Young Earth Creation


We're setting you adrift idiot
Registered Senior Member
This is a thread I've been meaning to start for a while now, I'm sure it's been discussed before but stay with me anyway =P

How can YEC be justified in any way? None of what it predicts has been observed in any way. The evidence against it is enormous. The conclusions it makes go against almost every scientific law and observation we have made to date. On the other hand it has not made any accurate predictions. I know YEC believers are far and few, I'm just curious how anyone can believe this?
Short answer is no. It hasn't been a serious scientific position for 100+ years(if it ever was). Old earth creationism and intelligent design has the same problems in terms of predictions and falsifiability. Really, it is just a propaganda campaign and a reassurance to those who are psychologically dependent on the bible as literal truth. You're right about the lack of supporting evidence and the wealth of contradictory evidence, but this reality only becomes relevant if you've <i>heard</i> the evidence. It isn't supposed to convince the well-informed, critical thinker eg. you. It is supposed convince the dumbassed, but well meaning school board member who wouldn't know a devonian from a dildo. School Board Dumbass gets just as many votes as you, remember.
And it really works.
<a href="">Dr Dino's testimonial page.</a>
Actually, in the states there are a frightening number of people who believe in Noah's Ark and a six thousand year old earth. And a high proportion of them are rabidly enthusiastic in their condemnation of evolution and the communism, amorality, racism, genocide and bad toupees that it logically entails. There are hard wired little brains are churning out poorly worded letters to editors/senators as we speak.
New Game: Lets see who can get the funniest testimonial posted on Kent Hovind's site. (link in above post)
I bet Xev wins.
Unfortunatly, he only posts those testimonies that he finds acceptable. I'll bet he faked three quarters of them too, poor guy.
Originally posted by Voodoo Child

Actually, in the states there are a frightening number of people who believe in Noah's Ark and a six thousand year old earth. And a high proportion of them are rabidly enthusiastic in their condemnation of evolution and the communism, amorality, racism, genocide and bad toupees that it logically entails. There are hard wired little brains are churning out poorly worded letters to editors/senators as we speak. [/B]

I agree there are weirdos out there who believes in claims without proof, how can u reject evolution and believe in a literal Noah's Ark. This ppl are brainwashed to lies. and a literal adam and eve and the talking serpent. Or believe in a literal Samson, or believe in a literal dragon fighting against the woman in Revelation, this are all symbolic parables. People often exagerate when they talk then. However, the other kind of ppl I fear of are the atheist, who make claims without proof as well..
Unfortunatly, he only posts those testimonies that he finds acceptable. I'll bet he faked three quarters of them too, poor guy.

Therein the fun: how ludicrous can you make it whilst still slipping under the radar?