“Demon defense” in court?

In the United Kingdom a witness may swear on the Bible or other holy book. If a witness has no religion, or does not wish to swear on a holy book, the witness may make an affirmation he or she is telling the truth instead.
In the United Kingdom a witness may swear on the Bible or other holy book. If a witness has no religion, or does not wish to swear on a holy book, the witness may make an affirmation he or she is telling the truth instead.

Could I really swear on the FSM gospels?
We don't swear on the Bible anyway.

Kenny, it look's like you are wrong.

Up yours pinhead... next you'll be telling me the wind really does cry Mary.

Up yours pinhead? never heard that Hendrix tune.

"Fly on my sweet..........":bawl:
You must snap out of this habit of taking things literally. Scriptures, angels et all.

What are you talking about?


Everyone likes Jimi so dont take it too literally, he did change the lyric's at the record co's request. SRV did something at a performance right bfore he got on a plane and died (something he never did before), but now i am not telling you what it was.
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What are you talking about?


Everyone likes Jimi so dont take it too literally, he did change the lyric's at the record co's request. SRV did something at a performance right bfore he got on a plane and died (something he never did before), but now i am not telling you what it was.

Yes, believe anything Monika Dannemann says. Nobody does, especially RE the circumstances of his death.

Are we to also believe that Jimi believed/practiced Voodoo as well? Going by your artistic interpretation, then yes.
Yes, believe anything Monika Dannemann says. Nobody does, especially RE the circumstances of his death.

Are we to also believe that Jimi believed/practiced Voodoo as well? Going by your artistic interpretation, then yes.

Nobody believes her:bugeye: -that is not true.

Kenny dont you know that 95% of all blues artist's (which is what Hendrix was) believe or believed in Jesus?

And what about Bob Dylan and Marc Bolan (Jewish) would you not like their music because of this?
I do not think that what is meant by being possesed by a demon in the bible is anything supernatural, people can be controlled by fear, lies, coercion, druged along with other things.
Kenny dont you know that 95% of all blues artist's (which is what Hendrix was) believe or believed in Jesus?

That would not surprise me, and I don't doubt Hendrix had some sort of spiritual beliefs... mostly related to music and expressing himself - but he was far from a Bible believing christian. What I object to is people like yourself using a spare lyric of a song to point-score... just like people did with Einstein and his metaphors. You can only use plain speech to decide on what a person believes.

And what about Bob Dylan and Marc Bolan (Jewish) would you not like their music because of this?

No. There is good music and bad music and that is it.
That would not surprise me, and I don't doubt Hendrix had some sort of spiritual beliefs... mostly related to music and expressing himself - but he was far from a Bible believing christian. What I object to is people like yourself using a spare lyric of a song to point-score... just like people did with Einstein and his metaphors. You can only use plain speech to decide on what a person believes.

Kenny, why distort facts? he confided in someone he loved to having faith in JESUS. Weather he was a bible believing Christian or not is up to your own imagination.

Faith means alot to some people, the only reason i mention any of this is to determine weather or not supernatural forces were behind the awesome talent and musical ability of someone who lived for such a short time.

You can leave the poster above your bed up, and who care about scoring points?
"I used to go to Sunday School BUT THE ONLY THING I BELIEVE IN NOW IS MUSIC" (Hendrix, cited by Curtis Knight, Jimi).
the only reason i mention any of this is to determine weather or not supernatural forces were behind the awesome talent and musical ability of someone who lived for such a short time.

I really really hate that shit.. when theists negate any value, worth or talent a human being might have in preference of claiming it's gods doing.
Kenny, why distort facts? he confided in someone he loved to having faith in JESUS

Like I said, it is hardly a fact when you take into account who said it. She gave conflicting accounts of the circumstances of Jimi's death, then subsequently turned into a recluse and developed an apparent obsession of Jimi with all the shrines/paintings, and keeping hold of one of the most valuable guitars in history (the black strat he played Machine Gun on) then finally comitting suicide. I have little doubt that if she was strongly religious herself, then she would of course try to claim that Jimi was too, even if he wasn't.

