
intellegentally......ok..hmmmmmmmmm... a load of shit, some minor good idea's and most far out ones... i mean... nancy???? and zeta's???

when christianity ruled the world, it was called the dark ages.

-dexter (nimrod242 :aol sn)
jesus, i havent been there for a couple months, but i remmeb=mber something about like the 4th dimention that was pretty good

when christianity ruled the world, it was called the dark ages.

-dexter (nimrod242 :aol sn)
Yo, courtjester i can discuss this site intelligently. Lets talk..............wait for your reply.
Haven't been around lately; getting ready for surgery.
First of all let me tell you what I think, I do believe that SOMETHING is going on, and will happen in 2003. Whether or not it is what Zetatalk talks about I don't know. Or maybe it is the Annunaki coming back. I do find some of the zetatalk stuff interesting. Espeacially the Service to Other vs Service to Self. I like the site, (in general) because it all is there. No BUY MY BOOK, COME FOR THE WORKSHOP, SEND ME MONEY stuff. I have always figured that if you know something that is important to mankind as a whole, you should share it freely. IMO
So how about you?
I think Zetatalk is on to something. What it is, isn't clear. Nostradamus, The Mayans, the Bible can't all be wrong you know.

Ohh. Edgar Cayce as well.. Something is coming our way and i know what to look for this summer. If it happens, i'll start buying some canned food :)

.Religion is for those who fear hell, Spirituality is for those who have been there.
Sorry I took you time posting,

Hello courtjester

Surgery for what if you dont mind me asking.

Well I have read alot of information. Courtjester: About 2003, from what i now the manipulators have to be of the planet by july-sep 2003, Annunaki has already been around and is their a possible earth shift. Any way who are the Zeta are they the real greys who have been giving info to nancy? By the way this info is similar to what Alex Collier talks about. Have you read his stuff www.lettersfromandromeda.com By the way the Annunaki have already been trying get into our solar system but were through out. http://www.danwinter.com/sitemap.html

Hello H-Kon I have no mail yet, it must be long. Any way i think i know what yo thinking EARTH CHANGES I am right yes or no. And alot of people and cultures are mentioning this.

[This message has been edited by Mana (edited May 12, 2000).]
Just glanced at the front page of zetatalk...looks like more New Age Mysticism to me. I see that they are plugging a new book and Nancy has developed a movie script. I guess the Anti-Reptilian pills won't be far behind.

The New Age of Enlightenment is approaching...are you ready?
Hi Mana - I finally managed to hit "send" so an explanatory E-mail should be there right about now.

You have to read between the lines. Alex deLarge The information is as hidden as can be, but still as open as can be too. it's there, you just have to look for it.

.Religion is for those who fear hell, Spirituality is for those who have been there.
Hi all I'm back
Surgery - Had a LARGE cyst on an ovary. Just now feeling up to sitting for any length of time. 20 staples holding me together!!
I have read the Letters From Andromeda, thought they were interesting, but lacking in depth.
No book to buy at Zetatalk, the site is the book. Why not a screenplay? Can't be to much different from the Sci Fi movies out there now. Actually at one point I was going to write a FICTION book, that went along the same lines... Lack of Self discipline!!
I like the site. Also check out the info found in the TROUBLED TIMES section. Off the hub. Yes, a lot of different groups are saying the same things about the coming times, I have always thought that if you sift out what they have in common, you will find the kernal of truth.
As I was told so long ago;
If what is said to happen, or even the signs of the beginings, does not happen then maybe the event will not occur. But I see the signs appearing, more or less on schedule. 2003 is not that far off. Better to be prepared than caught short.
First, let me state for the record that I'm on board with the 'alien' thing. For me, its just a matter of details...the who's, when's and what for's. I agree that whatever is going to happen will do so sooner rather than later, and the 'sooner' is a lot closer than 2003. I try to keep current on what is going on worldwise, and like a lot of others I'm sure, I see a lot of things happening that only solidify my 'beliefs' if you will. I peeked a little more at Nancy's site, and without getting into it too much I wasn't impressed. But thats just me...it is well within everyones right to believe what they like. Sounds like a bunch of the old channeling and contactee stuff we had in the '50's. Could be right, could be light years off. I try not to take other peoples interpretations of current events too much to heart, because I have developed a mistrust of others seemingly 'pure' motivations. Oh well, to each his/her own.

The New Age of Enlightenment is approaching...are you ready?
Hi Alex
From the 50's?? Have not heard of any channeling from ~that~ far back. ;) Any differences from what the 'word' is today?? Hope it's not TO much sooner, getting ready to move soon, and would like to be somewhere else before IT happens.