10 Questions for Atheists and What do Atheists Believe:

Why dont you answer the questions given before asking your own?
I did answer BUT sometimes in order to show ggazoo that the OP questions made assumptions about people's belief (which you will noticed many people had a gripe about). I simply asked ggazoo similar questions. That is probably the easiest way for him/her to understand the natural bias that was present in their OP.

For example, in the question: Why do you say that there is no God? There are a couple of assumptions. One that atheists claim there is no God. We don't, or I don't. We simply lack a belief in Gods. Second, this assumes there is only one God. What about other Gods? Which Gods is this person referring to? What about Goddesses? In essence, ggazoo's question shows ggazoo's hand. He/she seems upset that we lack a faith in their belief yet it seems by this question that He/'she lacks a belief in many other people's beliefs. In effect ggazoo IS AN ATHEIST TOO (for these other beliefs). Perhaps ggazoo never thought of him/herself as Athiest. But they are.

Perhaps with this new understanding they will turn to the dark-side and praise be to all atheists real Lord Ha Shatan. ggazoo give your soul over to Him to devour for all eternity and come join us in the Dark Realm of Atheism bwahahahaaaa - all praise ha Shatan.

I think atheists can be summed up as:

We only believe in evidence derived from a consensus of percepts, except when we don't.
Your argument goes nowhere given that you too are ultimately atheist. I speak with regards to the many many gods from Marduk to Apollo, Abellio to Quetzecotl.

The hypocrisy is shocking.
Your argument goes nowhere given that you too are ultimately atheist. I speak with regards to the many many gods from Marduk to Apollo, Abellio to Quetzecotl.

The hypocrisy is shocking.

Don't be silly, those were prophets of antiquity, and gave the message as suitable to the people of the time. :spank:
Don't be silly, those were prophets of antiquity, and gave the message as suitable to the people of the time.

Whatever excuse works best for you.

Thanks for making my point.
Don't be silly, those were prophets of antiquity, and gave the message as suitable to the people of the time. :spank:
Thankfully one day someone will be looking back and saying the same thing about your god, along with everyone elses. ;)
We believe that all is as it is because a great rift ocurred long ago between the forces of stuff and not-stuff. In the beginning there was not stuff nor was there not-stuff. There was a complete lack of stuff-ness and not-stuff-ness. This was the not-cosmos. Then, one non-day, stuff seperated from not-stuff. The agent of the great rift (who was neither stuff nor not-stuff) is the great atheist teacher and overlord, Porganut. He who took on the forms of stuff and not-tuff simultaneousy but seperately is the One we follow and believe in.
They tend to be unified according to what they believe everything about theism is

* 3.2.1 Epistemological arguments
* 3.2.2 Metaphysical arguments
* 3.2.3 Psychological, sociological and economical arguments
* 3.2.4 Logical and evidential arguments
* 3.2.5 Anthropocentric arguments
What do atheists believe about why everything is?

All kinds of different things. Atheists don't follow a single set of beliefs.

Most of them do not, however, believe that the universe was sneezed out of the nose of the Great Green Arkleseizure.
You can't see wind, and yet, you see its affects on the world. You also cannot see God, but you can see his affects on the world. Also, if you were to hear a bang, and ask "who did that?" You would not accept the answer "Oh, it just happened." So how could the beginning of the world happen. There's a creator of everything, and everyone. Except for God Himself.

This argument is as old as the hills but you seem blissfully unaware of the fact. Tell me, who created god ?
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This one's always funny - There's a creator of everything, and everyone. Except for God Herself.
This one's always funny - There's a creator of everything, and everyone. Except for God Herself.

God is not a physical or corporeal manifestation. A supernatural phenomena would not be subject to our natural, perceivable laws. You'd be hardpressed to find a theist who believed that God existed within His own creation, or was in any way like it. You may find it difficult to conceive, but God (as described by the majority of theists) was never "born" or "created". Simply, God has always been.
yes I understand, it seems to me that if one is willing to accept the concept that something (in this case God) can exist without ever having been created then one should be able to take this raitiontal and apply it to our universe or reality in general. The Universe (or reality) has always existed.

And, unlike God, we have evidence for the Universe really existing! :)
yes I understand, it seems to me that if one is willing to accept the concept that something (in this case God) can exist without ever having been created then one should be able to take this raitiontal and apply it to our universe or reality in general. The Universe (or reality) has always existed.

And, unlike God, we have evidence for the Universe really existing! :)

Go ahead and think that. Just have fun arguing with your atheist counterparts who believe strongly in prominent theories of a finite universe.
Atheists believe that one day Caine will return and consume the blood of all humans, in an apocalyptic event known as Ghenna.