Your life is already planed out?


Registered Member
Someone I know said that God already has your life planned out...I thought they were insane. I do believe in God, but I don't believe that he "makes things happen". I think that he gives everyone choices, and we are responsible for making the right one. That's why God is so wonderful, he lets you make your own choices. All he can do is hope that you make the right one, but if you don't, you will hopefully learn from it.

Anyone agree or am I alone on this?
Well common belief is if you dont make the right choices and turn christian you end up burning in hell for eternity. Thanks god.

I'm not a believer- sorry. Why would God do that to his own children? I think it's just more of a state of mind. Whenever you die- and you do something you will regret- you'll be in hell because you will be wishing you could change it but you cant...
If you go to heaven after you die that means you lived your life to the fullest, and your happy. I don't really believe in an actual physical heaven, but an emotional one...get my drift?
It's all just a state of mind...
Re: Hell?

Originally posted by ll_3473052

It's all just a state of mind...
no its not,when you die your mind cease to exist,no more thinking,living,breathing,feeling,no heaven or hell,this life is all you got;)
death is the END.
welcome to reality,
Originally posted by ll_3473052
Someone I know said that God already has your life planned out...I thought they were insane. I do believe in God, but I don't believe that he "makes things happen". I think that he gives everyone choices, and we are responsible for making the right one. That's why God is so wonderful, he lets you make your own choices.
the believers say that god controls everything/everyone and is omnipotent/allmighty,all knowing,and he's everywhere,too:rolleyes:
(this is too contradictory to be real obviously)
if that was true than we have no choice, we are what he made us,and we do whatever he makes us to do,crazy?you bet!
God doesn't exist;)
your life is what YOU make it!
Answer to original question


God does have a plan for us but He doesn't do it. It is us that have to choose to surrender to His will and allow Him to work through us. It is up to us to make our future, eventhough He has plans for us. We have a free will, and we have to choose to accept His plan.
Someone I know said that God already has your life planned out...I thought they were insane. I do believe in God, but I don't believe that he "makes things happen". I think that he gives everyone choices, and we are responsible for making the right one. That's why God is so wonderful, he lets you make your own choices. All he can do is hope that you make the right one, but if you don't, you will hopefully learn from it.
I take it you haven't acually read the bible? What they said is a logical truism, also it's stated plainly over and over again in the bible.
Need to? Sounds very much like a rule to me....... Hang on.... wasn't it you who said there were no rules? Wasn't it you who said the only rule, (even though there are no rules), is to love christ? More and more rules are coming to light....

If you still abide by your 'there are no rules' belief you have some serious explaining to do.

If you want to have the future God prepared for you you OBVIOUSLY need to accept it!!:bugeye:

If you don't accept it, you won't have it. It is not a rule, it is just natural logic...!:bugeye:
No, that is a logical fallicy. If there was a God, then I'd be inclined to believe that he doesn't need your or anyone's permission to exert his omnipotent, omnipresent will upon you--which obviously covers that kind of predetermination. So yes, God determines who goes where in the afterlife before they're even born, by determining who will/won't believe in him in the first place (It's his plan, right?). Sounds great. Where do I sign up?

... God touched me once, but it was kind of inappropriate.
the way i look at life is as so: time is flowing continually, and i believe that all moments that have ever occured or will occur, Are currently occuring :D --> So, that would mean your life IS already planned out ahead of you, but you already made the choices yourself. Kinda weird when you think of it.

An example: imagine you are a farmer(random!) living in 1776 in Massachusetts. You hear gunshots break out, and see scattered guerillas ambushing british redcoats along a nearbye road. You think you have to make a decision, do you fight or do you stay on your farm in peace? Now come back to the "present." That scenario already happened, its a fact, (unless you believe that nothing has ever happened before this moment which is something i think about sometimes) but that man had to make his choice in an instant, thus since we are in his future and assuming we know what he did or did not do, his life is planned out but he made his decision.

I like confusing myself =) :m: