10 Questions for Atheists and What do Atheists Believe:


Registered Senior Member
Having been around these boards on and off for a couple of years now, I wanted to pose 10 question which I feel summarize the bulk of conversations on these boards. The following questions were taken from a list compiled on from tektonics.org, and I'm curious to hears the responses.

10 Questions for Atheists:​

  1. Why do you consistently deny the existence of God because you personally have never seen Him, but reject out of hand personal testimony from theists who claim to have experienced God as a reality in their lives?

  2. Why do you believe that if something cannot be touched, seen, heard, or measured in some way, then it must not exist… yet you fail to see the irony of your calling Christians "narrow-minded"?

  3. Why do you say that there is no God and that those who believe in God do so in blind faith, when your claim that there is no God also rests on blind faith?

  4. Why do you believe that planes, computers, calculators, compasses, etc, were "all obviously designed," yet the human body, being intricately more complex was "obviously a product of biological evolution"? It seems the more complex the apparatus, the more obvious the "fact" that it was not designed.

  5. Why do you insist that science is completely partial to all ideas, is not dogmatic and researches all possibilities… except creationism and/or intelligent design?

  6. How can you think that religious wars have killed more people than any other kind of war, even though the largest wars of the last 200 years (World War I and II, Civil War, etc.) had no discernable religious causes at all?

  7. Why do you think that 'mission statements' on Christian websites proves the authors are biased which automatically renders the material on those sites weak and unscholarly, yet you see no problem with 'mission statements' glorifying naturalism found on atheistic websites?

  8. Why do you feel that Christians who go into atheist chat rooms are "shoving their beliefs down people's throats", and that atheists who go into Christian chat rooms are only trying to educate?

  9. Why do you deny that someone can possibly know they know the truth ('It's just belief, not knowledge,") while at the same time claiming to know the truth yourself?

  10. And why do you insist that the historical data is too sparse to know anything about the ancient world, but then proceed to tell us what 'actually happened' anyway?
1. Their reality is not my reality. I deny God because I do not need God. I have the power of will to be my own God, I don't need to bow before others
If you were offered a great job and to get it all you had to do is bow. Then what would you do?

if you were told things literally and materialistically explained down to physics of everything. Than what would you do?

if bowing once to gain advantage over the other later is inevitable, than such shall be done
Why do you consistently deny the existence of God because you personally have never seen Him, but reject out of hand personal testimony from theists who claim to have experienced God as a reality in their lives?

Because I am by nature a skeptic, I never take anyones word for truth. If they think god has spoken to them, good for them. No god has ever spoken to me.

Why do you believe that if something cannot be touched, seen, heard, or measured in some way, then it must not exist… yet you fail to see the irony of your calling Christians "narrow-minded"?

Such is the difference of those who believe based on faith and those who want proof.

Why do you say that there is no God and that those who believe in God do so in blind faith, when your claim that there is no God also rests on blind faith?

The claim that there is no god is based on the fact that there is as of yet no scientific proof of god. That is the basis for my belief, its not blind its just cynnical.

Why do you believe that planes, computers, calculators, compasses, etc, were "all obviously designed," yet the human body, being intricately more complex was "obviously a product of biological evolution"? It seems the more complex the apparatus, the more obvious the "fact" that it was not designed.

Because..computers....planes...calculators etc where designed. Besides the theory that we were magically created by an omnipotent being, it just seems like the best logical choice, unless of course you have proof otherwise?

Why do you insist that science is completely partial to all ideas, is not dogmatic and researches all possibilities… except creationism and/or intelligent design?

To the best of my knowledge there are those out their who try to blend creationism with science. More power to them.

How can you think that religious wars have killed more people than any other kind of war, even though the largest wars of the last 200 years (World War I and II, Civil War, etc.) had no discernable religious causes at all?

They did however use a religious minority groupa as scapegoats and a reason to murder millions of people.

Why do you think that 'mission statements' on Christian websites proves the authors are biased which automatically renders the material on those sites weak and unscholarly, yet you see no problem with 'mission statements' glorifying naturalism found on atheistic websites?

Who the hell ever said this? If your mission statement clearly states your bias then thats what it does. It works both ways. :rolleyes:

Why do you feel that Christians who go into atheist chat rooms are "shoving their beliefs down people's throats", and that atheists who go into Christian chat rooms are only trying to educate?

