your heart diease risk an your blood type.

An interesting correlation and a couple of studies of significant scope. It would not surprise me at all if further research proves this observation to be valid.

As a corollary, I have observed that those who have type O blood also seem to be the ones who are capable of enduring long term grave yard shift. I'm not suggesting that all type O's have this capacity, merely that the trait seems to be more prevalent among them.

I strongly believe that one's lifestyle has an even greater potential to influence one's risk of heart disease. Further understanding of the mechanisms behind this observation could be useful in determining some occupations and activities that certain individuals might be well advised to reconsider or forgo. It would save a lot of my time and energy if I don't have to train new employees who are plainly not suited to the task but which we presently are mandated to trial because of a culture of equal opportunity for all.

All opportunities are not equal any more than people are born with equal ability.

(As example, how can someone who lacks the physical strength to pass a firefighter's exam have any claim of discrimination? They could possibly serve in the capacity of communications. Firefighting is a job associated with high risk of heart disease. It is a job of extremes. A lot of waiting interspersed with the need for immediate response and a lot of physical and psychological stress.)
Does anybody here actually believe its JUST your blood type that affects your future heart disease?

I do not understand why you ask if anyone believes “its JUST your blood type that affects your future heart disease” when the article you cited describes blood type as merely a contributing factor, as opposed to an absolute determinant.
Because the way I perceived it, your blood type is primarily the starting point. An everything else assists in elevating your risk. I may have seen it wrong though.
An I feel that your Blood type is not just the main factor or a starting point. Rather what I mentioned before. Your environment an diet, your lifestyle. Families history an fitness. I think those should be a primary starting point in determining "heart health". Your risks of heart disease I think IMO has less to do with your blood types.
Did I answer your Question H.R.
Right. Blood group is just one of many factors that contribute to the risk of developing heart disease. It would be silly to regard blood group as the sole determinant of heart disease risk because, as you’ve pointed out, there are a variety of well-known and well-studied factors that contribute to a person’s overall risk.