom was of this world, he is the right-hand man of satan, read the New Testament, where Jesus is tempted by satan, saying that he would give all the kingdoms to Jesus, if Jesus would bow to him. Jesus refused, saying in Matthew 4:10, “away from me satan! For it is written: Worship the LORD your God, and serve him only.” (from the NIV, btw in English language Bible’s the word ‘LORD’ is used to denote the use of the Tetragrammaton ‘YHWH’) Seems like Mohammad took the offer.
M*W: Yes, Mohammad was a man of this world. Jesus was fiction. Satan is a figment of Christianity. Jesus called Peter "satan." Ever wonder why? Let me give you a hint (it's been in existence for over 2,000 years now). Christianity is the antichrist. Do some reading. You're in desperate need of re-education. The statistics again: you're part of the 25% remaining Christianity which is steadily declining; the anti-christs number 75% of the world today. Who ya gonna call when the lights go out?
Well M*W, now that you've stated that Muhammed was a prophet your going to tell us <i>why</i> he is a prophet. I have met people who have seen visions and they do not claim to be a prophet. More so, if someone claimed to be a prophet they would have to show us the fruits of the spirit. Furthermore, they would not brag nor ask for money.

Yes, Mohammad was a man of this world. Jesus was fiction. Satan is a figment of Christianity. Jesus called Peter "satan."
Jesus did not call Peter Satan.... That was Satan .

M*W: Ishmael was Abram's first-born son. The scribes changed it to promote the Hebrew agenda. Abram himself was Muslim because he totally submitted to Allah.
You <i>love</i> to call others ignorant yet you don't even do the most
basic research. The story told in Genesis says that Ishmael was born before Issac but it of a concubine.
If you refer to Song of Solomon in Hebrew scripture, the name 'Muhammad' also mention there, please read Song of Solomon 5:16, it looks like this:

"Hikow mamtaqiym wkulow mahamadiym zeh dowdiy wzeh ree`iy bnowt yruushaalaaim."

This doesn't prove much, since the song of solomon is not in anyway a prophecy.
Originally posted by okinrus
Well M*W, now that you've stated that Muhammed was a prophet your going to tell us <i>why</i> he is a prophet. I have met people who have seen visions and they do not claim to be a prophet. More so, if someone claimed to be a prophet they would have to show us the fruits of the spirit. Furthermore, they would not brag nor ask for money.

Jesus did not call Peter Satan.... That was Satan .

You <i>love</i> to call others ignorant yet you don't even do the most
basic research. The story told in Genesis says that Ishmael was born before Issac but it of a concubine.
M*W: Oh, but I do my research. What makes the bible the only true source of information? Prove that! Paul saw visions, and he even claimed many things he wasn't. So why do you think prophets would have "fruits of the spirit?" Some prophets may have "Fruit of the Loom!" In whose judgment is it to identify and name who is or isn't a true prophet? Certainly not your's, young man. You believe in "blind faith," so how can you make any kind of determination of who and what is real? YOU need to do more research. You haven't had the YEARS I've had to research it. You're still wet behind the ears. Do some reading about concubines, and you'll find that they had equal rights just like the married. Also, I think you have been misquoting the bible. Jesus did call Peter "satan" and told Peter to get thee behind him. Either way you look at it, Jesus called Peter "satan." Jesus was saying either for Peter to get behind him, Jesus, or for Peter to get behind satan. Please don't piss me off so bad that I end up quoting bible scripture. This goes against everything I stand for.
In whose judgment is it to identify and name who is or isn't a true prophet? Certainly not your's, young man
Firstly, I make my own judgements on private revelation but don't really see how this effects your judgement.

You believe in "blind faith," so how can you make any kind of determination of who and what is real? YOU need to do more research. You haven't had the YEARS I've had to research it.
You have spent years festering your hatred of Christianity. Furthermore, discernment is gift from God.

You're still wet behind the ears.
Test the waters like Noah did.

Jesus did call Peter "satan" and told Peter to get thee behind him.
Peter was arguing with Jesus and Jesus rebuked Satan who caused Peter to doubt.