Yet again who said this? this is called an assumption.....:D

Why do you deny that someone can possibly know they know the truth ('It's just belief, not knowledge,") while at the same time claiming to know the truth yourself?

What truth are we talking about? I have never claimed to know the "truth"

And why do you insist that the historical data is too sparse to know anything about the ancient world, but then proceed to tell us what 'actually happened' anyway?

Its called discussing your views, are we shoving our historical views down your throat too by telling you that there are alternatives to what everyone was brought up to believe?

Anyways. have a nice day :D
These questions make suggestions about atheist’s beliefs but there is little here that reflects the atheist position.

These implications seem to be derived from what theists “think” atheists believe.
These questions make suggestions about atheist’s beliefs but there is little here that reflects the atheist position.

These implications seem to be derived from what theists “think” atheists believe.

yes, assuming what someone believes without actually asking them is teh lame. :D
[*]Why do you consistently deny the existence of God because you personally have never seen Him, but reject out of hand personal testimony from theists who claim to have experienced God as a reality in their lives? The same reason I do not believe in unicorns. As for experience, I could claim to have experienced seeing a unicorn, that does not make it true.

[*]Why do you believe that if something cannot be touched, seen, heard, or measured in some way, then it must not exist… yet you fail to see the irony of your calling Christians "narrow-minded"? Because if there's no evidence for something people can just make up any fantasy they like and call it fact. I could decide that the world is ruled by 2 huge pink scorpions, then go around calling people narrow minded for not believing in them.

[*]Why do you say that there is no God and that those who believe in God do so in blind faith, when your claim that there is no God also rests on blind faith? I believe in things when I see some kind of evidence. When there's evidence for unicorns, I'll start believing in them. When there's evidence for God, I'll do likewise. Until then I'm not going to just believe in things because someone says I should.

[*]Why do you believe that planes, computers, calculators, compasses, etc, were "all obviously designed," yet the human body, being intricately more complex was "obviously a product of biological evolution"? It seems the more complex the apparatus, the more obvious the "fact" that it was not designed. When did I say that?

[*]Why do you insist that science is completely partial to all ideas, is not dogmatic and researches all possibilities… except creationism and/or intelligent design? Did I say that?

[*]How can you think that religious wars have killed more people than any other kind of war, even though the largest wars of the last 200 years (World War I and II, Civil War, etc.) had no discernable religious causes at all? Did I say that?

[*]Why do you think that 'mission statements' on Christian websites proves the authors are biased which automatically renders the material on those sites weak and unscholarly, yet you see no problem with 'mission statements' glorifying naturalism found on atheistic websites? I have never said I think that.

[*]Why do you feel that Christians who go into atheist chat rooms are "shoving their beliefs down people's throats", and that atheists who go into Christian chat rooms are only trying to educate? I have never said that. [flames deleted]

[*]Why do you deny that someone can possibly know they know the truth ('It's just belief, not knowledge,") while at the same time claiming to know the truth yourself? I have never said that either. Stop attacking all atheists because of a few pushy ones, [Insult deleted].

[*]And why do you insist that the historical data is too sparse to know anything about the ancient world, but then proceed to tell us what 'actually happened' anyway? I have never done that either. [flame deleted].
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Having been around these boards on and off for a couple of years now, I wanted to pose 10 question which I feel summarize the bulk of conversations on these boards. The following questions were taken from a list compiled on from tektonics.org, and I'm curious to hears the responses.

10 Questions for Atheists:​

  1. [*]Why do you consistently deny the existence of God because you personally have never seen Him, but reject out of hand personal testimony from theists who claim to have experienced God as a reality in their lives?

    Personal testimony is exactly what it says. I don't care what people believe but I draw the line if they insist that those who disagree with them are in error. If we abandon our reliance on empirical evidence, then anything goes. What would you say to someone who claimed he was Napoleon and that he had personal experience of unicorns ? Would you not ask for evidence to support his claim ?

    [*]Why do you believe that if something cannot be touched, seen, heard, or measured in some way, then it must not exist… yet you fail to see the irony of your calling Christians "narrow-minded"?

    How could anyone possibly show the existence of such a thing ? It's not narrow-minded, it's deluional to believe that such things exist. Prove me wrong !

    [*]Why do you say that there is no God and that those who believe in God do so in blind faith, when your claim that there is no God also rests on blind faith?

