Your brother, the serial killer - a hypothetical

Miss Chicken

Registered Member
Your younger brother, you dear old mother's favourite child, is killed in an accident.

After his death you go around to his apartment and you find sound proof that he is the local serial killer.

An innocent man has recently been convicted of your brother's crimes and has been sentence to life imprisonment without parole. This man has a very long criminal record.

You know that if your mother, who has fragile health, finds out the truth it will break her heart.

Do you a) Tell the authorities even though you know it will be made public or b) do you keep quiet in a effort to protect your mother.
Hard one.

Okay, my first thought was no, don't tell. Your brother is dead anyway, the victims are dead, the sentenced man will not be released from gaol (presumably) and your mother would be spared the extra grief.

HOWEVER- after really thinking it out, I thought with your brother being a serial killer, the victims - however many there were - all had families and friends. The victims your brother killed were each loved by many people. The knowledge that the killer had died would have to have given them some sort of closure.

Your mother will still love her son - as mother's do. You would be doing the right thing by telling the truth. The man in gaol may never have killed anyone, it's possible that he may have just had a long criminal history without ever hurting anyone but himself.

I think your conscience would be at peace. I couldn't imagine living with that knowledge and not saying anything. It would eat away at me for the rest of my life. You may have loved your brother dearly but somewhere in him was an aspect of his nature that was totally evil.

The real victims in this scenario is you, your mother, and the families and friends of the deceased. I don't imagine the victims died peacefully and all of you would be living with that knowledge for the rest of your lives.

Life can be really cruel sometimes and this hypothetical is something I hope I never have to experience.

Damn, Teri... I could not have phrased it more eloquently.

Cereal Killer

Yes, I to would be on the horn to the cops so fast it would make my mother's head spin. She is in frail health, will love him unconditionally as Teri2 mentioned, anyway.

The victims (and more importantly the injustice done the convict) deserve JUSTICE. While nature (the accident) has solved that for them and deprived them of knowing he will be murdered as his victims were, it will remove that innocent from prison and clear his record, maybe.

Just TRY to get a paper to make as big a hue and cry about the courts convicting the WRONG man as they did to convict him in the first place...

but, I would do it, in a heartbeat.

Just for fun, here, lets remove the kicker. All of the conditions of the premise are the same except he's still living, there has been no accident.

You've let yourself into his apartment (with his consent) before going out to dinner with him, and discover this evidence, what do you do, besides eat, lightly?

Mr. K
Yes living or dead you have a duty to the victoms and the covicted man (HE IS A VICTOM TO). Im also sure that the police could do something to hide the fact from your mother if you asked them but even if they couldn't i would STILL have to tell them
Asguard ...

Re. " ... and the covicted man (HE IS A VICTOM TO). "

So help me, you really are trying to make me barf!

Take care ;)