If the past several decades of agitprop and manipulation have not taught you the nature of the Israeli media operations, my guess is you haven't been paying attention.
Yes, the first reaction to anything from official Israeli military sources should be to demand physical evidence independently evaluated by people with direct and unmediated access to all relevant information. There are few less reliable or more consistently dishonest sources, and nothing should be taken on faith from them.
Did you see me anywhere saying Israel has to be taken at its word? I think there are plenty of unanswered questions that need to be thoroughly and transparently addressed, like whether passengers were summarily executed after the IDF gained control of the ship, as just one single example.
This is not the issue I'm getting at. I've seen tons of videos and eyewitness accounts, nothing in it hints at the actions of peaceful protesters. I've seen passengers from the Navi Marmara giving testimony to the news which contradicts what they were seen doing on videos taken directly from the ship.
I know Israel has a propaganda machine, as does every country in the world. Countries spend considerable sums of money putting forward their best-looking case to the world around them, and Israel with all the threats and challenges it faces is no different. What makes Israel's opponents any different? How is the propaganda coming from radical islamist organizations looking to milk this incident any more reliable?
Wouldn't you be pissed off if your son or daughter went off to take on a "bold humanitarian mission", only to find out later that the organizers were planning a serious confrontation and were hoping to make martyrs out of the ship's passengers?