رقصة الشيخ المخبول

So you think the Mad Mullah bashing himself on the head was only "acting crazy" because he was a "paid professional"? Watch the video again SAM. He's in the act of losing the plot... and THESE are the people you look up to for guidance? AND you wonder why things are in the mess they're in? PuuuuLEASE!

He's a shia, its an Ashura ritual. You see them for decades, they become commonplace. I think there is no ritual mourning in the west so perhaps for you its a novelty? I've seen much worse

Here is a movie trailor about it


Its probably shirk by Islamic standards but people will be people.

Some will even set it to music and call a mourning, a dance. :shrug:

At least this guy was only beating his head

These guys attach swords to their whips and beat themselves senseless



Even in New York [where they are decidedly flabbier :p]

This guy was paid to act like a fruitloop? Watch again you'll see that he even catches his handlers off guard. IMO they start tapping on their heads and looking at the audience in a sort of show of support - else he truly look like the crackpot he is. What is scary is that in the Theists' world THESE are the people running things :S

THAT'S crazy.

Tell me you wouldn't think this old man was mentally unstable if he started telling you God was talking to him and then telling you what God was saying.... Bizzo World if you ask me.
This guy was paid to act like a fruitloop? Watch again you'll see that he even catches his handlers off guard. IMO they start tapping on their heads and looking at the audience in a sort of show of support - else he truly look like the crackpot he is. What is scary is that in the Theists' world THESE are the people running things :S

THAT'S crazy.

Tell me you wouldn't think this old man was mentally unstable if he started telling you God was talking to him and then telling you what God was saying.... Bizzo World if you ask me.

What part of "mourning ritual" is difficult for you to understand? Have you seen the Buddhist mourning ritual for the unborn dead?

Rituals don't have any meaning, they are not supposed to mean anything in themselves, they are symbolic.
What part of "mourning ritual" is difficult for you to understand? Have you seen the Buddhist mourning ritual for the unborn dead?

Rituals don't have any meaning, they are not supposed to mean anything in themselves, they are symbolic.
Two of his handlers run up and tackle him SAM. Obviously he blew a gasket. This man isn't your typical paid Mullah going through the motions - he actually went nuts!

Now THIS is just trying to earn his keep and do what he's paid to do - bullshit. But the old man - no, he picked the blue pill.

That aside, feel free to post the Buddhist mourning ritual for the unborn dead.

All I could find was A Hindu Morning Ritual now where near as entertaining.
Some innocent, yet funny, Church Stuff.

P P P P P POOOWWWer I wonder if it's a form of hypnotizing? The first wave... pretty cool.

And who the Frack said Buddhists are peaceful? Check THIS MoFo out. Note: Jet Pilot = Good.

Lets play a game: Find the Buddhist ouch!!! A different sort of pain hey? A very very distinct Buddhist flavor (and I'm sure he tasted it) compared with the rest!!
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Awwwwlll what a cute little girl. That's right, Apes and Pigs. Apes and Pigs.

Ohhh gee this kids cute too.


Hey Hey lets play find the Buddhist again :D

Oooooo :eek: THAT hurts even to watch.... oh Gods.... (I mean Buddhas :p)
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HAAAA! I just figured out the P P P P POWER.... at the very beginning of the video. I can't believe I didn't get it the first time around. Then again I have had a few beers. The whole first row are in on it. They purposely fall backwards when he does his *shazam * and of course all the people behind them fall over, and like dominoes, down they go row after row. Now, you can't pull this off on the same people over and over BUT this guy's probably one of those traveling Scamvangelists who fleeces town after town of gullible Theists as he tours the USA. Gods Damn, I should have got in of this sort of action back in the day :p hahahaha.... people, they seriously need an education.
Christian Youth Fun

The blond guy is defiantly a paid professional douche.

I have seen people act like this during my stay at the Mental hospital there were a bunch of them everyday when they woke up they freaked out just like these people in the video. However they were not infected with Jesus or Satan they were just Crazy.
Rituals don't have any meaning, they are not supposed to mean anything in themselves, they are symbolic.

Symbolic of what? If they have no meaning, why do they make sane people look insane?
I have seen people act like this during my stay at the Mental hospital there were a bunch of them everyday when they woke up they freaked out just like these people in the video. However they were not infected with Jesus or Satan they were just Crazy.
I wonder if certain meme infections actually leads to mental illnesses? Actually, I'm pretty certain it does.
Symbolic of what? If they have no meaning, why do they make sane people look insane?

Why don't you look it up? I'm sure there are many scientific studies on ritual symbolism. Surely you dance? Why? Or maybe you're too much a literalist to enjoy art and symbolism.

Maybe you just sit there and clap. No wait, clapping is a symbolic ritual. Smile? Nope. Laugh. Guess not. Cry? That requires empathy and involvement which you clearly lack

What do you do, to symbolise ritual behaviour? Why?


Two of his handlers run up and tackle him SAM. Obviously he blew a gasket. .

I think you're missing the whole point. Its a group exercise aka a passion play. What do you think he was reading?

Also, why do you care if a bunch of shias want to reenact some history however they choose? You must have seen Passion of the Christ, what did you think of it?

How do you think it would be enacted in places where oral history was more important than cinema?
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I think you're missing the whole point. Its a group exercise aka a passion play. What do you think he was reading?

Also, why do you care if a bunch of shias want to reenact some history however they choose? You must have seen Passion of the Christ, what did you think of it?

How do you think it would be enacted in places where oral history was more important than cinema?
Are you saying that this was all a staged production? That religion is a staged show put on for the masses who think it's real?



Considering it's all fantasy material I would be inclined to believe the this "religious ceremony" is simply a show. Definitely a comedy.

However, the manner in which two of his "handlers" run up and grab the old geezer (attempting to hold him still while he channel's Mohammad's second cousins neighbors buddy) AKA: as he losses the plot - - suggests otherwise. IMO he wasn't acting out a scene in a passion play.He was literally losing his marbles.

When the prerequisite for the top job entails going nuts in front of a few billion people - well, I suppose it's not hard at all to see why most ME are run by incompetent bean heads.

NOTE: Again, compare with the Mullah who pretending to cry in between bits of a snack. Now he's putting on a show - pretty good actor too.