Zero Dimensionality ala Quantum Quack


Plutarch (Mickey's Dog)
Registered Senior Member
As per your request, let's take that convo here, mein freund.

To get the picture about zero point theory one has to allow certain preconceptions to be put aside and dealt with later. Pre-conceptions about space time for example are similar to preconceptions about our photon.
If we have to dismantle every preconception along the way this discussion will never end or reach a conclusion.
However it is worth noting where conflict with those pre-conceptions occurs but carry on regardless.
I am not suggesting changing those pre-cnceptions but merely setting them aside to allow the jigsaw puzzle to take shape.

So what you're saying here is, for now, we put aside the idea of a fabric of space time and allow only matter/mass to be taken away and therefore have nothing?

What about energy? Fields and such? I assume these too would be removed in order to get to this zero-dimensionality?
It is based on the principle , that distance is an illusion of time.
This of course is contra to currently held scientific opinion given their worship of photon theory.

What this means simply is that distance only exists if time is available or present for that distance to have value.
To entangle an object over vast distances without any material contact is achieved by removing the need for time to do it.
The illusion of distance is sustained by our perception of mass or matter. With out mass or matter to give space value space looses it's dimensionality and becomes zero dimensional. [mind analogue : unconsciousness]

Put the mass and matter back into the picture and you have an illusion of distance yet the zero dimensionalism is still the reality.
So simultaneously we have 4 dimensional space [ mass space ] and zero dimensional space [ nothingness]
In this case the nature of the pychic mind is that all minds are connected through zero space [consciousness] thus all minds are entangled until the mind in question decides to partially disentangle and tangle with someone else. Minor/major disentanglement is sleep, Major disentanglement is normal mortal death. However total disentanglement is only available to absolute universal nhilism. [ the cessation of existance universally] The essence of invariant inertia can now be derived.
Normally what happens and why psychic pheno is so hard to manage is that once a person becomes aware of a psychic entanglement [ as a psychic pheno] they instinctively disentangle out of fear. Which means that this can only be proved in hindsight and very rarely in the present moment and that the operator needs to be innately entangled and not deliberately entangled.

To deliberately entangle immediately causes the entanglement to cease. [ because to apply energy "effort" is to apply time thus forcing the mind back into 4 dimensional space]
For mass to travel through hyperspace or zero space to any destination you want it to, one only needs to recalibrate the innate frequency synchronisation of the mass in question with the destination mass. No effort or energy needs to be applied to travel through zero space only skill so to speak. Perfect synchronisation leads to instantaneous dimensional collapse and travel whilst imperfect synchronisation leads to what is commonly referred to as a "worm hole"

"a safe with a door on it that locks itself every time someone attempts to open it"
you may recall this thought experiment sometime ago I posted here at sciforums.

What needs to be clarified with the above quote?
The only energy is within the mass and matter itself other than that there is none as there is no distance or volume for it to exist in.. Yeah I know it is tempting to deal with this obvious contra to popular belief but it will have to wait.
Quantum Heraclitus:

Okay, so there are no fields to be discussed at all.

Let's discuss this idea that consciousness = zero dimensionality. Are you claiming we all share a "group mind"? With individual minds like fish in a larger sea of consciousness? And that really the separation is not there, outside of the difference of focus? Thus psychic phenomenon is able to bridge that imaginary gap by means of the lack of actual distance?
Quantum Heraclitus:

Okay, so there are no fields to be discussed at all.

Let's discuss this idea that consciousness = zero dimensionality. Are you claiming we all share a "group mind"? With individual minds like fish in a larger sea of consciousness? And that really the separation is not there, outside of the difference of focus? Thus psychic phenomenon is able to bridge that imaginary gap by means of the lack of actual distance?

unconsciousness = zero dimensionality
consciousness = 4 dimensions with a backdrop of zero dimensionality
also it could be said that the connection between minds is via the unconscious mind. Therefore zero dimensionality and instantaneous communication across the entire universe. The present moment is non-relative regardless of the relative velocity of mass. The point worth noting is that zero is zero no matter where it is "not" found. It is always the same zero and never a different zero.
So the only universal constant we actually have of use is zero or zero dimensionality [ thus gravity is a constant universally - gravity is not a field in the classic sense]
And yes the art of comunicating in this manner includes a significant ability to focus with little effort for as described in the above quote effort applies time [energy] thus brings the mind back to the conscious or 4 dimensionality it normally works with
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therefore if telepathy is proven we also prove that time must be absolute* and a constant in that the present moment is the same universally regardless of relative velocity thus invalidating photon and em theory considerably. [ the stats and data will still work but the theory that explains it would be radically different.]
*we still have relative rates of time but maintain an absolute present moment.
Currently held belief states that for lights speed to be invariant the present moment must be relative depending upon relative v and that time will dillate [ relative time rate] again depending on relative v.
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Quantum Heraclitus:

also it could be said that the connection between minds is via the unconscious mind. Therefore zero dimensionality and instantaneous communication across the entire universe. The present moment is non-relative regardless of the relative velocity of mass. The point worth noting is that zero is zero no matter where it is "not" found. It is always the same zero and never a different zero.

