You Must Know This Man..muhammad

I think everyone get's the point: What a wonderful man definitely worth a bonking. However where at any point does it show any validity to the existence of god? Answer= nowhere.

Many people spoke exactly the same way about David Koresh. Look how they ended up. The fact remains- smart or otherwise- nobody, not one person here can testify to the validity of belief in god. It remains mere conjecture and groundless faith based on words of men who died centuries, or millennia ago. That's a fact.

There's nothing to separate your little arab man from the little jew man. Both were great talkers. Again i state: So was David Koresh.
Snakelord even if you disbelieve why must you condemn an other's belief with graceless stupidity?
However where at any point does it show any validity to the existence of god? Answer= nowhere.

Should it ? Id say Gods validity is irellevant in this point .

Many people spoke exactly the same way about David Koresh. Look how they ended up. The fact remains- smart or otherwise- nobody, not one person here can testify to the validity of belief in god. It remains mere conjecture and groundless faith based on words of men who died centuries, or millennia ago. That's a fact.

There's nothing to separate your little arab man from the little jew man. Both were great talkers. Again i state: So was David Koresh.

And here we find a common error in people's logics . Men like Muhammad , Yshua , should not be specified and torn away from that what makes them what they are today and thats the gigantic masses of ignorant followers .
It is not a little Arab man , and not a little Jew man . It is BIG masses of little people who create that what obvously conflicts with your obvious atheism .

Im sure ud feel otherwise if u spoke to Muhammad or Yshua themselves , their minds would fascinate you , its not just about being great talkers . Being great talkers is just of importance for the masses of ignorance , they tend to listen to how its said instead of what has been said .
Should it ? Id say Gods validity is irellevant in this point .

Why preach something that may be nothing more than delusional fantasy?

And here we find a common error in people's logics . Men like Muhammad , Yshua , should not be specified and torn away from that what makes them what they are today and thats the gigantic masses of ignorant followers .
It is not a little Arab man , and not a little Jew man . It is BIG masses of little people who create that what obvously conflicts with your obvious atheism .

Firstly i'm not athiest and thus you find yourself being obviously wrong.

Secondly it's down to what is written by people hundreds or thousands of years ago. The claim that these men said anything even remotely of worth is unproven. For all you know it could be the author who is smart at creating incredible fictional characters.

But let's assume they did exist and did say wonderful things.... I can name countless others who have done the same in countless areas. Look at the genius of Mozart, the brains of Einstein, the writing of Mark Twain, the sayings of Confucious, the slave writing of Easop, the heart surgeons etc who save many lives every year.

Although it's nice to look at history and it's legends there is genius and brilliance alive and well in this time. Along with your tales of Muhammed, Jesus etc i'd like to add Odysseus, King Arthur, those who created the wooden horse and a load of other legendary figures that have done amazing things.

History is full of brilliant people. All of them share one thing in common: They're humans. I think this is something important everyone forgets. We spend so much time looking skyward either for god or aliens that people forget to appreciate that which is right in front of them.

Weak minds are easily comforted by those who seek to extort and bias them. Can anyone deny the brilliance of David Koresh who told people something that they believed without question? Can anyone deny the brilliance of Hitler who told people something they believed without question? It never makes that persons belief right. We now have no way to determine the true nature of these people now for they share one other thing in common: They're all dead. By that same token can you deny the brilliance of a Pharoah who told people there was a god called Ra, or deny the brilliance of the vikings who told people there was a god called Odin? Personally i don't think any of these people are brilliant, Jesus, Muhammed or Hagar the viking. They have contributed absolutely nothing to mankind except probable delusion and fantasy. Ok, it settles the spirit of the weak minded but what's wrong with a star trek novel?

Their work is based on mere conjecture and baseless speculation. I prefer the works of geniuses that actually contributed to reality.

Im sure ud feel otherwise if u spoke to Muhammad or Yshua themselves , their minds would fascinate you

The same could be said of any figure in history, real or fictional. I'd have a hell of a lot of fun talking to Odysseus, bigfoot, Napolean, Merlin the wizard, E.T, Samuel Clemens etc etc.

Of course that's just an assumption. They could just end up being boring assholes with nothing of worth to tell a man with the ability to think for himself.

its not just about being great talkers . Being great talkers is just of importance for the masses of ignorance , they tend to listen to how its said instead of what has been said

Well seeings as we're all 'masses of ignorance' why don't you with all your abounding wisdom tell us what's being said? I've heard 1000000000 different versions of what's being said. I'm sure one more version wont hurt.

What is shown is that none of you can agree on what was being said. This shows none of you know what was being said in which case all you're doing is speculating and reading into something that which you specifically want to hear. In that case there's nothing wrong with the I Ching. Hell, there's nothing wrong with any book- just buy any old novel and attribute it's meaning to be whatever you want. People already do that. On other threads there's talk of LOTR being about the bible, talk of The lion, the witch and the wardrobe being a sermon on god. People can't even play a cd without someone saying it plays the voice of the devil if you play it backwards. Whenever you look in the clouds you see a face- why not say that's god too? You're all 'reaching' for something because you're lacking.

One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind. Keep stepping and leaping in that manner you're gonna end up at the bottom of a ravine.
This forum is not a preaching forum. Noone here will convert on your behalf....God told his own messanger.

The Cow
[2.272] To make them walk in the right way is not incumbent on you, but Allah guides aright whom He pleases;

So please stop the preaching note and islamacity publicity, and the god guide you in the right path salutation, and concentrate on debating....Or I'll have to say that you are not a true muslim, but a missionary religionist who don't respect the power of god to guide whom he please.