Your theories and speculation regarding Markquis


Adult Supervision Required
Registered Senior Member
If there is any paranormal event to be found anywhere on this board, it surely lies with this single person. No one user has perplexed and frustrated us quite so much as he has. Much about this strange creature is still unknown to us, for instance, is it a man or a woman? How old is it? What nation is it from? What language is its native tongue? And why can't it even spell it's own name correctly?

What do we really know about this person? Here are a few observations, and some data gathered on the subject:

His sentences seem confused and random enough, with just the right wording, as to give the impression that English is not his first language, and that he is perhaps doing a poor job of translating his ideas into words and phrases which make little sense to English speaking peoples.

He appears to have some sort of religious intent in his posts. He frequently mentions God, and what can be deciphered from his cryptic messages seems to imply some sort of desire to understand God, or perhaps figure out some sort of divine imperative.

Other than that we can tell very little about what it is exactly which he wants us to know, specifics are all but impossible to make out in his garbled writing.

My own opinion is that this Markquis character, is actually some sort of hyper-intelligent chimpanzee right here in one of our own American laboratories. Scientists have taught him how to type, and, with the aid of wires hooked right up to his brain, have created methods to impel him to come here and attempt to communicate anonymously with we regular humans, in a sorry attempt to see if monkeys can be trained to type up memos and become content for basic word processing tasks. Perhaps this dream will be realized someday, but unfortunately, it seems that Markquis is, unfortunately, just not the chimp to achieve this milestone for his people.
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I hear he lives in a castle on an island and only comes out when its foggy, or to stand shoeless in the rain.
Well, I'd like to understand and "excogiate".
Could anyone point me to a link that explains how the brain project images to a common point in direction??

Thanks so much :)