So you place this concept of zero in the same degree of "all reference frames exist" as Einstein placed the speed of light, yes? Is that one of the reasons you imply that light is not moving at all and only does so under the illusion of distance?

Also, let me recap: So basically consciousness is equivalent to normal space by being 4 dimensional, whereas unconsciousness is equivalent to empty space via zero-dimensionality?

So the only universal constant we actually have of use is zero or zero dimensionality [ thus gravity is a constant universally - gravity is not a field in the classic sense]
And yes the art of comunicating in this manner includes a significant ability to focus with little effort for as described in the above quote effort applies time [energy] thus brings the mind back to the conscious or 4 dimensionality it normally works with

Whence springs this 4 dimensionality if the backdrop is zero-dimensionality?

therefore if telepathy is proven we also prove that time must be absolute* and a constant in that the present moment is the same universally regardless of relative velocity thus invalidating photon and em theory considerably.

Tell me if this is how things might work:

Person A is at Time 1. Person B is at Time 100. The times are relative to eachother. Let's also state that every number represents a year, for a nice big discrepancy.

Person A communicates telepathically (instantly) with Person B. Person B receives this, relative to person A, 100 years in the future. He then communicates back to Person A, who receives it relative to person B, 100 years in the past.

As far as their telapthic conversation goes, they might as well be speaking at the local cafe. In fact, to make it cute, let's say they are speaking to eachother telepathically in the same location, 100 years apart from one another.

Now, assuming it would be possible to bridge time like this (which is implied if we permit reference frames which can be connected through zero-dimensionality) this would make a "present moment" that simulteneously encapsulates 100 years of relative future/past. Or in other words, an absolute present moment.
So you place this concept of zero in the same degree of "all reference frames exist" as Einstein placed the speed of light, yes? Is that one of the reasons you imply that light is not moving at all and only does so under the illusion of distance?
yes except and this is a big exception. The future and past are nonexistant except as a potential in the NOW. The now is only just potential of zero duration.
To have a future thus time, vacant space would have to be 3 dimensional.
As it is proposed vacant space is in fact zero dimensional thus it has no future nore past. Objects of masss however do have a past and future as they are the past and future Potential manifested. [ does vacuum age?]

It could be said that light doesn't move through vacant space because the distance is zero so therefore it cannot move. But this is to allow for the existance of light as in photonic light in the first place which I do not do.
If distance is zero then all objects of mass are effectively touching each other so light has no room to move either.
Later on it will be obvious that even though distance is an illusion of mass it is still very important as a way of changing and measuring intensity of energy transfer from one zero distance bound object with another.

Also, let me recap: So basically consciousness is equivalent to normal space by being 4 dimensional, whereas unconsciousness is equivalent to empty space via zero-dimensionality?

The interesting thing here is that consciousness can only be considered as conscious if objects of mass exist however we can see the space between objects as well so therefore we can actually see our reflected unconsciousness...ha..try that one on for size...
essentially you have got the idea right. it is open to a lot of debate to clarify of course but you have it basically.

Whence springs this 4 dimensionality if the backdrop is zero-dimensionality?
the conscious bits are the 4 dimensional objects of mass and the backdrop is zero dimensional unconsciousness [ if we must use mind states as analogue]

Tell me if this is how things might work:

Person A is at Time 1. Person B is at Time 100. The times are relative to eachother. Let's also state that every number represents a year, for a nice big discrepancy.

Person A communicates telepathically (instantly) with Person B. Person B receives this, relative to person A, 100 years in the future. He then communicates back to Person A, who receives it relative to person B, 100 years in the past.

As far as their telapthic conversation goes, they might as well be speaking at the local cafe. In fact, to make it cute, let's say they are speaking to eachother telepathically in the same location, 100 years apart from one another.

Now, assuming it would be possible to bridge time like this (which is implied if we permit reference frames which can be connected through zero-dimensionality) this would make a "present moment" that simulteneously encapsulates 100 years of relative future/past. Or in other words, an absolute present moment.
nice idea in fact been done as a movie by some obscure name...can't remember but the son was writing letters to his father before he was born or something like that and teh father waas writing back to him...ha what a twist...

Nope not on with this theory I am afraid as much as it would be most novel to be so.
Quantum Heraclitus:

yes except and this is a big exception. The future and past are nonexistant except as a potential in the NOW. The now is only just potential of zero duration.
To have a future thus time, vacant space would have to be 3 dimensional.
As it is proposed vacant space is in fact zero dimensional thus it has no future nore past. Objects of masss however do have a past and future as they are the past and future Potential manifested. [ does vacuum age?]