    My reason for not believing in god is not based on blind faith; it's based on the absence of evidence. There may be something called god but we have no way of knowing up to now. Blind faith is when one believes in an ancient book which is riddled with contradictions. Christians cannot agree on what some parts of it mean, hence the number of denominations

    [*]Why do you believe that planes, computers, calculators, compasses, etc, were "all obviously designed," yet the human body, being intricately more complex was "obviously a product of biological evolution"? It seems the more complex the apparatus, the more obvious the "fact" that it was not designed.

    This argument is as old as the hills but it still crops up. If you do not understand evolutionary theory, I suggest you read up on it and then decide. Evolution is a gradual process. Nobody claims that something just appears from nowhere.

    [*]Why do you insist that science is completely partial to all ideas, is not dogmatic and researches all possibilities… except creationism and/or intelligent design?

    Because evolutionary theory shows such ideas to be wrong. This can only be understood if one understands both sides of the argument. So, again, I suggest you read up on evolution and then make your mind up based on the evidence presented. You are wrong to assume that evolutionists have not considered what Creationism has to say.

    [*]How can you think that religious wars have killed more people than any other kind of war, even though the largest wars of the last 200 years (World War I and II, Civil War, etc.) had no discernable religious causes at all?

    I think there would be wars with or without religion.

    [*]Why do you think that 'mission statements' on Christian websites proves the authors are biased which automatically renders the material on those sites weak and unscholarly, yet you see no problem with 'mission statements' glorifying naturalism found on atheistic websites?

    I make no such claims. I simply reserve the right to use my reason and then decide what to believe based on the evidence presented

    [*]Why do you feel that Christians who go into atheist chat rooms are "shoving their beliefs down people's throats", and that atheists who go into Christian chat rooms are only trying to educate?

    I don't know. I understand than Christians believe they have a duty to spread the word because of what Jesus said to his disciples

    [*]Why do you deny that someone can possibly know they know the truth ('It's just belief, not knowledge,") while at the same time claiming to know the truth yourself?

    I suggest you read up on epistemology so you can understand the difference between belief and knowledge. Again, make your own mind up but only when you have an understanding of the issue

    [*]And why do you insist that the historical data is too sparse to know anything about the ancient world, but then proceed to tell us what 'actually happened' anyway?

    A lot is known about the ancient world so. I'm not sure what you are getting at here. Are you referring to written records or the fossil record ? If you mean the fossil record then I suggest you read up on it and make your mind up based on the evidence.

    In my experience most people want easy answers to what are difficult problems. It's a cop out to simply claim that everything one needs to know is to be found in the Bible. There is hard evidence to show that Genesis, for example, is nothing more than a fable. But to understand that it is necessary to know enough about science to have an informed opinion. That is something most Christians seem reluctant to do

These questions make suggestions about atheist’s beliefs but there is little here that reflects the atheist position.

These implications seem to be derived from what theists “think” atheists believe.

Why do you consistently deny the existence of God because you personally have never seen Him,
Credibility. Where is there any reason to even consider that there could be a super being capable of creating universes? There is absolutely no precedent or even remote evidence that anything so fantastic might be possible.

but reject out of hand personal testimony from theists who claim to have experienced God as a reality in their lives?
They cannot show that what they claim is any different from the vastly more credible probability of self delusion.

Why do you believe that if something cannot be touched, seen, heard, or measured in some way, then it must not exist… yet you fail to see the irony of your calling Christians "narrow-minded"?
Atheists don’t claim that.

Why do you say that there is no God and that those who believe in God do so in blind faith, when your claim that there is no God also rests on blind faith?
Credibility. Why consider the God concept any different to total fantasy?

Why do you believe that planes, computers, calculators, compasses, etc, were "all obviously designed," yet the human body, being intricately more complex was "obviously a product of biological evolution"? It seems the more complex the apparatus, the more obvious the "fact" that it was not designed.
Why suggest that something even more complex like a creator of the universe would be exempt from being designed. If the argument is that anything complex needs a designer then the creationists need to explain who designed their creator. If they can’t then the argument that complexity must have a designer has no merit.

Why do you insist that science is completely partial to all ideas, is not dogmatic and researches all possibilities… except creationism and/or intelligent design?
ID isn’t science, it’s theology. The question is also taken from the layman’s (or religionist’s) erroneous perspective of how science operates.