Either way you look at it, Jesus called Peter "satan."
No, you have been listening to too many liberal christians who want to use this passage as a denial that Satan exists. I know this passage well and have argued with evangelical christians. Although it seems that Jesus is calling Peter Satan this is an incorrect interpretation. Jesus only called the Pharisee's sons of Satan not Satan himself.
Re: Re: 12 proofs that Randolfo is an idiot

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
M*W: Gentiles are neither Jews nor Christians. How do you fit into these categories? BTW, speak for YOURSELF only!
My dear Misses Know-it-all, to Jews all non-Jews are gentiles, now unless you are Jewish, you are a Gentile, that category includes us both, unless you, like Wesley Clark found out, that you had a Jewish parent; as for my family, if it is descended from Secret Jews from Spain, it was so secret, that no one passed those customs unto our generation! http://www.ida.net/users/rdk/ces/definitions.html

M*W: How stupid! Allah and Eloh are the same and mean the same. When "im" is at the end of the word, the word is plural.
that’s what arabs would like you to think!, it’s “El” which means “God”, as in ”IsraEL, it’s not “Israeloh” as you imply. BTW, the ‘im’ does make it plural, as in ‘many gods’, which is interesting, if you think of Judaism as monotheistic. I was told by a rabbi that it is the “Royal We”, like Queen Elizabeth would say when speaking. I think its God’s way of telling us He expresses His form as a “Trinity”.

M*W: Jesus was confused about his purpose (at least that's the way the myth is written).
no confusion, unless it’s on your part, see references to ‘My Father’s House’ in the New Testament.

"Satan" was created as the adversary in Christianity. Let me say that again, "Satan" was created as the adversary in CHRISTIANITY!
The Old Testament speaks about ‘satan’ prior to Christianity, read your sources again, then look at a timeline of events, BTW, ‘satan’ means ‘adversary’, so you must be ‘satan’

I suggest you read Biblical scholar Elaine Pagels' "Adam, Eve and the Serpent" and "The Origin of Satan." Christianity created the myth of Satan and, in fact, Christianity is Satanic. Jesus called himself the "Morningstar!" Look that up in your Funk & Wagnalls.
Funk & Wagnall’s?, you just dated yourself, unless you caught “Laugh-In” on reruns on “Nick-at-Night”? As for Elaine Pagels, who is that? http://wupa.wustl.edu/asmbly/bio/Pagels So college makes her an authority on Biblical matters, if she is not Christian? With chrisitians & non-christians reading the same material, you get two different meanings.

As for ‘Morningstar’, that is interesting, isn’t it? In Isaiah, it talks of the King of Babylon in that context, as both ‘Lucifer’ & ‘morning star’, hmmm…?

M*W: There are prophets from all the ages of the human race. Prophets do not create themselves, they are more advanced than the average human being. They are more evolved spiritually. This is a GIFT they have and a calling. Prophets will continue to emerge from the populace and prophesy for the current times just like Elijah, Jesus and Mohammad prophesied in their times (well, that's if Jesus really existed, but most likely he was mythical and Mohammad was real).
by prophets, you must mean ‘visionaries’, because according to the Bible, only God sends prophets & He uses the Jewish people as His light unto the world, not Brits, Americans or Arabs. So the only ‘gift’ Mohammad had was epilepsy

5. did not know who Jesus was
M*W: How absurd can you be? Jesus (although you believe he is God) didn't know or speak of Mohammad or the Qur'an either. If Jesus was God, he should've said something about the coming prophet. But since Jesus didn't write anything himself, Paul didn't include Mohammad in his myth of Christianity. Mohammad wasn't a myth, was he? He was a real, true prophet.
Jesus never spoke of mohammad, because old Mohammad was not a prophet from God, but from satan, see Galatians 1: 8 http://www.fourmilab.ch/etexts/www/Bible/Galatians.html

6. inserted Ishmael as the sacrifice, instead of Isaac on Mount Mariah
M*W: Ishmael was Abram's first-born son. The scribes changed it to promote the Hebrew agenda.
Ishmael was the first born, but did not recieve firstborn rights. as for the rest, what are your sources?

