You need to follow Jesus with your heart, not your head.


Eviiiiiiiil Clown
Registered Senior Member
I met a missionary at a coffee shop today, and he left me with this statement before he left. "You need to follow Jesus with your heart, not your head."

I think this describes the problems of all Christians today.

"Using your heart" utilizes the emotion part of your brain, which is quadrant C of your brain is responsible for.

Quadrant A&B are responsible for quantitive and qualitive reasoning. (Quadrant D is responsible for creativity if you are wondering. I am using Hermann Brain model)

This means Christians are only using 1 quarter of your brain and shutting off the other two. However, God does not design people ot think that way. You have to use all of your brain simultaneously. If you have to use both your heart and your head.

I think this is why fundamental christians are so screwed up with the way they think.
Yes the heart is foremost but the head can put armor on the heart. The heart can be worked on by other heads who are out there to undermine your heart. And still others who seek to sway your heart into deception. The heart needs a strong foundation and the more the head is engaged with the heart the more secure the heart is in faith.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

I’ll translate for everyone.

Yes the heart is foremost but the head can put armor on the heart.
Critical thinking can keep emotions under control and in appropriate balance.

The heart can be worked on by other heads who are out there to undermine your heart.
People who allow their emotions to rule are gullible.

And still others who seek to sway your heart into deception.
People who allow their emotions to rule are gullible.

The heart needs a strong foundation and the more the head is engaged with the heart the more secure the heart is in faith.
This is false. Critical thinking prevents faith from occurring and ensures the emotions do not rule.

§outh§tar said:
Who said using your heart necessarily means using the "emotion part"?

Maybe, maybe not.

Okay let me explain more here. Usually fundamentalists are not educated in science.

Your heart can't think. Only your brain. Let me explain more about brain.

This is what is known. Your brain has 4 parts.

Quadrant A - Realistic


Basically this quarter of your brain is responsible for logical or quantitive analysis.

Quadrant B - Sensible


This quarter of your brain is responsible for keeping you organized.

Quadrant C - Feeling based


This quarter is responsible for your emotion and feeling.

Quadrant D - Idealistic


This quarter of your brain allow you to put things in perspective or see things in "big picture" and be artistic and creative.

Okay, the question is which quarter(s) of your brain allow you to have faith? Hmm....Personally I think Quadrant C only. That's your feelings and emotions. If you use your heart and not your head, the quadrant A of your brain is completely shut down.
nevertheless, i think your quadrant C deals with emotions in a pure and primal form. dealing not so much with "spirit," rather, with emotional reactions to environmental stimuli. and i must say i really don't think people "feel" god in that sense of the word. i would therefore argue that the "heart" to which the priest man referred extends beyond C into both B and D, and perhaps - to some extent - even A. finally, i don't think you are referring to the functions of the entire brain, if so, saying that a person only uses a quarter of their brain is nearly as inane as saying the universe was created in six days. :rolleyes:
I don't think the priest knew what these quadrants were when he referred to the heart.

8Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.

Matthew 15
17"Don't you see that whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach and then out of the body? 18But the things that come out of the mouth come from the heart, and these make a man 'unclean.' 19For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander.

36"Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?" 37Jesus replied: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' 38This is the first and greatest commandment.
§outh§tar said:
I don't think the priest knew what these quadrants were when he referred to the heart.

Back then, It is believed that human think with heart. We didn't know we think with brain until last few hundred years.
antifreeze said:
nevertheless, i think your quadrant C deals with emotions in a pure and primal form. dealing not so much with "spirit," rather, with emotional reactions to environmental stimuli. and i must say i really don't think people "feel" god in that sense of the word. i would therefore argue that the "heart" to which the priest man referred extends beyond C into both B and D, and perhaps - to some extent - even A.
This is sort of what I was getting at. Nobody can really shut off A B and D completely, but a person can let dominance of C into A B, and D. In fact, that's the way a lot of adolescent female thinks. They do a lot of things that are counter intuitive and drive guys crazy. This is how most of their brains work.

Feel -> act -> think

While normal people

Think -> act -> feel or Think -> feel -> act

A dominance of one quadrant can indeed sip into A, B, and D can cripple the other three. It is scientifically proven. If you are interested, do a search on "Herrmann brain" on your favorite search engine.

finally, i don't think you are referring to the functions of the entire brain, if so, saying that a person only uses a quarter of their brain is nearly as inane as saying the universe was created in six days. :rolleyes:

Of course not. Some parts of brain are for involuntary movement, such as heart beats, breathing, and genital erection, and etc.

I don't think the priest knew what these quadrants were when he referred to the heart.
Or indeed which bodily organs did what. It’s called ignorance, which is the basis of all older religions.

8Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.
Makes more sense to say “pure in thought”.

Matthew 15
17"Don't you see that whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach and then out of the body? 18But the things that come out of the mouth come from the heart, and these make a man 'unclean.' 19For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander.
Excellent example of biblical mumbo-jumbo.

36"Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?" 37Jesus replied: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' 38This is the first and greatest commandment.
Clearly the myth-makers who wrote this were as ignorant as everyone else 2000 years ago.

What’s your point, that you can quote worthless mythology?


nevertheless, i think your quadrant C deals with emotions in a pure and primal form.
Not sure that that matters – all emotions are generated by the brain.

dealing not so much with "spirit," rather, with emotional reactions to environmental stimuli.
What do you mean by spirit?

i would therefore argue that the "heart" to which the priest man referred extends beyond C into both B and D, and perhaps - to some extent - even A.
That would exclude everything, so heart doesn’t refer to anything then?


Who said using your heart necessarily means using the "emotion part"?
The distinction was being made between heart and head. Head normally means the thinking part and that leaves heart to refer to the emotions. Kinda obvious isn’t it?

1. hey, i didn't make the divisions, blame hermann.
2. well, by "spirit" i meant the regions of the brain involved in faith. though certainly not a soul.
3. and i don't think the brain can be divided into a "heart" region and a "head" region per se.
Joeman said:
Back then, It is believed that human think with heart. We didn't know we think with brain until last few hundred years.

I thought you met him the "other day".. :confused:
Katazia said:

The distinction was being made between heart and head. Head normally means the thinking part and that leaves heart to refer to the emotions. Kinda obvious isn’t it?


I used the word "necessarily" to make my point.