your thought on afterlife


Registered Senior Member
I'm still seeking an answer on what's gonna happen to us after we die... I'm not sure.. but I kinda get to the thought that we'll return to our True-Self... but then... I wonder whether that applies to everyone.. I mean, what's gonna happen to those who do evil on earth? and are we gonna have our memory?
What do you think will happen to you after you die?

Note: If this has been discussed before, could you tell me the name of the thread? Thx!
Personally, I don't think anything will happen after we die. The afterlife is an idea created by us to comfort us when we have to deal with death. It's something thought up by humans to ease our fears of death, after all knowing death is only the beginning to a new, and in most cases better life should do quite a bit to dampen your fears right?

We are born, we live, we die. End of story. We are no more special than a slug or an elephant, and I'm sure they don't make up stories about some perfect afterlife to comfort their thoughts of death ;)
Xelios, you just haven't been talking to the right slugs and elephants. :)

I'm still seeking an answer on what's gonna happen to us after we die... I'm not sure.. but I kinda get to the thought that we'll return to our True-Self... but then... I wonder whether that applies to everyone.. I mean, what's gonna happen to those who do evil on earth? and are we gonna have our memory?

What's your Religion? If you have one...

Yeah... you'll return to your True-Self. What Christians call God, Taoists Tao... the Source... the Sphere... whatever... ;)

Those who do evil... well... or they will be thrown in the Lake of Fire like the nowdays Christians say or will have another encarnation... I guess we have encarnations until we learn it...
If it's truly in the old Bible, like I heard before, I belive...

Yes... we will have our memory... :)
And I guess we will remember things that we already forgot...
Hey... you'll be omniscient! Of course you'll have a memory... :)


I'm still seeking an answer on what's gonna happen to us after we die... I'm not sure.. but I kinda get to the thought that we'll return to our True-Self... but then... I wonder whether that applies to everyone.. I mean, what's gonna happen to those who do evil on earth? and are we gonna have our memory?

What's your Religion? If you have one...

Yeah... you'll return to your True-Self. What Christians call God, Taoists Tao... the Source... the Sphere... whatever... ;)

Those who do evil... well... or they will be thrown in the Lake of Fire like the nowdays Christians say or will have another encarnation... I guess we have encarnations until we learn it...
If it's truly in the old Bible, like I heard before, I belive...

Yes... we will have our memory... :)
And I guess we will remember things that we already forgot...
Hey... you'll be omniscient! Of course you'll have a memory... :)


I just wonder: Don't you feel empty living with such belief?????


I'm a deist. I learn a lot from other religions though, especially Christianity. To me, religions are like ways all leading to the same destination. ;)

Reincarnation? so a soul will be reincarnated until he/she is one with God? I guess that's possible.. so that means all souls will eventually return to God?
Lake of Fire? hehe.. I don't actually believe that a Hell exists where sinners are being burnt for eternity. Instead, I believe that hell is a state of being in the absence of God (Love, Happiness, Light).

Yes, I thought so too. Otherwise, without memory, our lives now will be worthless. :)
I'm an atheist. I would not be surprised if when we die, that's it. Nothing more. Nada. Zip. Zero. However, I can't say conclusively that such is the case. One more matter in my Undecideed tray.


When religious people say "Don't you feel empty?" or "I feel so sorry for you", it is an insult not only to my beliefs, but to the beliefs of my people, and to the way my parents raised me. Insult my beliefs all you want, but don't think they are any less real or valuable than yours.
I think it's a valid question Bubbl3, however Adam is right, I feel insulted as well when theists tell me they pity me, or feel sorry for me just because I don't believe what they believe.

Anyway, to your question:

Not at all Bubbl3. I don't need to rely on some made up promise of an afterlife to enjoy this one. In fact, knowing there is nothing beyond death only motivates me to enjoy the life I have even more. It does discomfort me somewhat that my death will be the final end of my life, but as long as I enjoy the short time I have here I feel I will have no regrets about dying.

And just because I don't believe in an afterlife, or God, doesn't mean I can't structure my life around some of the same principles. The basic idea of religion is good (to love one another), so why not take the one good thing about it and apply it to your life?

BTW, welcome to sciforums :)
Adam, Xelios, 1st I have to apologize. I didn't mean to insult you at all. It's just that everytime I tried to think God doesn't, I feel really empty, so I was wondering if you feel the same. Of course, I did not pity you, as long as you're happy, live your life to the fullest, why would I pity you? and you're right Xelios, it doesn't matter to me whether you believe God or not, it's more important to love one another. ;)
Originally posted by bubbl3
it doesn't matter to me whether you believe God or not, it's more important to love one another.
Exactly. I personally think that if I were God, I would actually give MORE kudos to atheists, at least to the ones who are good, kind, generous folks, because they're basically doing it for free, and not for any promise of an afterlife replete with ice cream and foot massages.

