Your dream's perspective


Valued Senior Member
When you dream do you see yourself from outside your body, from your perspective, or do you have dreams where you are someone else?
ther are different types of dreams!!!
to which are you refering ???

groove on all :)
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For me 99% or more of the dreams I remember are first person perspective.

Dreaming from the perspective of someone else must be a strange you mean dreaming you are someone else??
If you mean this then I guess I have done it, e.g. dreaming I am male and having male body parts or such...but essentially it is still 'me' isn't it?

Out of body perspectives must be fairly rare for me.
I can understand the way it could be watching t.v.!

However, I have no recollections of ever 'seeing' myself from any other perspective but through my own eyes. [!?]
Whoa, grazzhoppa! I'm all three of those: at the same time!

I am the person, I'm within the person, I'm looking at the person, and I'm somebody else...all at once. :eek: That's what it must feel like to be omniscient. :D
Ooo...has anyone ever woken up in a dream, then slept again, repeatedly, until reality becomes blurred and inconsistent?

Once, I slept with my eyes open, and in my dream, I could see it played like a 3D film, except the backdrop was my room. Pretty cool, until I woke up and had to pinch myself so I would know if I was still dreaming. :D

Or the many times when my eyes are half-open, and in my dreams, I'm blind and I can't force my eyes to open. It usually happens when I'm in a panic situation, but I can't see, so the gut-wrenching fear just builds and builds until I wake up.

Ever had a dream where you knew you were going to die? I did. The emotions were so raw and overpowering, I woke up weeping. :( But it was a cool experience. :)
In chemestry and in german lessons I use to daydream with my eyes open.

My favourite thing is to imagine me in a fighter jet flying through blue sky with clouds- it refreshes and relaxes me.

When I'm hiding from a test in some remote location I do another kind of dreaming, but that (don't ask me) usually brings me to bitter frustration (when I wake up)
:D Yeah, I daydream in class too. :) But it's usually about a giant monster that comes crashing into our classroom, and me having to fight it off by revealing some hidden spirit living inside of me...pretty fantastical. :) And always, the monster and I would die together; after he impaled me with his weapon I'd summon up a powerful burst of energy in which the monster is consumed in a tortured, fiery explosion. Then, I'd collapse, and as my fellow students watched, a hunter from the sky would materialize with my wolf companion, and we'd disappear in a blue sandstorm.

(Classes are much too boring nowadays.) :D
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What do you mean, when you're hiding from a test?
What do you mean, when you're hiding from a test?
when hidind from a class I do not wish to go to- usually it is some test at that day (usually in geometry) or it is german- I hate german classes- because of the teacher

by revealing some hidden spirit living inside of me...pretty fantastical

yeah- that is with me also- that bitter thing part.
When I wake up myself I always become frstrated that it is not likely to happen - all, what is, becomes unimportant
heyya all :)


you have the opertunity to touch the GREAT NOTHING
in retrospect(looking back at) of your vision of desire.
it is very difficult to know of the suffering and the truth of true evil.
but with all things comes values which we tend to attach the labels of "good" and "bad"...
you do not need "the great monster" to bring forth your
you need truth in heart and spirit and to shed the demons of
lustful desire of greed and such other materialistic things!

its all very simple...
all very hard...

if you seek to be a better person you may very well gain control of your inner "warrior"-as you call it.
but remeber this!
it is a desicion you make every day in the way you treat other people and avoid geneticly modified food!
junk food!
religion!- like christianity and carthollacism and any others will also cloud your reach of the great powers you dream of..
all religion is "man" made all creation is "god" made.
try to look for the difference!
good luck if you choose it

peace light
truth love
the path to that we hold above.
Originally posted by ripleofdeath
heyya all :)


you have the opertunity to touch the GREAT NOTHING
in retrospect(looking back at) of your vision of desire.
it is very difficult to know of the suffering and the truth of true evil.
but with all things comes values which we tend to attach the labels of "good" and "bad"...
you do not need "the great monster" to bring forth your
you need truth in heart and spirit and to shed the demons of
lustful desire of greed and such other materialistic things!

its all very simple...
all very hard...

if you seek to be a better person you may very well gain control of your inner "warrior"-as you call it.
but remeber this!
it is a desicion you make every day in the way you treat other people and avoid geneticly modified food!
junk food!
religion!- like christianity and carthollacism and any others will also cloud your reach of the great powers you dream of..
all religion is "man" made all creation is "god" made.
try to look for the difference!
good luck if you choose it

peace light
truth love
the path to that we hold above.
The "Great Nothing"? Somehow, that brings an image of a giant chasm and me standing on the edge, arms windmilling and teetering....:eek:
Nevertheless, thanks for the inspiring message, ripleofdeath :). BTW, were you taking some sort of hallucinogen while typing that? :D J/J! The only thing I don't quite agree with is the religion part...but that's just me. :) Thanks again!
most of mine are first person but in the dream i dont "feel" like its me.
Most of my dreams are from the first person perspecitve. I have
had dreams as other people/things. I have also had a few dreams
where I was watching myself from a 3rd person perspective. In
a few of those dreams my body would do whatever it wanted
in the dream environment (I would have no control), yet any
physical sensations... touch, smell, taste, etc... I would experience
from my 3rd person perspective. Really weird and very annoying
if pain was involved.
Most of my dreams are 3rd person, as far as I can remember. What does it signify if somebody dreams from a different perspective:bugeye:?
I have no idea but the idea just came to me one day. It's interesting just to guess at what it means...maybe 3rd person means you are at peace with yourself, while in 1st person dreams you are trying to find something within yourself.....I have no clue though.
maybe 3rd person means you don't want to be yourself? It's really all guessing, but I'd like to find some answers as to why I'm dreaming in 3rd person