Zionist piracy

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I think the string of recent posts ought to be moved to the "One Thread to Rule Them All" roundup.

(mod notes) I would do so, except the trouble is that our software merges threads by merging posts chronologically, ignoring context. I only consider merges when it isn't likely to cause a lot of confusion and chaos. Depending on what happens with the next blockade runners in the days ahead (and what others think) I'm considering closing this thread soon, and directing this discussion there.

At the same time there are several on that thread that relate to here instead.

Yes, that's true, and I'm one of the guilty. Let's all try and keep the two topics separated.

And [PJ]: stop throwing around personal insults. Again.

Go piss up a rope.

quadraphonics, you too.
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What I'm asking is that the issues of immediate concern and impact be focussed on, and that we not be so careless as to play into extremist agendas that go beyond merely protecting the innocent and the weak.

Protection of the innocent requires the desctruction of the Zionist Oppressor and its replacement with a state for the innocent, weak Palestinians - everything else is half-measures that serve only to extend the lease on life of the predatory Jewish Apartheid Entity.

Note the selectiveness of the causes that are complained about in the world- you can easily find a major Syrian transgression against Lebanon for every transgression Israel's ever caused, and Syria has far outdone Israel in deaths and disappearances, but if Israel is the only one to be targetted and remembered, does it not then serve some rather unsavoury interests?

Your hegemonic propaganda to distract the righteous from the One True Criminal reveal you as a Mossad/CIA plant, sent to corrupt the purity of our resistance and advance American imperialism targetting the innocent people of Syria, who are guilt of nothing more than refusing to accept Nazi Holocaust Apartheid against their brothers.

Yes, regardless of how stacked the deck is one way or the other, it doesn't help Israel to play into the hands of those who make the worst accusations of it. It would have looked a lot better for Israel to have loosened the blockade on their own terms at least a year ago out of humanitarian concerns, than to end up doing it now anyhow after this whole circus has been through town.

Concerns for the Zionist Aggressor's public relations are the sort of thing Hitler would say.

BTW any updates on the aid that was sent? Sounds like for the most part it was all crap aside from a few medical scooters, and they just tossed it all in the cargo holds without bothering to pack it properly for the trip. Plus the Mavi Marmara apparently contained nothing but passengers with their personal possessions. Sounds like quite the relief op.

More Mossad hasbara to discredit the righteous resistance. Try pulling your head out of the American/Mossad/CIA media brainwashing industry and you will understand the truth of our One True Struggle against Evil, and recognize all those who question it as agents of the Enemy.

Brothers, do not give up! These desperate attempts by the agents of Nazi Imperialism to corrupt the purity of our resistance are simply proof that the Enemy has become desperate. We must persevere: another month of two of cheap moral condescension on anonymous internet forums will surely be enough to bring down the Apartheid Holocaust once and for all!
(quote deleted by moderator)

But the US is not interested in justice, so what justice demands is irrelevant. But Americans by and large are so gung ho for the Jewish state that they should simply decide to become one.
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No citizenship rights for Bedouins?...
Young Bedouin men can get out of the concentration camps and gain citizenship right by joining the Israeli army - quite a few have. Not only does this give Israel more soldiers, less food and water to deliver to the camps, but also reduces the birth rate in the camps. - It is all part of Israel's "final solution" to the Bedouin problem. The Bedouin culture has been destroyed about two decades ago, so rather than live as confined prisoners in the camps, many Bedouin men have joined the army. I.e. they understand their culture is dead so assimulation into the Israeli culture (war machine) is the best option open to them.
Go piss up a rope. ...
No, it is already wet - you must have pissed up it.

I.e. I only paraphrases your text - nearly word for word, to make it into an excuse for the CIA rendition using others to torture instead an excuse of Israel using others to murder.
Moderator Note: I also have the prerogative of sanctioning you more forcefully. There are no terms another member can post, that merit your own violations of forum rules. Report the post(s) that set you off, and I'll have a look. Escalating offensive rhetoric is not appropriate here. You (members) report, and we (moderators) decide.