How can you think that religious wars have killed more people than any other kind of war, even though the largest wars of the last 200 years (World War I and II, Civil War, etc.) had no discernable religious causes at all?
Not sure what this has to do with people believing fantasies are true.

Why do you think that 'mission statements' on Christian websites proves the authors are biased which automatically renders the material on those sites weak and unscholarly, yet you see no problem with 'mission statements' glorifying naturalism found on atheistic websites?
Several subjective emotive statements there that needs to be corrected before a meaningful answer can be applied. Every case needs to be examined on its own merit.

Why do you feel that Christians who go into atheist chat rooms are "shoving their beliefs down people's throats", and that atheists who go into Christian chat rooms are only trying to educate?
I suspect this might happen in some cases, but here the implication is that it is general and I’m not sure that biased perspective is true.

Why do you deny that someone can possibly know they know the truth ('It's just belief, not knowledge,") while at the same time claiming to know the truth yourself?
Most informed atheists don’t claim to know the truth. But how can someone know the truth without independent verification? I.e. how do they know their belief is not simply self delusion, if there is no evidence to the contrary?

And why do you insist that the historical data is too sparse to know anything about the ancient world, but then proceed to tell us what 'actually happened' anyway?
Most informed atheists don’t do that.
[*]Why do you consistently deny the existence of God because you personally have never seen Him, but reject out of hand personal testimony from theists who claim to have experienced God as a reality in their lives?
Because I cannot share a personal experience. I have no doubt these people are sincere in their reports of experiencing something, but until there is something other than their personal testimony to go on, there is no compelling reason to believe it myself. People experience all kinds of things in various states of consciousness. They also interpret their experience within the cultural context they are familiar with. Even if I acknowledge they experienced something, I am still just taking their word as to their interpretation of it. People are just as passionate sometimes about ghosts and seeing dead loved ones. The human mind is easily tricked, which is why science is valuable for sorting things out.

[*]Why do you believe that if something cannot be touched, seen, heard, or measured in some way, then it must not exist… yet you fail to see the irony of your calling Christians "narrow-minded"?
I would never say that the phenomenon doesn't exist, but if there can be no measurement, then what information besides personal testimony is there to go on. (see above for why personal testimony is unreliable).

[*]Why do you say that there is no God and that those who believe in God do so in blind faith, when your claim that there is no God also rests on blind faith?
It isn't based on "blind faith", it's based on knowledge of human nature, and the complete lack of evidence of a creator. I don't know there isn't a God, but I think there is an extremely low probability of there being one, so low as to be for all purposes identical to zero.

[*]Why do you believe that planes, computers, calculators, compasses, etc, were "all obviously designed," yet the human body, being intricately more complex was "obviously a product of biological evolution"? It seems the more complex the apparatus, the more obvious the "fact" that it was not designed.
The human body shows signs that it wasn't designed, but rather grew from previous forms- vestigal organs, poor engineering solutions, and the fact that no living structure exists which shows irreducable complexity.

[*]Why do you insist that science is completely partial to all ideas, is not dogmatic and researches all possibilities… except creationism and/or intelligent design?
Intelligent design has been analyzed with science, and it falls short.

[*]How can you think that religious wars have killed more people than any other kind of war, even though the largest wars of the last 200 years (World War I and II, Civil War, etc.) had no discernable religious causes at all?
It's still true. And then there's Islamic terrorism.

[*]Why do you think that 'mission statements' on Christian websites proves the authors are biased which automatically renders the material on those sites weak and unscholarly, yet you see no problem with 'mission statements' glorifying naturalism found on atheistic websites?
I am not familiar with such statements, but if they are based on an ancient book, then they are mostly just superstition and biased in favor of a theology.

[*]Why do you feel that Christians who go into atheist chat rooms are "shoving their beliefs down people's throats", and that atheists who go into Christian chat rooms are only trying to educate?
? I don't mind Christians doing so, but their talk is based on faith, not verifiable knowledge.

[*]Why do you deny that someone can possibly know they know the truth ('It's just belief, not knowledge,") while at the same time claiming to know the truth yourself?
Scientific truth is based on more than faith.