The theists who are good, kind, generous people would, of course, get SOME kudos, but the bad-ass in me (I mean come on, I'm GOD, right, so how do I not have a little bad-ass streak?) would wonder if they'd still be so nice if they weren't afraid of going to Hell.


I'm a deist. I learn a lot from other religions though, especially Christianity. To me, religions are like ways all leading to the same destination.


Reincarnation? so a soul will be reincarnated until he/she is one with God? I guess that's possible.. so that means all souls will eventually return to God?
Lake of Fire? hehe.. I don't actually believe that a Hell exists where sinners are being burnt for eternity. Instead, I believe that hell is a state of being in the absence of God (Love, Happiness, Light).

I agree... :)
It's just a Christian way of speaking... :D

and you're right Xelios, it doesn't matter to me whether you believe God or not, it's more important to love one another.

If you believe in Love, you are already believing in God, for God is Love! So what's the discussion?!? :confused:

Adam and Xelios,

When religious people say "Don't you feel empty?" or "I feel so sorry for you", it is an insult not only to my beliefs, but to the beliefs of my people, and to the way my parents raised me. Insult my beliefs all you want, but don't think they are any less real or valuable than yours.

I guess she meant, by feeling empty, that you have no belief that something will happen after you die. I believe she meant that feeling empty is like dying and... that's it. You don't exist anymore... I don't know... is that it bubbl3?

It is really hard for me to digest the fact that we are just here and we will just die. People who did evil and people who did good have never been equal. So, in the end they all will be equal? there won't be any justice? I don't know but I think there is going to be judgment.

I also like to say and admit that athiest are better then lots of religious people specialy better then christians. Since they question the authority and authencity of the book and don't believe in fairy tales this book offers. Since I am not christian any more and I don't consider my self atheist, So I have my own understanding of religion, which is very close to Islamic belief.

I don't think that we will go to parallel universe or something like that, but we may go to some other planet or sit above in the sky and watch the world or maybe it is just wishfull thinking and nothing of this sort might happen. So I guess we won't find out untill we die and when we die,then what if there is a GOD.

Exactly. I personally think that if I were God, I would actually give MORE kudos to atheists, at least to the ones who are good, kind, generous folks, because they're basically doing it for free, and not for any promise of an afterlife replete with ice cream and foot massages.

I totally agree with you. It's all about INTENTION. Even the Bible says that you have to be truly all those things, you have to be it with your Heart, with your essecnce: with intention. Then you'll enter in the Heaven even before you die, for everyone will threat you as you threat them. :)

If you, as an atheist and follow the Way of Love, you are already in God's side and God is in your side, because God Loves those who Love, for He is Love. If you accept Love in your Heart, you accepted Christ in your Heart (for Christ is Love) and you are already destined to be in the Heavens. ;)


Since they question the authority and authencity of the book and don't believe in fairy tales this book offers.

God once told me:
"Blessed are those who doubt for they shall once be the greatest believers."

Why? Because if you question the Bible (with respect of course...), and ask Him to explain something, He will explain to you and you'll have a better understanding. Doubt with your mind and Heart opened is a very healthy thing, for it gives you Wisdom in long term.

Continue with your openmindness and openheartness... ;)

Originally posted by TruthSeeker

God once told me:
"Blessed are those who doubt for they shall once be the greatest believers."

Why? Because if you question the Bible (with respect of course...), and ask Him to explain something, He will explain to you and you'll have a better understanding. Doubt with your mind and Heart opened is a very healthy thing, for it gives you Wisdom in long term.

Continue with your openmindness and openheartness... ;)


Yup. I did. And that's what took mre towards Islam. I am sorry but really that's what happened.:(

Listen your Heart, believe in you Heart, follow your Heart...
And you'll be fine... ;)

Originally posted by TruthSeeker

Listen your Heart, believe in you Heart, follow your Heart...
And you'll be fine... ;)


Thank you. But I can't follow just heart,I like to listen to my Mind too. And I did. :) ;)

Thank you. But I can't follow just heart,I like to listen to my Mind too. And I did.

I know you followed your mind... that's why I said to follow your Heart... ;)

Originally posted by TruthSeeker

I know you followed your mind... that's why I said to follow your Heart... ;)


I followed both actualy. They work better if you use both. I decided to be a shepard then a lost sheep.:D