Your true religion


Speaker of my truth
Valued Senior Member
Let’s just please stand aside from organized religions, or dogmas for this thread at least. And tell me, what is (or what constitutes) a true religion for you? And what would be the perfect “spiritual place” for you?
Please share your experience.

For me, it is: “if it comes from your own heart” it is true religion. If it comes from other sources, it is not true.

I love surfing, I go every weekend (well not for the last 2 months since I had a surfing injury, but going back soon :)). And for me this man is an example of a true religious man, I cannot stop watching the video and I get goosebumps just by thinking about it. And I’ve been to this place several times; it is my favorite place ever (camping only). It is truly a spiritual place, because of the blossoming nature (it is a government protected area), its landscape, the freakishly good waves and the ever-abiding off-shore wind, and specially the aloness that it allows (3 miles of solitary beach). One time, I even went surfing naked there, nobody around, it was just me and the ocean (and my gf at the time but she was at the shore), it was truly liberating; the only bad part was that my genitals seemed as a very good fishing bait underwater so I got worried about that and went back to shore to get my shorts.

PS: for the purpose of this thread, the term religion does not necessarily mean the belief in anything supernatural, or god. And the term spiritual is just a reference to your inner peace.
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BTW, if you want to see the injury I have a picture, but is not pretty. Just ask for it, I find it funny to disgust people with it, it is my weird sense of humor I guess.
Plain old 'spiritual' is a connectedness to people, places, and goings-on.

Do you live in Hawaii? I surfed there.
Really?? Where in Hawaii?? I wouldn't imagine it dude, I wouldn't have picture you as a hippie-type :).

I'm from Costa Rica, born and raised Latino.

When I was young and in the army there, surfing at Waikiki Beach and along there, as well as on the feared north shore. Wasn't a hippie ever though.

Costa Rica is beautiful, as I've seen from some videos on YouTube.
Let’s just please stand aside from organized religions, or dogmas for this thread at least. And tell me, what is (or what constitutes) a true religion for you? And what would be the perfect “spiritual place” for you?

A true religion is all about meeting your creator and spreading love; that speaks of serving suffering humanity. A perfect spiritual place is nowhere else except in your very own heart. You can feel him(god) happy in your heart, if you help any needy person(and that mean a person in real need like dying with hunger). Doing such a service always become source of great peace of everyone. And the things that give such a real peace is always considered divine in nature.
A true religion is all about meeting your creator and spreading love; that speaks of serving suffering humanity. A perfect spiritual place is nowhere else except in your very own heart. You can feel him(god) happy in your heart, if you help any needy person(and that mean a person in real need like dying with hunger). Doing such a service always become source of great peace of everyone. And the things that give such a real peace is always considered divine in nature.

I stand corrected on the “spiritual place” definition; although I do think some locations help to achieve this inner spiritual place.

About the “religion”, what do you mean when you say "creator"?
Let’s just please stand aside from organized religions, or dogmas for this thread at least. And tell me, what is (or what constitutes) a true religion for you? And what would be the perfect “spiritual place” for you?
Please share your experience.

For me, it is: “if it comes from your own heart” it is true religion. If it comes from other sources, it is not true.

PS: for the purpose of this thread, the term religion does not necessarily mean the belief in anything supernatural, or god. And the term spiritual is just a reference to your inner peace.

My inner peace comes from working with horses. For as far back as I can remember, I have always adored these large, kind mammals though there were none available to me in my early years. I read every book about horses, became modestly good at drawing them in correct proportion and practiced cantering everywhere I went as a child. When I got my first bicycle, I would imagine that I was riding a horse and from the age of eight I could do the math for how much the expense and care was to own a horse.

Eventually, I achieved my goal of horse ownership, had to give it up to move on in life and returned to it once I had acquired a small piece of land and had a roof over my head. Upgraded to more land, which enabled more horses and became a trainer/riding instructor, selling hay and related horse equipment to support a life-style business. Presently, I own two Morgan mares and a lovely colt by one of them. I work graveyards because it allows me more daylight hours with my horses year round. I can saddle up and ride for hours in most any direction with diverse terrain to navigate and enjoy. Nature is my muse and I am blessed to be living my dream.

