You say God created us but who created him


The Illest
Registered Senior Member
The belief of that we were manufactured by god is to justify our existence.

eg: "We can't have just appeared here"

(Note: the above is not a quote but a possible one)

So if this explains how we were created then who created god and why would he be made just to make us?

If we can't have just began to exist out of the blue then how can he have just appeared.

I believe that we evolved from cells into tissue into animals and so on.

Comments please.
[2.255] Allah is He besides Whom there is no god, the Everliving, the Self-subsisting by Whom all subsist; slumber does not overtake Him nor sleep; whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth is His; who is he that can intercede with Him but by His permission? He knows what is before them and what is behind them, and they cannot comprehend anything out of His knowledge except what He pleases, His knowledge extends over the heavens and the earth, and the preservation of them both tires Him not, and He is the Most High, the Great.

God is the Self-Existing or self subsisting in that He requires nothing to exist. As an example, human beings exist or are alive because of the self within the body. The `self' governs the body and without the `self', the body does not see, hear, feel, taste, or move and finally dies. The body and every cell and atom contained within it are in need of the self to survive. This need is unending throughout one's lifetime. If the `self' were to disappear even for a moment, the body would die. The `self', on the other hand, is dependent upon the Self-Existing for existence as are all things in the universe. Without this Divine Grace in different degrees and strengths depending upon the need, nothing would exist.

So god was not created and is the creator of all because god is self existing.
Explanations for fictional concepts like Allah and God will be equally fictional, or will simply defy explanation, e.g. Flores statement – So god was not created and is the creator of all because god is self existing. Just like the child who does something thoughtless and when asked why they did that – their reply is often – “because”.
Originally posted by Cris
Explanations for fictional concepts like Allah and God will be equally fictional, or will simply defy explanation, e.g. Flores statement – So god was not created and is the creator of all because god is self existing. Just like the child who does something thoughtless and when asked why they did that – their reply is often – “because”.

Suit yourself Cris, I can't nor can anyone teach you a concept that you are self rejecting. I reject your concept and you reject mine, so you carry the consequences of yours and I do mine. I believe people are self motivated and self taught just like god is self existance....This is not a concept that anyone can spoonfeed to you....If yourself finds it fictional, then you will wreap the consequences of it, just like myself will wreap mine of believing it true.....I always say, when they hang a man/woman they don't hang him/her by their mama's neck.
Originally posted by Cris
Just like the child who does something thoughtless and when asked why they did that – their reply is often – “because”.

When you are honored with the responsbility of raising a child in the future, try to listen to their becauses, there is a lot to learn from a child justification, don't be too synical and void of compassion.
Originally posted by Mitch1984
... who created god and why would he be made just to make us?
Some peole don't assume that we are the only thing God created; He created everything...
I believe that we evolved from cells into tissue into animals and so on.
This in no way elliminates a belief in God.
Originally posted by Flores
God is the Self-Existing or self subsisting in that He requires nothing to exist.
The problem with the attribute of self-causation is that it’s application is entirely arbitrary. One can appoint it to the Universe, a meta-Universe, God, God’s Mom, or Bob the wacky green-haired creator of universes equally.

The difference between scientific hypotheses that indicate self-causation and hypotheses of God that do is that the scientific hypotheses are grounded in empirical fact and mathematical extrapolation (that is they supply a possible mechanism for self-causation based in fact) while the ‘religious’ attribution is simply presumed. The other difference is that science admits to unproven hypothesis while religion claims fact.


Suit yourself Cris, I can't nor can anyone teach you a concept that you are self rejecting.
The problem does not lie in the teaching of the concept since that is a simple idea. The problem lies in your claim of the concept being true. Your claim is baseless and indistinguishable from any fictional story. And you cannot show otherwise.

When you are honored with the responsbility of raising a child in the future, try to listen to their becauses, there is a lot to learn from a child justification, don't be too synical and void of compassion.
I’m not planning on having any more children. I currently have three daughters, 17, 19, and 21. I understand a great deal about children.
The six most popular arguments for the existence of God are:
The ontological argument
The cosmological argument
The argument from design
The argument from miracles
The moral argument
The pragmatic argument
Needless to say none can conclude, logically, that there is a god. So that leaves faith. Faith is the “just because” argument. It doesn’t answer anything scientifically but it does give people an imaginary friend to help them through the tough times in life. It also (depending on the faith) gives them this sort of “life is a bitch” but once I die I’m getting all the good things this unfair life didn’t give me – and more even. Lastly, in a tribal sense it gives an awareness of community to it practitioners. I personally think that faith inhibits growth and by proxy Religion holds back progress. Is this true? I look to societies ruled by religion and feel vindicated by that belief. Nevertheless, there are probably more atheists today than ever before in our history. I have “faith” this trend will continue as people are more educated. We’ll see. . . .