10 Year Old Exemplifies Sexualization of Children?

I think people are overreacting. I have pics of me like this when I was little. I wore my mom's clothes, heels, and make-up. I just didn't have it as well pulled together. I have pics like this of my daughter as well. Some she's striking a pose in her rocket football cheerleading outfit when she was in 3rd grade (younger than this girl) Nothing sexual about it.

I think we are talking more about the girl on the T shirt . You might want to go back and look at it and see if you want a picture of your daughter posed that way put on a t shirt sold all over the world . If Me daughter turned legal 100% human by government standards and she did ? A yeah I would go along with it all , otherwise I might try Me best at persuasion . A redirect so to speak , but that is just Me.
I think we are talking more about the girl on the T shirt . You might want to go back and look at it and see if you want a picture of your daughter posed that way put on a t shirt sold all over the world . If Me daughter turned legal 100% human by government standards and she did ? A yeah I would go along with it all , otherwise I might try Me best at persuasion . A redirect so to speak , but that is just Me.

I have a pic of my daughter like that sitting on the beach in her swim suit. Not sexual at all. I guess I just don't see it as sexy.

and seriously, how many of those shirts were sold before the parents made the huge fuss? I bet they are selling more now and their model daughter is getting more exposure, which can only help her career.
I have a pic of my daughter like that sitting on the beach in her swim suit. Not sexual at all. I guess I just don't see it as sexy.

and seriously, how many of those shirts were sold before the parents made the huge fuss? I bet they are selling more now and their model daughter is getting more exposure, which can only help her career.

O.K. what ever . When I was young we went to the hippie hole on the Yuba River and everybody was naked so no big deal I guess . There was pervs up high on ridges taking pictures and snooping with binoks at us . Can't really blame em to much cause all the hippie girls were drop dead beautiful .We went naked a lot being all free and all . So come on out we will all get naked . Not . I don't do that anymore . Me wife is not into it , but I will point you in the right direction if you like.

Is that what you mean by girls you know ? Tell Me more ?
The photo in the OP is an example of getting as close to crossing the line as possible, without actually obviously crossing it (although I am sure many would say it has indeed been crossed already, and understandably so). Take those bunny rabbits away (which are clearly designed to overlay just the right amount of cutesy innocence to steer the interpretation back to safer waters) and you have something that is clearly and unabashedly flirting with the complete sexualization of a child.

In the end, we should be trying to stay as far away from this line as possible rather than allowing the fashion (or whatever) industry to dangle our children over it. I can't see how this could have been anything other than a comprimise of good parenting for the sake of a bit of cash.
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What's the difference to the one in the OP?

a few things.. fully clothed for 1 not in a sexually provocative position wearing items that sexually appeal to males