You Religious People How Can I say Goodbye?!?


Registered Senior Member
I just found out 30 min ago my good friend died.

So if you are all religious and think that YOUR god exists, HOW can I give my goodbyes to my good friend, and it aint a funeral I missed it.

This is no joke I am 100% serious.
Sorry to hear of your loss. My condolonces.

But really what good are goodbyes...they would just prolong your agony and your friend would still leave...Maybe it's better that you guys didn't say goodbye...because that would have meant that your friend was fatally sick and knew that he was going to die.

I always find wisdom in death...It is a blunt reminder to all of us that this life is just a temporary short stay, and that we should invest in life accordingly.

As far as your friend is concerned, pray for his soul for it has returned to it's maker, and the body will return back to the dirt it came from.
I say you go to the place where you guys use to hang out. Go there alone and just remember the great times you two guys had. Don't feel bad even though you will but just keep thinking of the amazing times you had with him/her.

I am sorry for you loss.:(
Saying goodbye, seargentlard had a good idea.
The best way to close things now would be to just be there for your other friends that need you, make the most out of the time you have here with them.
That's probably what your friend would have wanted for you to do, just live life as you would have normally and in the end it will be worth it.

I feel for you, it wasn't recently, but I too lost a friend.

Is praying any good? Not to be insensitive, but from your perspective he's either in eternal paradise or irredeemably fucked. I mean its kind of pointless at this stage, isn't it?
or he's either in pugatory, a place where sin is purged from you so you can enter clean for in the bible it says "nothing will enter the kingdom of heaven that is defiled"
Originally posted by Voodoo Child
Is praying any good? Not to be insensitive, but from your perspective he's either in eternal paradise or irredeemably fucked. I mean its kind of pointless at this stage, isn't it?
Praying doesn't do his friend any good but it helps ease some anguish.
wel not really, in pugatory u have to stay there for a period of time. if your sin's were numerous even up to several centures. it's important to pray for the dead so they wont have to stay in pugatory as long as needed. they need your prayers
I have searched the word pugatory in the entire bible, Koran, and Talmud and didn't find it. Where does this concept come from if it is not in any of the holly books.......Looks to me like an old story to tell the kids and scare them with.
wel pugatory is not "mentioned" but evidence exists in the bible that supports it. jesus said that "for one to enter the kingdom of heaven has to like walk through many fires", also in the scriptures it says "nothing defiled can enter the kingdom of heaven". pugatory is to purge you from sin. it "burns" you to make you clean. its suffering, but prayers from people on earth can aleviate the suffering. thats why its important to pray.
It's a far stretch interpretation of those statements. Also in the Quran it says that every soul even the good is tasting death and the fire of it's own sins, then god will purify those that their goodness exceeded their sins and will condemn those whose sins exceeded goodness.....

Still, I don't think praying of the living does anything to the dead or have any impact on anything.

PS. What is centuries of sin that you're talkin about, last I checked, we live for 8- years if we are lucky.
Originally posted by heflores

Still, I don't think praying of the living does anything to the dead or have any impact on anything.

Praying doesn't do anything for the dead, but it can be psycologically comforting for the living. Praying won't actually help the dead friend, but it could help the one that is still alive.

Originally posted by heflores
PS. What is centuries of sin that you're talkin about, last I checked, we live for 8- years if we are lucky.

1) We may only live for 80 years now, but aren't records of ancients living for almost 1000 years? Methusalah (?spelling?) supposedly lived for approximately 982 years.

2) It is Catholicism, that answers everything. I'm Christian but even I think Catholicism is a load of crap. You're supposed to be purified through repentence, not some undefinable time in 'purgatory'. A little advice, Catholicism has become so corrupt and screwed up over time that it is best to just ignore them. Catholicism is like a crotchety old man sitting in the rocker on his porch yelling at all the kids for playing on his lawn.

(sorry for straying from the topic of death)
Yes praying makes the living feel good....I pray for my grandma everytime I remeber her. It wouldn't make sense to an Atheist though to pray. The subject of this thread was how to say goodbye the religion way and after searching this matter, I didn't see in the bible, Quran, ect...a recomendation to pray for the dead....In the Quran, it says that speedy burial, within 24 hours or less is the best tribute and honor you can pay the dead....The body must go to the ground without plastic cloth or a box very fast.....It's considered an insult to the dead in Islamic culture to keep them above ground, in fridges, or funeral homes, or to dress them like brides and grooms.

(Sorry for deviating off subject a bit, but I wanted to give you a flavor of a religious burial)
Originally posted by heflores
I have searched the word pugatory in the entire bible, Koran, and Talmud and didn't find it. Where does this concept come from if it is not in any of the holly books.......Looks to me like an old story to tell the kids and scare them with.
I believe the word he wanted was purgatory.
No offense guys but Revolution asked for help and you seem to have started questioning each others belief again instead of focusing on his request.
As the wind pushes a sailing vessel out over the ocean, from the perspective of those standing on the shore, it becomes smaller and smaller until just the masts are barely visible over the horizon. Eventually the masts slide out of sight too. The ship is not gone however. The observers on the other shore now see the mast rising up out of the horizon as the ship moves closer to their shore.

Your friend is not gone. He is on a journey. As you are on a journey yourself. Someday, you will again embrace each other as your ship comes into the harbor too.

My condolences on your temporary loss.
I disagree with you bridge. His friend’s journey is over. His ship has come and gone. It is not good to get delusional about this subject. His friend died and there will be no return. I hope he enjoyed the great time that he had with him, and cherish that time forever, for it is all the time we have.