[*]And why do you insist that the historical data is too sparse to know anything about the ancient world, but then proceed to tell us what 'actually happened' anyway?
There are scholarly interpretations of historical documents, and then there are religious ones, clouded by belief.
10 Questions for Atheists:​

  1. Why do you consistently deny the existence of God because you personally have never seen Him, but reject out of hand personal testimony from theists who claim to have experienced God as a reality in their lives?
    what some people call 'experiencing God' I call coincidence, getting lucky, making good choices, etc. They did it, not god.
  2. Why do you believe that if something cannot be touched, seen, heard, or measured in some way, then it must not exist… yet you fail to see the irony of your calling Christians "narrow-minded"?
    The only time I ever considered anyone narrow minded is when they judge other people. (gay, black, handicapped) Atheists and believers can be narrow minded in these areas. Its got nothing to do with god.

  3. Why do you say that there is no God and that those who believe in God do so in blind faith, when your claim that there is no God also rests on blind faith?
    No, me not believing rests on lack of evidence. You show me, I'll believe.

  4. Why do you believe that planes, computers, calculators, compasses, etc, were "all obviously designed," yet the human body, being intricately more complex was "obviously a product of biological evolution"? It seems the more complex the apparatus, the more obvious the "fact" that it was not designed.
    I see evidence of evolution, I've never seen evidence of this design thing.

  5. Why do you insist that science is completely partial to all ideas, is not dogmatic and researches all possibilities… except creationism and/or intelligent design?
    You want to prove it, you research it.

  6. How can you think that religious wars have killed more people than any other kind of war, even though the largest wars of the last 200 years (World War I and II, Civil War, etc.) had no discernable religious causes at all?
    LOL! In the last 200 yrs they may not have all been fought explicitly for religion, but God Bless America sure got soldiers to line up.
    And the Iraqi war is because of religion. Maybe not for Christians, but for radical Islamics it is. Don't discount it just because its not an American war or a Christian one.

  7. Why do you think that 'mission statements' on Christian websites proves the authors are biased which automatically renders the material on those sites weak and unscholarly, yet you see no problem with 'mission statements' glorifying naturalism found on atheistic websites?
    I don't go to christian web sites. For me to do so to argue with them would serve no purpose.
  8. Why do you feel that Christians who go into atheist chat rooms are "shoving their beliefs down people's throats", and that atheists who go into Christian chat rooms are only trying to educate?
    I don't. Christians are doing that because its what they are supposed to do. Atheists who try to 'educate' are no better than christian missionaries. Its arrogant and rude.

  9. Why do you deny that someone can possibly know they know the truth ('It's just belief, not knowledge,") while at the same time claiming to know the truth yourself?
    Truth is based on proof, not belief. Until you have proof, its not going to be my belief nor my truth.
  10. And why do you insist that the historical data is too sparse to know anything about the ancient world, but then proceed to tell us what 'actually happened' anyway?
I don't know what happened and would never presume to tell you what really happened. Scientists have found proof of some of the events in the bible and I have no problem believing parts of those events. But for the bible to be the only source of historical data is stupid.

And the questions you ask are valid. There are a lot of atheists out there who are no better than christians in there need to convert.
[*]Why do you consistently deny the existence of God because you personally have never seen Him, but reject out of hand personal testimony from theists who claim to have experienced God as a reality in their lives?
Which GOD?
Theist have personally claimed to experience Zeus, Buddha, various modern day Japanese Gods, Goddesses, etc… Which one are you talking about????

Do you deny the existence of the great flying spaghetti monster?

Also, how do you know It’s a “Him”. Does He have a penis? If so why? Does It f*ck? Who? If not then lets just call It an IT.

[*]Why do you believe that if something cannot be touched, seen, heard, or measured in some way, then it must not exist… yet you fail to see the irony of your calling Christians "narrow-minded"?
I never said it MUST NOT exist. Just that I lack a belief in It’s existence. Much like you probably lack a belief in Zeus.

(PS: I like your use of IT ;))

[*]Why do you say that there is no God and that those who believe in God do so in blind faith, when your claim that there is no God also rests on blind faith?
Firstly – I never said there is NO GOD. I simply lack a belief in IT.

Do you say there are NO Goddesses? Why?
Do you say there are no other Gods? Why?
Do you lack a belief that Mohammad was the last Prophet? Why?

[*]Why do you believe that planes, computers, calculators, compasses, etc, were "all obviously designed," yet the human body, being intricately more complex was "obviously a product of biological evolution"? It seems the more complex the apparatus, the more obvious the "fact" that it was not designed.
Yes, it also “seems” that the Earth is flat. But it’s not flat, it’s round and we evolved.