His statement about Jesus in the following seems to indicate that he thought Jesus was important, but that human hands made him into a myth, suggesting things like the resurrection are 'hogwash'. Not much in the way of faith then is there? Many atheists share the same views of Jesus.

"If you say you are playing electric church music people go 'gasp, gasp' or 'exclaim, exclaim'. The world church is too identified with religion, and music is my religion. Jesus shouldn't have died so early and then he could have got twice as much across. They killed him and then twisted so many of the best things he said. Human hands started messing it all up and now so much of religion is hogwash." (4)

"If there is a God and He made you, then if you believe in yourself, you're also believing in Him...it does mean that what you are and what you do is your religion. I can't express myself easy in conversation -- the words just don't come out right. But when I get up on stage -- well, that's my whole life. That's my religion. My music is electric church music, if by 'church' you mean 'religion'. I am electric religion." (5)
note: there are many mistakes, spelling punctuuation, that i know of but i just let it go. i am just typing real fast and dont really care about that anyway.

Now read this and tell me i am wrong or just insane>

"I used to go to Sunday School BUT THE ONLY THING I BELIEVE IN NOW IS MUSIC" (Hendrix, cited by Curtis Knight, Jimi).

And? I never claimed that he was a fundamentalist.

I really really hate that shit.. when theists negate any value, worth or talent a human being might have in preference of claiming it's gods doing.

Power is in creation, in that I mean when you create something of astonishg beauty and value to mankind (is there a word to replace that yet? mankind) you are at another level than the average p[erson. This is a fact that is difficult to admit for a large part of civilisation.

You can read and acquire knowledge every waken :)bugeye: ) moment yet you will still be average, or slightly above htat of a homeless person. The reason is that the homeless person has abilities that may never be realize but nevertheless may in fact have the capacity to impact society under different circumstances, let's just say something special.

I learned this from a guy i new al long time ago, he had an eight grade education (or maybe even less than that) yet he knew things that i know for a fact the most educated people where not even aware of at the time. Things he told me that made me say "your nuts" and "thats not what they say", his response was i dont give a **** what they say, turned out to be accurate and were later proven.

Now tell me with all honesty you dont think there are a few individauls that come about very rarely who have something remarkable about them? Where you would say i could never do that/

If there is anything in this post anyone respoonds to this should be addressed.

Take for example davinci and michaelangelo, how many lifetimes would it take to acheive what they did in a decade or two? I see hendrix in the same way, the reason as noted above and he was a pioneer who was incredibly inspired as were the two previously mentioned. Or if this does not do it then maybe paganini http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Niccolò_Paganini

Last night i lestened to 'the song remans the same' four times in a row and was thinking that is incredibl;e. not only to play, which just take alot of practice, but to write the music and be able to reproduce this talent with other songs. Look at the sheet music, it is an art in itself and has a sense of purpose that just fits and then i wonder if his guitar is trying to express something beyond music or if these sopunds can be elevated to a language of some sort because that guitar is saying something...it is building from tone and notes.

Once i saw old concert footage of page and for a few seconds he played a pert that i have no idea where it came from. it just conveyed the impression of being beyond human possibility. He was in the zone and i dont know where it could have come from, it literally sounded like two or more people playing.

Like I said, it is hardly a fact when you take into account who said it. She gave conflicting accounts of the circumstances of Jimi's death, then subsequently turned into a recluse and developed an apparent obsession of Jimi with all the shrines/paintings, and keeping hold of one of the most valuable guitars in history (the black strat he played Machine Gun on) then finally comitting suicide. I have little doubt that if she was strongly religious herself, then she would of course try to claim that Jimi was too, even if he wasn't.

His statement about Jesus in the following seems to indicate that he thought Jesus was important, but that human hands made him into a myth, suggesting things like the resurrection are 'hogwash'. Not much in the way of faith then is there? Many atheists share the same views of Jesus.