Abram himself was Muslim because he totally submitted to Allah.
another muslim lie, Abraham never knew or heard about ‘allah’, he only knew El Shadai (God Almighty) http://www.hillel.org/Hillel/NewHil...2fa4f67defd30ee18525693f0051b78a?OpenDocument

7. did not know who Moses or Miriam were or how they were related
M*W: It's quite possible that Moses (aka Tutmose, the Pharaoh) was the child of Miriam who would have been his mother and also his sister conceived by family values of the day. Miriam is a TITLE not a name. Why do you think there were so many women named "Mary/Miriam" in the Bible? In Aramaic Mariam means "rebel/rebellion/rebellious woman." It signifies a woman who stands out among her peers and not meaning bad or adversarial. The Hebrew version of "Miriam" may be slightly different. Generally speaking, "Miriam" is a one-of-a-kind woman who is very special and significant where it appears. Again, "Miriam" is a TITLE not a name. What's more, it was originally an Egyptian word. Anytime you see the name "Miriam" it has an Egyptian connection. I bet you don't know anything about that, do you?
Pharaoh & Candace are titles, but Miriam? where did you get that info? Miriam means ‘bitter’, all names in ancient times meant something. Tutmose= Moses? Your history is really distorted, any other inaccuracies that you want me to find out for you? Name sources, most modern sources discount ancient Hebrews in Egypt entirely, & here you state that Moses was Tutmoses? Moses is an Egyptian name, because he was born in Egypt, it means "the Child" or "the Offspring:

8. did not admonish Christians or jews to return to God
M*W: According to your logic, 3/4 of the world is the Antichrist and 3/4 of the world today do not admonish Christians or Jews or any other religion to return to God. Since there is only ONE God, it wouldn't be to hard to admonish Christians or Jews to return to God. The bare naked truth is that the remaining 1/4 of Christians in the world is steadily declining. There was a NEED for Mohammad to start a new religion. Christianity was brutalizing the world. Again, 3/4 of the world is anti-Christian TODAY! Stating that Mohammad is the Antichrist is ridiculous when the biggest majority of the human race in Anti-hristian! You're in an endangered minority, my friend. You need to look at the facts and quit believing in fairy tales.
& when, pray tell, will you give up your ‘fairy tales’? http://www.kashmirherald.com/featuredarticle/elst-wahi-part1.html

9. Mohammad was a man of war
M*W: And Jesus wasn't? He even said (or Paul said for him when he wrote the myth) that he didn't come to bring peace (he called himself the "Morningstar!")
He came to judge the world, read the rest of Matthew 10:34 to 42.

10. Mohammad was man of the flesh

M*W: Jesus was also a man of the flesh (as written in the myth). Let's see, how many wives...? Abraham was married to his half-sister Sarah, took Hagar for his concubine at the same time, and married another woman after Sarah died, all the while keeping Hagar as his concubine who had just as must marital rights as those legally married. Sarah, OTOH, slept with the Pharaoh when they were down in Egypt and conceived Isaac. Then there was Jacob who was married to both Leah and Rachel and had children by them as well as his two concubines and had children with them too! As late as (c)750-800 AD, Charlemagne had at least 8 wives and any given number of concubines who produced heirs. The concubines lived in the palaces all throughout the HRE right along with the wives and children. They all inherited equal rights. Even Adam had two wives. It was the custom of the day to have as many wives and concubines as one wanted. Concubines weren't looked down upon then like they are today. Usually marriages were arranged, but concubines were chosen.
thanks for mixing up everything, including prophets & patriarchs, then emperors!
1) by "man of the flesh", I meant someone that lived for physical gratification, what with 30 wives, all the plunder & riches he wanted
2) Sarah was ‘barren’ until he was 90 years old, she did not conceive Isaac until then, she laughed at the taught of an old woman baring a child, that’s why he’s called ‘Isaac’ (laughter)
3) Under what historical or biblical reference is Charlemagne listed as a prophet? He was the first “Holy Roman Emperor”, having himself crowned after uniting France, the Low Countries, most of Germany & parts of Italy.
4) Not all cultures give inheritances equally, many only gave it to the first born son, that’s why so many Spanish wanted to come to the new world, to become ‘hidalgos’, (‘hijos de algo’, which means ‘sons of something’)
5) And please explain to us, what does all your statements have to do with Mohammad being a man of the flesh? Clearly, you misunderstood the reference.

11. Mohammad was a man of greed
M*W: Not as greedy as Christianity, the bloodiest religion in the history of the world!
‘greed’ & ‘bloody’ are two different concepts, the West & Christianity are two different concepts. While I’ll agree that the West is rapacious, even up until today, the West is not ‘Christian’ except for ideals & concepts, Western leaders use any means necessary to achieve their ends, but last time I looked, the Muslim countries didn’t do any better, nor the Communist, nor the non-aligned.