[*]Why do you insist that science is completely partial to all ideas, is not dogmatic and researches all possibilities… except creationism and/or intelligent design?
Science is a method. It can not measure ID so ID is outside of the realm that is Science.

[*]How can you think that religious wars have killed more people than any other kind of war, even though the largest wars of the last 200 years (World War I and II, Civil War, etc.) had no discernable religious causes at all?
I simply maintain that people can be motivated by religion to go to war and kill other people. I’m sure you agree.
Historically, most people went to war over trying to make more money or gain land (see feudal Japan and the Samurai for an example, Ancient Roma, the Mongolians conquests, the Arabs that happen to be Muslims conquests, etc.. )

[*]Why do you think that 'mission statements' on Christian websites proves the authors are biased which automatically renders the material on those sites weak and unscholarly, yet you see no problem with 'mission statements' glorifying naturalism found on atheistic websites?
If they are published in scientific reputable journals I am happy to read them. I will also not spend my time reading atheists dribble not published in peer reviewed scientific journals.

Hell, even when I do read peer reviewed articles, I take them with a BIG dose of salt!

[*]Why do you feel that Christians who go into atheist chat rooms are "shoving their beliefs down people's throats", and that atheists who go into Christian chat rooms are only trying to educate?
I don’t’ feel like that. This is a debate so lets debate.

[*]Why do you deny that someone can possibly know they know the truth ('It's just belief, not knowledge,") while at the same time claiming to know the truth yourself?
I never claimed to know the truth – I simply lack a belief in God much like you lack a beleif in Goddesses.

You AND I are atheistic for many many many many many Gods and Goddesses.

What about your belief ggazoo?

Does the possibility exist that there is NO GOD?

[*]And why do you insist that the historical data is too sparse to know anything about the ancient world, but then proceed to tell us what 'actually happened' anyway?
I never said that.

Hope that answered your questions

I see that having a belief is necessary for many people. It doesn't matter to me if they want to believe in eggplants created all life, that's their right to think so. I just am upset when those who believe in something other that what I do, which is in myself, they tend to want to make whatever their belief is as a fact. Making others to believe in something other than what they want to isn't a way to be tolerant but only forces people into believing them or else.
Why do you consistently deny the existence of God because you personally have never seen Him, but reject out of hand personal testimony from theists who claim to have experienced God as a reality in their lives?

'Personal testimony' does not ultimately amount to much. Your argument seems to imply that you believe in alien abduction because people claim to have been abducted by them, you believe in the Loch Ness monster because people claim to have seen it and so on and so forth.

You should be able to answer the question quite sufficiently yourself. To think it's somehow different for your claims would show you're a hypocrite.

Why do you believe that if something cannot be touched, seen, heard, or measured in some way, then it must not exist… yet you fail to see the irony of your calling Christians "narrow-minded"?

The fact of the matter is that you wont find many atheists saying "it must not exist". Evidence however is important to support claims, be it that a god exists or that leprechauns exist. You would demand it in any other situation and to think its any different in this one would show you to be a hypocrite.

Why do you say that there is no God and that those who believe in God do so in blind faith, when your claim that there is no God also rests on blind faith?

It is actually the theist that declares boldly with pride that his belief in god/s is a matter of faith. What is your complaint? As to the first part of your question, you'll find few atheists saying there is no god but that there is no evidence to suggest there is. Work out the difference.

Why do you believe that planes, computers, calculators, compasses, etc, were "all obviously designed," yet the human body, being intricately more complex was "obviously a product of biological evolution"? It seems the more complex the apparatus, the more obvious the "fact" that it was not designed.

This would lead to a long answer and discussion that is probably inapropriate here. We could examine ID, (incompetent design) - for instance the fact that the human eye has a blind spot.. It's idiotic to think the universes greatest intellect made such a blunder. From there we would get into adaptation and evolution, genetics etc etc and so on.

Why do you insist that science is completely partial to all ideas, is not dogmatic and researches all possibilities… except creationism and/or intelligent design?

Creationism does not qualify as science. That's not sciences fault.

How can you think that religious wars have killed more people than any other kind of war, even though the largest wars of the last 200 years (World War I and II, Civil War, etc.) had no discernable religious causes at all?

Religion kills.. constantly and has done since day 1. People, whether religious or not will fight battles - but very few of those battles are over something quite as stupid as which sky fairy we should bow down to.