I'm no snitch, thanks. I can take care of myself. I've never reported a post, and I don't expect that I ever will.

And since you had no trouble singling out my posts for censure, I do not recognize any obligation on my part to steer you to posts that prompt them. Even if they aren't directly quoted in posts of mine that you are objecting to, and made in the context of a thread that you are actively participating in. Moderating the forum is your job, after all, and while I find the request not to escalate reasonable enough, getting a holistic understanding of the issue you're attempting to moderate and responding accordingly is part of your due diligence as a mod.

Moderator Response: Since we're getting far off topic, I'll inform you more thoroughly about my "holistic understanding", and about the difference between being a "snitch" and a citizen in a Private Message.
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(quote deleted by moderator)

But the US is not interested in justice, so what justice demands is irrelevant. But Americans by and large are so gung ho for the Jewish state that they should simply decide to become one.

Indeed, American Imperialsim is inherently unjust and in any case inseparable from the Zionist Apartheid, and so it is the duty of all members of the True Resistance to destroy it in the name of Justice.

The Americans must all be deported back to Europe, if not killed outright.
We can leave that to the Zionists, it is after all, their favourite modus operandi. :rolleyes:

You're telling me! We owe a great debt to the Palestinians for breeding so prolificly, or else the Apartheid Death Machine would have long since run out of local children to murder and moved on to other countries!

Not having a very good day are you, apologising for Zionism?

I am the epitome of resistance to Zionist Nazi Imperialism, and brook no compromise with pure Evil. Give up your doubts and join me - do not be afraid, for righteous justice will prevail!
You're telling me! We owe a great debt to the Palestinians for breeding so prolificly, or else the Apartheid Death Machine would have long since run out of local children to murder and moved on to other countries!

I am the epitome of resistance to Zionist Nazi Imperialism, and brook no compromise with pure Evil. Give up your doubts and join me - do not be afraid, for righteous justice will prevail!

It must be difficult, defending the indefensible. I wonder, if you have to choose, which side could you stand on without denying your own morals. I have a feeling you cannot pick a side even when you know which one is wrong and life is going to be difficult for you as the situation becomes worse.
It must be difficult, defending the indefensible. I wonder, if you have to choose, which side could you stand on without denying your own morals. I have a feeling you cannot pick a side even when you know which one is wrong and life is going to be difficult for you as the situation becomes worse.

**** don't act like you know me. You haven't even managed to pick up on the whole point, which is precisely that I'm fucking sick of being labelled "Zionist apologist" and "siding against morality" any time I question any aspect of your whole reactionary moral-supremacy game. I don't have a fucking "side" in this conflict, nor have I ever. I'm just sick of the endlessly circular, polarizing terms of debate advanced so energetically by yourself and others. You don't represent Palestine, nor is all criticism of your ideology tantamount to a some kind of pro-Zionist effort. The pretense that it is, however, is apparently crucial to the cheap rush of moral supremacy that you and your ilk derive from identifying yourself as such. This is childish bullshit, and it's highly toxic to any prospect of useful, civilized discussion here - which is why it's doubly troubling to see actual mods doing it as well. Your various other trollings, particularly your eagerness to provoke by belittling the nationalites of interlocutors, are likewise odious.