Horses know how to live in the moment. To them, it is always 'now' and if you are spending time with them, 'now' is as good as it gets. To be astride a healthy, happy energetic creature that allows you to give it direction that may run somewhat contrary to it's natural instincts and fear, is a level of trust that is seldom even achieved with another person.

Though there is no surf in the Yukon, I can perhaps understand how you must feel when riding the waves.......:)
I stand corrected on the “spiritual place” definition; although I do think some locations help to achieve this inner spiritual place.

About the “religion”, what do you mean when you say "creator"?

I agree some locations with positive vibes do help finding spiritual upliftment more quickly.

My simple meaning by the word creator was almighty and nothing else.
My inner peace comes from working with horses. For as far back as I can remember, I have always adored these large, kind mammals though there were none available to me in my early years. I read every book about horses, became modestly good at drawing them in correct proportion and practiced cantering everywhere I went as a child. When I got my first bicycle, I would imagine that I was riding a horse and from the age of eight I could do the math for how much the expense and care was to own a horse.

Eventually, I achieved my goal of horse ownership, had to give it up to move on in life and returned to it once I had acquired a small piece of land and had a roof over my head. Upgraded to more land, which enabled more horses and became a trainer/riding instructor, selling hay and related horse equipment to support a life-style business. Presently, I own two Morgan mares and a lovely colt by one of them. I work graveyards because it allows me more daylight hours with my horses year round. I can saddle up and ride for hours in most any direction with diverse terrain to navigate and enjoy. Nature is my muse and I am blessed to be living my dream.

Horses know how to live in the moment. To them, it is always 'now' and if you are spending time with them, 'now' is as good as it gets. To be astride a healthy, happy energetic creature that allows you to give it direction that may run somewhat contrary to it's natural instincts and fear, is a level of trust that is seldom even achieved with another person.

Though there is no surf in the Yukon, I can perhaps understand how you must feel when riding the waves.......:)

Now that's what I'm talking about!!! Ride on!!!

Your story is moving... you can tell it's from the heart.

The perfect religion is one that does not exist. Religion is the petrified remains of someone's spontaneous feelings of transcendence.
I think we need to drop the notion of religion altogether, it is an obstacle to any true confrontation with the real. All thought is our enemy. Thought is where everything starts to go wrong. Religion is even farther removed from thought, as it is thought captured in a box.
I think we need to drop the notion of religion altogether, it is an obstacle to any true confrontation with the real. All thought is our enemy. Thought is where everything starts to go wrong. Religion is even farther removed from thought, as it is thought captured in a box.

But for some people, (me for instance), religion is not necessarily bad. I consider religion that which brings inner peace to your life, and it must come from your heart. It is another way of saying "a religious man is one who follows his dreams". Cause if you don't follow your dreams you will probably regret that forever.
If is absolutely subjective as it is dependent on what your dreams are, and what brings you inner peace.

So what is your experience about religion and spirituality (as stated here and in the OP), when the very terms are addressed from this perspective? What is your true religion spidergoat? No thought?
I think we need to drop the notion of religion altogether, it is an obstacle to any true confrontation with the real. All thought is our enemy. Thought is where everything starts to go wrong. Religion is even farther removed from thought, as it is thought captured in a box.

A very interesting and astute observation, in my simple opinion.

How we define various words contributes greatly to our inability to communicate, especially in the absence of body language, tone and inflection.

My love and joy of horses is a motivating factor in my life and in years of interaction with that species, I recognize that each horse is an individual, exactly as is each human being. Horses have a limited number of vocalizations yet they are very good communicators, even in the absence of much 'language'.

The bio-electric/magnetic energy of the brain is detectable with some of our human instrumentation and humans and horses alike are also able to communicate on that level, which is designed into us by nature, yet most have become quite desensitized to the potential for we are largely surrounded and bombarded by external stimulation to the point that most of us are walking around with blinkers on, or wired in to at least the element of our own choosing.