Why do you think that 'mission statements' on Christian websites proves the authors are biased which automatically renders the material on those sites weak and unscholarly, yet you see no problem with 'mission statements' glorifying naturalism found on atheistic websites?

An example in this instance would be helpful. I did indeed claim bias when Sandy pasted a link claiming that religious people are happier than atheists because it was on a christian website. Nobody can deny the bias there. Any other examples?

Why do you feel that Christians who go into atheist chat rooms are "shoving their beliefs down people's throats", and that atheists who go into Christian chat rooms are only trying to educate?

The question isn't applicable.

Why do you deny that someone can possibly know they know the truth ('It's just belief, not knowledge,") while at the same time claiming to know the truth yourself?

With all due respect but it is the theist that uses the word "belief". I've always found that quite amusing personally. Can you honestly piss and whine when you say "I believe" instead of "I know"?

And why do you insist that the historical data is too sparse to know anything about the ancient world, but then proceed to tell us what 'actually happened' anyway?

What? There's plenty of data, theists tend to close their eyes to any data that conflicts with their faith.
You can't see wind, and yet, you see its affects on the world. You also cannot see God, but you can see his affects on the world. Also, if you were to hear a bang, and ask "who did that?" You would not accept the answer "Oh, it just happened." So how could the beginning of the world happen. There's a creator of everything, and everyone. Except for God Himself.
Which GOD?
Theist have personally claimed to experience Zeus, Buddha, various modern day Japanese Gods, Goddesses, etc… Which one are you talking about????[...]

Why dont you answer the questions given before asking your own?
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"Who did that?" is a leading question, like "when did you stop beating your wife?". It assumes a who, when anything that can be called a who only appeared on Earth around 2 million years ago.
[*]Why do you consistently deny the existence of God because you personally have never seen Him,...

Which 'God'?

...but reject out of hand personal testimony from theists who claim to have experienced God as a reality in their lives?

Truth is the conformity of a concept or notion in the mind to actual reality.
Evidence, on the other hand, is a demonstration that a given reality is valid. Testimony is not a demonstration (i.e. not credible).

[*]Why do you believe that if something cannot be touched, seen, heard, or measured in some way, then it must not exist… yet you fail to see the irony of your calling Christians "narrow-minded"?

That is not a belief I hold.

[*]Why do you say that there is no God and that those who believe in God do so in blind faith, when your claim that there is no God also rests on blind faith?

Which 'God'?

[*]Why do you believe that planes, computers, calculators, compasses, etc, were "all obviously designed,"...

It's not a belief. I know those products are designed because people can be observed to design those things and educate other people how to design them.

...yet the human body, being intricately more complex was "obviously a product of biological evolution"?

It's not a belief. I know life on earth is a product of biologial evolution because it can be demsontrated by observing reality.

It seems the more complex the apparatus, the more obvious the "fact" that it was not designed.

It seems more like flawed thinking.

[*]Why do you insist that science is completely partial to all ideas,...

Can you show me where Atheists insist that?

...is not dogmatic and researches all possibilities… except creationism and/or intelligent design?

Creationism and Intelligent Design are not science. They are Theology.

[*]How can you think that religious wars have killed more people than any other kind of war, even though the largest wars of the last 200 years (World War I and II, Civil War, etc.) had no discernable religious causes at all?

That is not my opinion.

[*]Why do you think that 'mission statements' on Christian websites proves the authors are biased which automatically renders the material on those sites weak and unscholarly, yet you see no problem with 'mission statements' glorifying naturalism found on atheistic websites?

I don't visit such sites very often and I suspect that religious sites use a 'God' as an authority while non-religious sites use 'Reality' as an authority. Seeing as the latter is the only one with credibility, the former becomes far less credible.

[*]Why do you feel that Christians who go into atheist chat rooms are "shoving their beliefs down people's throats",...

Because they issue a high degree of dishonesty.

and that atheists who go into Christian chat rooms are only trying to educate?

Because they issue a high degree of honesty.

[*]Why do you deny that someone can possibly know they know the truth ('It's just belief, not knowledge,") while at the same time claiming to know the truth yourself?

"The" truth?

[*]And why do you insist that the historical data is too sparse to know anything about the ancient world, but then proceed to tell us what 'actually happened' anyway?

That's not my opinion.