Young-Earth Creationists...A Good Idea?


It is very dry in here today
Valued Senior Member
Do you think Young-Earth creationists are actually benefitting the Christian religion? No longer ignoring science they seem to have embraced it. They basically accept and incorporate evolution, plate tectonics, and a variety of scientific discoveries into the creation story. The biggest difference between their thinking and conventional science being the age of the Earth thus affecting the speed at which natural events took place.

We've seen the arguments, neither side backing down. Have the creationists painted themselves into a corner? Unable to prove conclusively against a mountain of contradictory evidence they still maintain the Earth is relatively young.

Personally I cannot see the creationists ever backing down from their claims for it would belittle their Bible, the words of God himself, raising some doubt as to the validity of their supreme deity.

Is this stance helping or hurting Christianity? Are Christians who believe in the scientific version of things embarassed by Creationist rant? I get the feeling that Y-E Creationists are not only laughing in defiance of their atheistic challengers but are also snubbing their nose at any Christian brother/sister who doesn't agree with their rationalizing.

Are creationists causing concern amongst the Christian faithful? Do they threaten Christianity by adopting their hardline stance riddling it with contemporary science? Is Christianity being helped or hindered by creationist logic and reasoning? Would you consider them cultish?

To some of us they appear ignorant, to others they may be revered as saviors of their religion. I don't know. I see a group of foolhardy individuals who refuse to knuckle under when their bible is under attack.
Young Earth Creationists are the same exact thing to us today as Geocentric followers were only 500 years ago. Extreme "Literalists" like IAC would have been writing books back then explaining how the earth was no doubt in the center of the universe and solar system.

"I, mean, come on, the evidence is overwhelming," they would say. "Just look at the sun and stars, they all rotate around us during the day and at night. A two year old could see that!!!"

In fact, Christians back then argued how absurd the theory was that the earth is round, and not flat. St. Augustine, for example, thought this notion was absurd.

So just like the "Flat Earth Theory" and the "Geocentric Theory" were disproved by undeniable science, so will the "Young Earth" Theory with the constant increase in biotechnology and research. In fact it basically already has. And all that will happen is religion will accept the undeniable facts, adapt it to the Bible, and move on.

The Catholic Church has learned its lesson after banishing and condemning truth givers like Galileo. It has learned to accept the facts of reality instead of rebelling against the truth.
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People get too caught up in what appears to be true that they forget that our perception is largely flawed. Thus we must look harder and test more extraneous ideas. Even today this is true, both among theists and mainstream scientists.
People get too caught up in what appears to be true that they forget that our perception is largely flawed. Thus we must look harder and test more extraneous ideas.

What appears isn't?

Even today this is true, both among theists and mainstream scientists.

But this is fact?

You don't think there might be a double standard Roy? I think your trying to say that science is only shows us how God did it and the creationists will fit it in with the written word. The fact that God had nothing to do with it doesn't enter your mind.

I have to ask after reading this post of yours, if God appears true to you then is your percption flawed?
And all that will happen is religion will accept the undeniable facts, adapt it to the Bible, and move on.

I have to believe you're right on if history behaves as it should.

Do you think that the Y-E C's position weakens the Christian religion or is it an embarassment for it? I see it as regressive behavior, a roadblock for progress. For everyone they convince I see a step backwards.

The part that concerns me is that politicians tend to placate the religions for the vote knowing full well the sensible vote is one they can't buy.
Yes, I think the YEC position is an embarrasment to a lot of Christianity, no doubt.

It is just as embarrasing to Christianity as the "Geocentric" and "Flat Earth" theories were.

The Catholic Church was very embarrassed when they learned that Galileo was right on with his Heliocentric Theory. They showed it by reburying him on sacred grounds years after his death.

The YEC Theory position actually doesn't embarass the Catholic portion of Christianity since the Catholic Church has learned its lesson and has accepted the facts of evolution.
What appears isn't?

But this is fact?

You don't think there might be a double standard Roy? I think your trying to say that science is only shows us how God did it and the creationists will fit it in with the written word. The fact that God had nothing to do with it doesn't enter your mind.

I have to ask after reading this post of yours, if God appears true to you then is your percption flawed?

First of all, I don't understand your first statement at all. Second, you didn't understand my post at all.

You are applying your own idea of god to what I said. To me, god is the same thing as nature.

And yes, if you observe the reactions of both extremes (theists and naturalists) from middle ground, then you will see that they get so caught up in what they want to see that they miss what is actually there.

I am merely trying to find the common ground between ideologies. We are all human after all.
First of all, I don't understand your first two statements at all. Second, you didn't understand my post at all.

Damn that reminds me of my X-wife! ;)
Personally I cannot see the creationists ever backing down from their claims for it would belittle their Bible, the words of God himself, raising some doubt as to the validity of their supreme deity.
I suspect a more powerful explanation for their probable intransigence is that backing down would belittle them; backing down would mean they had misunderstood the word of God; backing down would mean their knowledge of the deity was flawed; backing down would mean they were wrong: A difficult position for a self deceiving, self righteous follower to adopt.
I suspect a more powerful explanation for their probable intransigence is that backing down would belittle them; backing down would mean they had misunderstood the word of God; backing down would mean their knowledge of the deity was flawed; backing down would mean they were wrong: A difficult position for a self deceiving, self righteous follower to adopt.

Humble pie definitely not on YEC menu.:D
First of all, I don't understand your first statement at all. Second, you didn't understand my post at all.

You are applying your own idea of god to what I said. To me, god is the same thing as nature.

My apologies Roy. I put cart before horse. I wouldn't go as far as making nature God but I understand where you're coming from. Incidentally, nature didn't write a bible, did it?
Yeah it did, just ask Genghis Khan.

Not familiar with that but I think you might be inferring that we are a gullible bunch. Where would organized religion be without gullibility? I think YEC's know that answer all too well.