The appeal of nature and a bit of solitude, wherein we can play, meditate, and truly 'listen' to the heartbeat of the universe.......this is my church and religion, quite unlike the conventional use of those words.

The druids had a term for it as well......the energy of place, and this planet has numerous places that civilizations have long recognized as having attributes that transcend their mere physical features.
I think we need to drop the notion of religion altogether, it is an obstacle to any true confrontation with the real. All thought is our enemy. Thought is where everything starts to go wrong. Religion is even farther removed from thought, as it is thought captured in a box.

Spidey your growing wings . Thought is like energy Spidey . It motivates actions . I don't know why only a few of us see this ? To many willy nilly thinkers Methinks ( Barrow word from Dw)
Yeah I agree religion is thought captured in a box. I might add that it is peddled to the masses so they can buy a stairway to heaven . Somethings you just can't buy with cash. The world is getting a lesson in this . I was lucky my self for being a builder teaches you this . In building you have to get your finger nails dirty , unless you are a briefcase builder up to about 2008 , now chances are you sit at home twiddling thumbs or changed professions.

Back to your point . Thought in a box all mated together with cum from the priests molestation . Stomped down with the iron fist of "you sin" . We need a file cabinet so we can organize the thoughts . Throw away the ones that don't apply and keep the ones that do. You know Me though . I am a hoarder of thoughts . I am going to get you Spidey , Me daughters from hell are stocking you as we speak . I bet you have already started taking notice . How when you go out in public you seem to see more girls than men ? Aye Spidey . They are circling the wagon . Be nice . They will not hurt you . Just do what they tell you to do
A very interesting and astute observation, in my simple opinion.

How we define various words contributes greatly to our inability to communicate, especially in the absence of body language, tone and inflection.

My love and joy of horses is a motivating factor in my life and in years of interaction with that species, I recognize that each horse is an individual, exactly as is each human being. Horses have a limited number of vocalizations yet they are very good communicators, even in the absence of much 'language'.

The bio-electric/magnetic energy of the brain is detectable with some of our human instrumentation and humans and horses alike are also able to communicate on that level, which is designed into us by nature, yet most have become quite desensitized to the potential for we are largely surrounded and bombarded by external stimulation to the point that most of us are walking around with blinkers on, or wired in to at least the element of our own choosing.

The appeal of nature and a bit of solitude, wherein we can play, meditate, and truly 'listen' to the heartbeat of the universe.......this is my church and religion, quite unlike the conventional use of those words.

The druids had a term for it as well......the energy of place, and this planet has numerous places that civilizations have long recognized as having attributes that transcend their mere physical features.

We got a horse whisperer !!! A seer . Me and Mary Place are working the show . She thought the act could be called Greathouse Place . Is that funny ! I said no, no,no, it should be Mary/Mikel line and Mary first to show the value of the Woman and her roll in creation . Looks like it is going to be "Luna Blue" as the winning name . That is what she wants and Mary gets what Mary wants , cause Mary has a little lamb.

You all out there this person has value beyond the norm . They talk to nature and nature talks back . Nature listens to people like this for they know the hidden language . You can't learn it by your standard indoctrination by organized churches and school . You have to listen to your surroundings. The clicks and groans of the world . You might wake up if you do .
You got my respect Horse whisperer . Hats off to you
But for some people, (me for instance), religion is not necessarily bad. I consider religion that which brings inner peace to your life, and it must come from your heart. It is another way of saying "a religious man is one who follows his dreams". Cause if you don't follow your dreams you will probably regret that forever.
If is absolutely subjective as it is dependent on what your dreams are, and what brings you inner peace.

So what is your experience about religion and spirituality (as stated here and in the OP), when the very terms are addressed from this perspective? What is your true religion spidergoat? No thought?

What disturbs the inner peace that is already present in the body? I don't use the word religion, because it suggests something already one step removed from direct experience. We need no dreams, everything we want is already here, every movement towards some concept pushes us farther away. "No thought" is a fine label.

(granted thought is still quite necessary for such lowly concerns as art, science, government, industry, etc...)