Your definitions of God

Quantum Quack

Life's a tease...
Valued Senior Member
I have been reading many many posts on the nature and definition of God and there are many.

The athiests have a view point and so to does the more orthadox religions.

I was wanting to survey what people would actually define as God.

In a straightforward non threatening way maybe a sentence or two.

Even the atheists can offer the definition of God that they deny exists.

After this post dies it's natural death I will collate all responses and maybe post another thread or maybe some one else can.

Just to start it off, my view.

To me God is

A universe that functions automatically, a universe that has no singular focus or decision making ability.

A universe that is growing and maturing, A universe that will exist for eternity.
I will excuse your double spacing and nonlinear writing. Anyway, who am I to judge with my poor spelling and clumsy grammer and all?

A thinking being of some sort that has significant creative, destructive, and observational power over all the universe. This does not necessarily need to be infinite but it has to be so great that it can do anything it ever may wish to do. I also think it dosn't have to have been the creator of the universe but may have come later.
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God has no defenition..

The sun used to be god, the moon used to be god, the wind used to be god, only as men became more knowledgeable and epistemology developed throughout the centuries we've been discovering that these things were not god at all.

Untill some idea of just one god exists, one that can't be seen, creator of it all, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent was brought forth, then there was no way to disprove an idea.

And that is what god is: an idea.

As an athiest I can't claim that god does not exist, in order to do this I would have to know what god is, since no one has a clue what god is, it is pointless to make an argument of the existence or lack there of, an entity that has no identity.

The supernatural being conceived as the perfect and omnipotent and omniscient originator and ruler of the universe and is the object of worship in monotheistic religions.
God(s) are fictional characters or concepts created by human imagination. The ideas are valuable as entertainment alongside all other science fiction or fantasy stories.
God would be no God at all without underlings to stand in awe at it's seemingly absolute power. I think that anyone and anything is capable of being a God if this criteria is met.
Re: God has no defenition..

Originally posted by Godless
As an athiest I can't claim that god does not exist, in order to do this I would have to know what god is, since no one has a clue what god is, ...
Since most things are known by their effects, that statement was rather stupid.
I'm not really sure what God is...but I do believe in a supreme consciousness, at least. I'm pretty sure there isn't a big guy with a long beard sitting on a cloud...but hey, I won't know until I die, now will I?
As an athiest I can't claim that god does not exist, in order to do this I would have to know what god is, since no one has a clue what god is, it is pointless to make an argument of the existence or lack there of, an entity that has no identity.
I must admit I like this one.

However it would put you in a rather difficult position because you know what other persons define God as and if you defend the nonexistence of God, it is their God you are saying doesn't exist which really stews things up because to do so you have just utilised a definition.....Ha....what a load of...........:D

In all fairness I really do like this statement from Godless. Not that what I like or dis-like matters:(
God is everything that is and everything that is not. God is the essence of life, God is life itself. God has no beginning and no end, just like life has no end.

ConAtheist, why stupid?

Perhaps cause you don't get it?

What is "known" about god? what can you tell me that I've not heard before, what identity can you put at that that has no identity?

Shmuck;, in order to claim that something exists, or that does not exist, one has to know what that something is, since there is no identity for "god" one can't claim that it does not exist, this would put the claimant of such a statement as with the knowledge of what god is, and claims it does not exist. Just the same as if some theist tells you have to have "faith" that god is, though he don't know, or can explain to you what god is.

The definition of God? I believe God is a systematic anomoly inherent to the 'programming' of the human culture throughout the years, one that creates an illusion of hope and purpose for those who need such notions presented to them in order to survive, ergo, visa vie, concordantly.... that's it.
" from out of no-where and nothing came something, that something was called time and with in this time came an idea, a universal idea and idea called God."