
Don H

Registered Senior Member
The hungry window to our soul is nightime black.
The pupil lets our galaxy sky shine through.
Other colors just throw a spectrum back.
The worlds you see is up to you.

Is anyone ever going to have the balls to tell this guy he is NOT a good artist? Your concepts are not bad, but your execution is terrible. Please, please, please, stop.
I thought it was nice. Maybe not groundbreaking art, but all art does not have to be that, art has many purposes, depending on the artists purposes with it. If an artist has taken the time and energy to create a piece of art, then I think it's worth taking the time and energy to contemplate. I sais something to you, and it's much up to you to decide what that something is, as the art above said.
Keep up the good work Don. :)
I'll do it. So far your art is not technically advanced, imaginative, original or skilled. However, this has never stood in the way of calling something 'art' before (well, okay, it has. it use to be that an artist had to have some skill in an art form. that stopped a while ago). Anyway, so far I've yet to see any kind of intelligent insight from your work. Perhaps you could enlighten me. Or perhaps someone here who sees something deep in his work could enlighten me.
It's called FREE art, Tyler...

(seen in the light of your love for freedom)

Apologies, I could not resist...:p
Art is about feeling, not about rocket science. Now I won't call a green sheet of paper stuck to a wall "art". There must be some artistic skill and endeavour involved. As long as their is, and the artist is trying to make people efel something, it's art to me. Maybe not good art, but art. And I find DonH's stuff quite acceptable by my standards.
Nice work!

I like your stuff Don. I think you’re a very good artist and I really enjoy your work. Where do you find your inspiration for your pieces?
There is no one who is posting art here besides Don H, period. Don H is colorful, cliched, and kind of homogenous, but it doesn't matter. He is provoking thouhgts through poems and pictures only and this itself is revolutionary for Sciforums.
I don't believe that the debate is over what art IS or whether DonH is an artist but over whether he is a GOOD artist.

One of the Symbolists defined GOOD art as that having both technical and spiritual beauty.

I find Don's poems to often fulfill both concepts, even if the concepts can be a bit trite. His graphics....well....the "technical beauty" is a bit lacking.

So while his insights are often rather standard, and his tecnique needs a bit of work, I like a lot of his art.
Exactly. And now maybe we should stop talking about what we think of Don H's art and make some of our own.
I have been doing digital pictures for 10 months now. I am willing to bet anyone here with daily practice can do as well if not better.

simply submit an example of your own art

or pretend you are a critic

I would of course take critical advice to heart if the individual viewed at least 500 - 1,200 of my works.

Otherwise do your worst and I'll do my best as in the 20 minute example at the top of this thread.

Of course I do not freely post the works that took months to create due to a prior agreement but here is an interesting cliche':


He said he would be late at the library
"I love you"
So strange he has not yet returned.

Although she has yet to know;

History is lost the future is changed,
the child to be, never born.
The library of Alexandria burned.

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well, i also agree that to make art you should be talented in some kind of art form. As far as I can tell Don's work to computer genterated (please tell me if i'm wrong) which is pretty much talentless. I'm not saying it doesn't look good and the peom is decent, but My mother and a couple other people in my family are artists and the paint and write peotry and most artists I know also agree that art is not only about feelings but about what you can draw or paint or put to words, I mean a 5 years old could make this art with the right programs (no offense to anyone) I huess growing up around artists I have become quite a critic.
he he I never wrote a peom in my life, let alone peotry.

I still do not see this great art of yours or your parents. Is it so minimalist we all missed it?

Who exactly is claiming my illustrations are great art? Not I, yet there are hidden metaphors and esoteric symbolisms that make for a fun adventure.

I for one find everything Picasso did after his early erotic etchings to be a sad marketing sell out. His mentor proves that who you know is very important.

Anyway explaining a joke ruins the moment so enjoy or ignore for whatever reasons you like.

Eat drink and be merry for tommorrow you could have a
Cerebral Hemorage

If an artist has taken the time and energy to create a piece of art, then I think it's worth taking the time and energy to contemplate.