Or are you going to tell us that no muslim country ever raped & plundered their way to fame? Seljuk & Ottoman Turks did a good job in Asia Minor, the Balkans & N. Africa, the Moguls in India were not benign, notwithstanding the ‘Taj Mahal”. Oh!, and how do you think the khan was able to finance that building?

12. Mohammad was a man of this world
M*W: Yes, Mohammad was a man of this world. Jesus was fiction. Satan is a figment of Christianity. Jesus called Peter "satan." Ever wonder why? Let me give you a hint (it's been in existence for over 2,000 years now). Christianity is the antichrist. Do some reading.
Jesus not real, according to you? then why does Mohammad even try to mention him, as this unknown ‘Issa’ fellow’? & who did all those early Christians follow prior to Paul, including the Mar Thoma & Copts?

You're in desperate need of re-education. The statistics again: you're part of the 25% remaining Christianity which is steadily declining; the anti-christs number 75% of the world today. [/B]
hmmm, the only people that practice re-education are communists, hey you Stalinist pig, the ‘cold war’ ended, you can shake off your brain-washing now comrade!

Who ya gonna call when the lights go out?
PG & E, silly girl!
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1. did not speak in the lingua franca of the time
a. God sent prophets to the Jews, they were suppose to be the lamp onto the nations (gentiles, non-jews, that’s us folks)
So he wasnt jewish, wats your point?

2. did not know God’s name
a. allah is not Elohim, any more than Zeus is Dios, they may have the same root, but they are not the same god
They may not be the same, which is right though???

3. did not know he was a prophet
a. since when did prophets need someone else to tell them they were commissioned by God? Who is Kadija, that she would know more than Mohammad, that he was supposedly a prophet? All other prophets knew they had been sent by God, why didn’t Mohammad? Because he was commissioned by satan, the father of lies. Confused? You should be, stop believing the liar, open your eyes to the truth, convert to Christianity

Joan of arc didnt know that she would be the saviour of france, and mohammed didnt know that he would be a prophet

4. did not know the difference between the so-called word of god & the satanic verses
a. how can a true prophet not know the difference between God & Satan?, or the messages from each?
I got no clue what the satanic verses are. But i think that a santanist, wouldnt have a religion that promotes peace against all except those who try to stop them worshipping

5. did not know who Jesus was
a. everything about this muslim Issa, proves that Mohammad did not know God, the Bible, or Jesus
Jesus didnt know about mohammed, whats your point?

6. inserted Ishmael as the sacrifice, instead of Isaac on Mount Moriah
a. why the switch? Because Ishmael, as father of the arabs needed to be glorified? Very un-jewish of him
dont get ya

7. did not know who Moses or Miriam were or how they were related
a. there is only one Miriam, that is Moses’ sister. There were several Marys, one the earthly Mother of Jesus, Mary Magdalene, & an other. So if Mohammad is to be believed Miriam, Moses’ sister was the Mother of Jesus? Wrong woman, wrong time= false prophet
dunno what your talking about, but you are basing your whole argument on christianity being right in the first place

8. did not admonish Christians or jews to return to God
a. all prophets did that before Mohammad, why did Mohammad need to start a new religion? An anti-christian religion! Because he was the anti-christ!
I didnt know he started an anti christian religion, muslems have nothing against christians (with the exception of the christians that have something against them)

9. Mohammad was a man of war
a. Badr, the Ditch, etc. etc.
And the bible does not contain a single bit of violence in it, or any "rightious smiting"

10. Mohammad was man of the flesh
a. How many wives? What prophet married more than one wife? Only kings did, like Solomon. Isn’t there a Hadith talking about his prowess with women, that he could plow 30 women a night?

Its alright for kings to sleep around, but Mohammed couldnt?