How does potential manifest if there is not a future to "move into" as it were?

The interesting thing here is that consciousness can only be considered as conscious if objects of mass exist however we can see the space between objects as well so therefore we can actually see our reflected unconsciousness...ha..try that one on for size...
essentially you have got the idea right. it is open to a lot of debate to clarify of course but you have it basically.

Wouldn't empty space not really be empty space in a strong sense? Thus no reflection of the unconsciousness?

the conscious bits are the 4 dimensional objects of mass and the backdrop is zero dimensional unconsciousness [ if we must use mind states as analogue]

Yes, but how does the conscious/massive bits come about?

nice idea in fact been done as a movie by some obscure name...can't remember but the son was writing letters to his father before he was born or something like that and teh father waas writing back to him...ha what a twist...

Nope not on with this theory I am afraid as much as it would be most novel to be so.

Okay, so how do you reconcile reference frames, then?
How does potential manifest if there is not a future to "move into" as it were?
the potential only evolves and always in the NOW. There is no "future" spacial dimension. because that would indicate that we have at least 2 dimensions [ NOW and Future ] and of course we are talking about zero dimensionalism.
The now exists only as an illusion of evolving potential [ thus the NOW is but a dream, or an imagination ]

Wouldn't empty space not really be empty space in a strong sense? Thus no reflection of the unconsciousness?
This reminds me of the zenism: "It is only empty because it is not full" refering to a monks bowl as he searches for someone to put food in it for him.:)
Yes, but how does the conscious/massive bits come about?

exnhilo in the present moment as potential The NOW is only a universal awakening in itself. Refering to our other discussion.

Everything you see has or more precisely IS potential, nuclear, movement, destruction etc etc...Has this potential been realised? Nope! Can it be realised? Yep!
Is it stable? Yep and hopefully will remain stable.
So consciousness is the self awareness of self potential. The NOW is when it is experienced. With out this potential we have unconsciousness.

*there is a significant branch of discussion yet to take place oin this subject I think.
Okay, so how do you reconcile reference frames, then?
Why do you think I need to?
the potential only evolves and always in the NOW. There is no "future" spacial dimension. because that would indicate that we have at least 2 dimensions [ NOW and Future ] and of course we are talking about zero dimensionalism.
So "here" and "there" requires more than the one dimension of length?
So "here" and "there" requires more than the one dimension of length?
the distance between point A and point B may have a "mass" distance of say 1 light year.
however the actual distance at any given moment is actually zero until one attempts to apply energy to moving across this distance which immediately expand this distance to the "mass" distance of 1 light year.

note: for the sake of this discussion I have used the notion of "mass distance" which is normal or conventional ideas of distance and zero distance which is the reality as the future has yet to manifest and is mere fantasy so to speak.
So if you need to move [ requires a future] you live in a dream world called consciousness and if you wish to live in the truth you live in a state of unconsciounsess. zero dimensional

Movement requires d/t. Remove the t and you also remove the d. Distance cannot exist with out time and as time is merely a fantasy of the NOW all we really have is zero.
Having visited the Phsyics board and participated in the "does distance exist" thread do you start to see the logic behind zero dinensionals and how that may be applied to the inter relationships between minds and bodies? or for that matter open stargates
Also you may be starting to understand now some of the justification for the claim that a focussed quantum entanglement [ zero dimensional ] disc was being utilised, that is referred to in the "Challenge of significant proportions" thread in this forum.
Also with understanding you can start to see how Human perceptions have a uniformity and share a similar "objective" world view in the first instance as we are all connected to various degrees via zero dimensionality and are effectively one pereception.

Also if one accepts the reality of zero dimesnional space one can also accept that the photon model for energy transfers is uneccessary and actually misleading. As a simpler model would allow for all data so far to be maintained as valid but interpreted differently. That inertia and gravity are now open to discovery.
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Hmm, no such thing as distance. Zero-dimensional space equates to unconstrained space/dimensions. Then for movement to occur a dimensional constraint must be placed on the object being moved. No constraint equals no distance (the object fills that dimension). For an object to move in three dimensions it must be constrained in three dimensions. Likewise for an object to move in "n" dimensions it must be constrained in "n" dimensions. Interesting.

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Hmm, no such thing as distance. Zero-dimensional space equates to unconstrained space/dimensions. Then for movement to occur a dimensional constraint must be placed on the object being moved. No constraint equals no distance (the object fills that dimension). For an object to move in three dimensions it must be constrained in three dimensions. Likewise for an object to move in "n" dimensions it must be constrained in "n" dimensions. Interesting.

If by n dimension you are refering to zero dimension then, no I do not think movement is possible in a zero dimension however switching places instanteously may be.