But if that's the game, then so be it. I've tried to pursue these criticisms in a good-faith, adult way for quite some time, and look where it's gotten me. This is, apparently, to be a contest between trolls, and you can expect me to treat it as such from here on out.
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Bitch, don't act like you know me. You haven't even managed to pick up on the whole point, which is precisely that I'm fucking sick of being labelled "Zionist apologist" and "siding against morality" any time I question any aspect of your whole reactionary moral-supremacy game. I don't have a fucking "side" in this conflict, nor have I ever. I'm just sick of the endlessly circular, polarizing terms of debate advanced so energetically by yourself and others. You don't represent Palestine, nor is all criticism of your ideology tantamount to a some kind of pro-Zionist effort. The pretense that it is, however, is apparently crucial to the cheap rush of moral supremacy that you and your ilk derive from identifying yourself as such. This is childish bullshit, and it's highly toxic to any prospect of useful, civilized discussion here - which is why it's doubly troubling to see actual mods doing it as well. Your various other trollings, particularly your eagerness to provoke by belittling the nationalites of interlocutors, are likewise odious.

But if that's the game, then so be it. I've tried to pursue these criticisms in a good-faith, adult way for quite some time, and look where it's gotten me. This is, apparently, to be a contest between trolls, and you can expect me to treat it as such from here on out.

What is really childish bullshit is how Israel has managed to convince people like you that its legal to treat people the way they do Palestinians so that you feel compelled to defend the indefensible actions of the Jewish state and expect that making genocide a pragmatic strategy will somehow make it more acceptable.

Meanwhile, in the real world...

Interior Ministry regulations provide for the abrogation of the rights of Palestinian residents of Jerusalem who leave the city for a period of over seven years. Citizens of Israel can leave the country for any length of time, and their citizenship and all their rights are theirs in perpetuity. But when it comes to Palestinian residents of East Jerusalem, Israel applies draconian regulations whose covert intent is to bring about the expulsion of as many Palestinians as possible from their home city.

This situation is intolerable: At a time when the prime minister speaks grandiloquently of the reunification of Jerusalem, Israel practices inequality and discriminates against the city's Arab residents. At a time when Benjamin Netanyahu speaks of the economic advancement of the territories, Israel prevents the Arab residents of East Jerusalem from advancing their careers abroad and returning afterward to their home city to contribute toward the development of its economy. The screws have been tightened in recent years: In 2008 the residents' rights of 4,557 Palestinian inhabitants of the city were abrogated, the highest number ever.


Thats the reality. Its not about making points or exterminating Jews. Its about basic human rights being abrogated with impunity.
I.e. I only paraphrases your text - nearly word for word, to make it into an excuse for the CIA rendition using others to torture instead an excuse of Israel using others to murder.

The term for that is "putting words in someone's mouth." It's both fallacious and offensive: your post was a classic, overt troll.

Which, of course, you are more than old enough to know. But apparently still not honorable enough to own up and apologize instead of doubling down on the insult with the patronizing horseshit quoted above. Go **** yourself.
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What is really childish bullshit is how Israel has managed to convince people like you that its legal to treat people the way they do Palestinians so that you feel compelled to defend the indefensible actions of the Jewish state and expect that making genocide a pragmatic strategy will somehow make it more acceptable.

Obviously you are another Mossad plant intended to impugn the Righteous Resistance to Zionist Murder by failing to comprehend simple declarative sentences, replying in hysterical, poorly-edited terms and generally giving others cause to believe that the Resistance is composed of incoherent reactionaries. I just hope that the paychecks from the IDF are worth your soul.

Its not about making points or exterminating Jews.

There is no other Final Solution to the Jewish Question, since the Jews have amply proven themselves to be inherently incompatible with peaceful coexistence and recognition of the rights of others. Why, just look how they ghettoized themselves back in Poland or whatever! The Resistance must never brook any compromise which would allow the Jews any opportunity to harm the righteous nations of the world.

Its about basic human rights being abrogated with impunity.

Exactly - and so Justice demands that the evil be Punished, and removed from the community of Just Nations which they have demonstrated an ineradicable hostility towards.
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Its quite funny actually. :p

Indeed, this game is a lot more fun (and way less work) than having a substantive discussion. Plus it doesn't raise any troubling questions, as dealing with reality is apt to do.

If we just ignore the ethnic cleansing, that is.

