Your mom is a vampire!!!

Vhat the hell are jou talking about?

*calmly sips a glass of "red stuff" and listens to the creaky stairs in my haunted castle*

You know, they have a thread for jokes, and I'm not sure how vampire jokes fit into Psuedoscience. BTW, have you found the URL for the giant robots in Canada yet? I need some proof before I can tell everyone to run for the hills. :D
Vampires do fit into the Paranormal, under the subject "Occult and Witchcraft". Their are real people out their who love to drink blood, a practice substantiated in many cultures. Wether or not they have big K-9's and they suck blood through them is another issue.
Girls always do that to me... *sniff* ... But it's ok, really... :p
I sorta regret posting this, in light of recent conversations...

Anyway, BlueSoulRobot...I posted that URL. It's But I don't think they're doing anything all that great right now...