"If you say you are playing electric church music people go 'gasp, gasp' or 'exclaim, exclaim'. The world church is too identified with religion, and music is my religion. Jesus shouldn't have died so early and then he could have got twice as much across. They killed him and then twisted so many of the best things he said. Human hands started messing it all up and now so much of religion is hogwash." (4)

"If there is a God and He made you, then if you believe in yourself, you're also believing in Him...it does mean that what you are and what you do is your religion. I can't express myself easy in conversation -- the words just don't come out right. But when I get up on stage -- well, that's my whole life. That's my religion. My music is electric church music, if by 'church' you mean 'religion'. I am electric religion." (5)

Kenny you are far too cynical. Like i sad, he has spoken of Jesus (based on your own quotes) and the term 'faith' is the key word. You added everything else to my original statem.

And YES for the last time i believe her. Why would anyone lie about that? you believe many who have $12 a month web sites dont you?

Noma 1: for M*W: i didnt forget to respond to that post, your the best.

Noma 2: do not reproda any part of this post, without crediting John99, i will know if you do.

Noma 3: foza(forza) predilictone del monico(a) una. Christ the prophet, lives in the stratosphere. donde este mione una.
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After this^ post i passed out and slept for 14 hours, so no one has any comments on it then? It took alot out of me.

Noma3: is an ancient form of preLatin, can anyone decipher it and post the answer here?
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Power is in creation, in that I mean when you create something of astonishg beauty and value to mankind (is there a word to replace that yet? mankind) you are at another level than the average p[erson. This is a fact that is difficult to admit for a large part of civilisation.

I don't understand what you're trying to say with concerns to what I said. Please clarify.

Now tell me with all honesty you dont think there are a few individauls that come about very rarely who have something remarkable about them? Where you would say i could never do that/

Not entirely, no. My wife can't sing like Mariah Carey, but she's hot in bed. Which of those is of any more worth or value? Who decides what is or isn't remarkable? Ok, admittedly Mariah Carey can sing damn high notes, but in my subjective opinion that's a lot less remarkable than my wifes ability to [censored]. It's possible I'm different to most people, but I don't see anyone as being more "remarkable" than anyone else. They're not better, they're just different.

Take for example davinci and michaelangelo, how many lifetimes would it take to acheive what they did in a decade or two?

And yet unlike David Beckham, neither of those two could score a free kick from the half way line. Unlike Linford Christie neither of those two could run 100m in 10.2 seconds, (example). Why would the ability to splodge paint on a wall be of any more value than the ability to kick a leather ball around a pitch, drink 10 pints of beer in 2 minutes or have sex for 12 straight hours?

Last night i lestened to 'the song remans the same' four times in a row and was thinking that is incredibl;e.

I'm pleased for you, but it's entirely subjective. Last night I got laid four times in a row and was thinking that is incredible - and certainly more so than listening to a guy that knows how to pluck a few pieces of metal wire.

Anyway, none of this really has anything to do with what I said.
I don't understand what you're trying to say with concerns to what I said. Please clarify.

Now tell me with all honesty you dont think there are a few individauls that come about very rarely who have something remarkable about them? Where you would say i could never do that/

Not entirely, no. My wife can't sing like Mariah Carey, but she's hot in bed. Which of those is of any more worth or value? Who decides what is or isn't remarkable? Ok, admittedly Mariah Carey can sing damn high notes, but in my subjective opinion that's a lot less remarkable than my wifes ability to [censored]. It's possible I'm different to most people, but I don't see anyone as being more "remarkable" than anyone else. They're not better, they're just different.

And yet unlike David Beckham, neither of those two could score a free kick from the half way line. Unlike Linford Christie neither of those two could run 100m in 10.2 seconds, (example). Why would the ability to splodge paint on a wall be of any more value than the ability to kick a leather ball around a pitch, drink 10 pints of beer in 2 minutes or have sex for 12 straight hours?

Anyway, none of this really has anything to do with what I said.

What some would call the epiphany of a possible manifestation (guided\helped), where the individual is at a higher level...more human or more than human.

You know the artist's who capture the depth, the seamless transition's etc., at that point when they captured it did it come from another place?
You know the artist's who capture the depth, the seamless transition's etc., at that point when they captured it did it come from another place?

Why would it come from another place? You put that little value or worth on human ability?