100 v. 2 Billion

Weakness is really all in the eye of the beholder. No one can sit on their ass all day and achieve nothing. Some people just dont fit in or are not allowed to be themselves, hence they ACHIEVE nothing (even though they gain experience, grow, and gain the ability to achieve). This said, I'd think it would be possible for someone(s) to expend as much energy to suppress growth/whatever and leave people weak and stupid. This would not be their own action and would be reversible.


Agreed, demons are not to be trusted, they ARE evil. Then again, this is only according to sources other than me, and I can doubt that. Killing 2 billion people does sound kind of bad, but on the other hand, if they are weak and stupid, their worth to live might not be great. They might also be some type of slaves to evil, manipulative tyrants (correction; they are), who gain power from them (imagine 80% of the chinese population dying; the communist party might have to cut they're arms-race a little bit..).

As for this demon lying, I think any really powerful entity cannot lie. But all messages must be interpreted before understood, hence all lies exist only in the head of the listener..
He says "The catch is that these 100 people are humanity's best. Famous figures as well as virtual unknowns, and the demon promises that there is much in man's future in these 100 people, and only they can accomplish it. To kill them is to rob the world of its 100 best and all they can produce forevermore."

Best. Accomplish. Much to future. Produce. Okay. How about Good? What is the best from a Demons point of view? Even if the Demon would consider them good for us, would WE consider them good for us? What does a Demon define as "worst"? Without lying he may already trapping me...


Furthermore, why is he asking me? Why does he care? Why is my answer more important than the lives of whatever? Wouldn't a demon just go there and kill the 100 best? Unless he can't. He can kill people basically already in his domain, but not those of virtue. He sets, then, a trap for a mere mortal, who is not bound by divine/whatever laws. etc etc. My point seems obvious.

All this makes it no better to let him kill 2 billion people, however. And they are all arguable points. So here's my line; Whatever the demon does is his business. I will do whatever I will, and that wont involve killing people, for myself nor anyone else. The demon is an adult, hence he is responsible for his own actions. I might have had a chance to stop him, but I am not responsible for not stopping anything, only for actions I start.

Besides, if the 2 billion people can't do anything about it themselves, I think they had it coming.