11. Mohammad was a man of greed
a. 20% of the plunder; wars & raids all the time to make more plunder
Im not sure if that made gramatical sense, do you mean he took 20% of plunder. Ill give you a fact. The christian and catholic churches together, could whipe out 3rd world hunger if they didnt have such fancy cathedrals, whatever happened to them being modest

12. Mohammad was a man of this world
a. Mohammad’s kingdom was of this world, he is the right-hand man of satan, read the New Testament, where Jesus is tempted by satan, saying that he would give all the kingdoms to Jesus, if Jesus would bow to him. Jesus refused, saying in Matthew 4:10, “away from me satan! For it is written: Worship the LORD your God, and serve him only.” (from the NIV, btw in English language Bible’s the word ‘LORD’ is used to denote the use of the Tetragrammaton ‘YHWH’)

By that, your dencouncing mohammed for being a human? (he isnt a satanist, get that into your head) look at your face, assuming u have 2 eyes, a nose and a mouth, id guess that U also are a human, i dont go around calling u antichrist do i?
oh, soz but i noticed something else "the only people that practice re-education are communists, hey you Stalinist pig"
what does everyone have against communism, it is simply a type of government that provides people with money depending on their needs, not on how succesful they are, that seems to shout EQUALITY at me
Proud_Muslim said:

allha the liar?
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News flash! P_M, the qoran & muslims teach the law of ‘abrogation’, later verses abrogate earlier ones, so that allha is a god that changes with the whims of M, rememebr the 'satanic verses'?, remember the change in qibla? learn your own religion, before you defend the indefensible

The choice is clear: allha of the decievers

or Jesus, the Way, the Truth & the Life?

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alain said:
Tetragrammaton ‘YHWH’
please move the " ') ", from God's name, you are making faces
By that, your dencouncing mohammed for being a human? (he isnt a satanist, get that into your head) look at your face, assuming u have 2 eyes, a nose and a mouth, id guess that U also are a human, i dont go around calling u antichrist do i?
when Jesus was tempted by satan during the 40 day fast, satan said that he would give Jesus all the kingdoms of earth, Jesus refused,
Mohammad accepted the same offer, world domination is its goal, read for yourself, then read the Bible, see if there is any difference?

look how that religion affects its followers, suicide-bombers anyone?
Oh and after all, thats because islam isn't the one true religion (no offence to anyone, just giving conclusion to the info on this board) and that Eru truely is the mightly surpreme god of all men, elves and dwarves... ALL HAIL ERU! calm now.
rainbow__princess_4 said:
Yup, we all know that EVERYTHING randolpho said was wrong! so im outta this board! bye!
Everything? what a record! BTW princess, you spelled my name wrong, I guess you're getting down to my standards?

BTW, the consonant group "PH" that sounds like an "F" is only an English conventional rule, & I'm definitely not English, princess
okinrus said:
Well M*W, now that you've stated that Muhammed was a prophet your going to tell us <i>why</i> he is a prophet. I have met people who have seen visions and they do not claim to be a prophet. More so, if someone claimed to be a prophet they would have to show us the fruits of the spirit. Furthermore, they would not brag nor ask for money.

The fact that a prophet called for the worship of one god is not enough for you?

And the miracle of the Quran is not enough for you???

The fact that this weakly guy was strengthened by god againest all odds to survive and convert incredible opposition?? that's not enough for you?

Mohamed never bragged nor asked for money? Where do you get your lies from beside your obvious hate for a person that have done you no wrong except that he called you to worship yours and his creator?

For me, I find the message to be extremely convincing that I wouldn't even care for any miracles, althought the prophet Muhammed was strengthened with many miracles....And if you believe in Jesus because of the miracles, then you don't really believe in jesus, you just believe in the miracles. You also don't know how to believe with your heart, only with your eyes, and guess what, the eye is the most blind organ in our body.
The fact that a prophet called for the worship of one god is not enough for you?
There are many modern "prophets" that call for the worship of one God.

Mohamed never bragged nor asked for money? Where do you get your lies from beside your obvious hate for a person that have done you no wrong except that he called you to worship yours and his creator?
Did I say that Muhammed asked for money? Did he steal money through conquest?

I don't believe that I was referring to Muhammed.
For me, I find the message to be extremely convincing that I wouldn't even care for any miracles, althought the prophet Muhammed was strengthened with many miracles....And if you believe in Jesus because of the miracles, then you don't really believe in jesus, you just believe in the miracles. You also don't know how to believe with your heart, only with your eyes, and guess what, the eye is the most blind organ in our body.
I don't believe I was referring to Muhammed, but M*W lack of evidence for Muhammed being a prophet. I don't believe she has read the Qur'an or stated why she believes Muahammed is a prophet. Unlike you, she has not presenting any evidence for Muhammed being a prophet other than Muhammed's rejection of Christianity. Her beliefs are defined by the rejection of Christianity.
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