Ignore it? All I do all day long is look at websites that show pictures of Israeli tanks running over innocent Palestinian babies. I literally have like 9 tabs open showing that stuff right now. It's a great way to keep my hatre... err... righteousness at full steam, lest I be caught up by Imperialist Propaganda in a moment of weakness. Remember, they're very skilled, and will try to present themselves as reasonable, impartial debaters interested in questions of fact. But their real purpose is just to shake the faith of the True Resistance, in the knowledge that our Righteousness is on the cusp of defeating the Zionist Aggressor. Why, some of them will even try to make themselves appear to be interested in morality, by claiming that it's wrong and dangerous to advertize the Evil inner nature of the Jews! It is our duty to resist and undermine everything that they say, especially the stuff that might appear reasonable and moderate to the naive.

As far as I'm concerned, anyone who doesn't keep a photograph of IDF monsters abusing innocent Palestinian babies over their bed, such that it's the first thing they see in the morning and the last thing they see at night, is a Nazi collaborator who will surely get what he deserves in the end.
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What is really childish bullshit is how Israel has managed to convince people like you that its legal to treat people the way they do Palestinians so that you feel compelled to defend the indefensible actions of the Jewish state and expect that making genocide a pragmatic strategy will somehow make it more acceptable.

Let's stop this right there: quadro has not, to my knowledge, made any such representation. You say the same thing about me, which is fine (depending on my mood that day ;)), though also untrue. But - I think both he and I - have pointed out that your inevitable 'final solution' is this one-state fantasy; the equally inevitable outcome is civil war and genocide, but every time I present this to you, the responses is an allegorical shrug, particularly as you feel the Palestinian/Arab side would be victorious. Yet you paint those who don't share your avid dislikes as extremists or apologists. It's a nonsense, and you know it, and you don't care, so far as I can tell.

Young Bedouin men can get out of the concentration camps and gain citizenship right by joining the Israeli army - quite a few have. Not only does this give Israel more soldiers, less food and water to deliver to the camps, but also reduces the birth rate in the camps. - It is all part of Israel's "final solution" to the Bedouin problem. The Bedouin culture has been destroyed about two decades ago, so rather than live as confined prisoners in the camps, many Bedouin men have joined the army. I.e. they understand their culture is dead so assimulation into the Israeli culture (war machine) is the best option open to them.

I see. I don't know about demographic control; their population seems to have grown by the same order of magnitude as the Israeli population. Land rights though, clearly are nonexistent; in this, I think Israel is consistent with its neighbours, actually.
The idea that apartheid is better than equal civil rights because the Jewish Israelis will fight for a Jewish state and create war rather than invest in peace, seems to me to be a pathetic denouement of the entire idea of Zionism. You live in a state where both you and your wife who is apparently native American share the same civil rights after of a long history of native American struggle for equality. Should the native Americans have given up their struggle because the white man was incapable of seeing any coloured person as human?

Didn't Americans fight a civil war over slavery? Was that irrational of them, to accord civil rights to black people? Why should Palestinians have lower expectations than black Americans?
Let's stop this right there: quadro has not, to my knowledge, made any such representation.

Your pathetic attempts to hold the feet of the Righteous to the fires of accountability to fact are as ineffectual as they are misguided. Anything that deprives the Resistance of any advantage - especially, cheap rhetorical advantage on anonymous message boards - is obviously a crucial part of the Nazi Zionist Propaganda Strategy to undermine Palestine. S.A.M. is Palestine, and so any disagreement with S.A.M. is advocacy of racist genocide. S.A.M. is saving lives with this stuff, dammit, and so anyone that interferes in any way is literally a murderer.

Unless of course S.A.M. disagrees with me, the One Pure Avatar of Palestinian Justice. In that case, she's an agent of the Mossad/CIA/Neocons/Freemasons bent on destroying Arabs, Islam, human rights and cute puppies, and as such it is the duty of all moral people to oppose everything she says - especially if it's "true."
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