Your tax dollars at work, folks!


Bay State pedophiles and rapists, including pervert ex-priest James Porter, have undergone controversial ``behavior treatment'' - some involving pornographic magazines and computer-generated images of nude kids, therapists told the Herald.
``If someone were doing that in their house, that would be cause for an investigation,'' says Bristol District Attorney Paul F. Walsh Jr. ``It sounds as perverted as what got them in there in the first place.''

If I'm not mistaken, this is your tax dollars at work. :bugeye:

-- Long live the Female Messiah!
Ex-workers at the Massachusetts Treatment Center say sex fiends in the past have been given girlie magazines and shown nude pictures of children while being bombarded with noxious odors as ``aversion therapy.''

One way the offender may be treated is through satiation therapy, in which they are forced to masturbate to pictures or audio tapes of consensual adult hetero- or homosexual sex. After they have climaxed, they are then forced to continue masturbating to ``disturbing'' tapes of ``deviant fantasies'' or ``morphed'' pictures of children.

Haha it doesn't just sound like A Clockwork Orange, this is essentially the very same method of reformation. Oh well, when criminals just get too creepy for you to handle, resort to classical conditioning!

Now, I'm not one to protest unusual punishment, but this may well be crossing the line into the realm of cruel. . . I'm not sure how the constitution puts it; Does the punishment have to be cruel and unusual or cruel or unusual?
Damn. Everyone beat me to the Clockwork Orange reference.

I thought I was awsome...