You have to go here

RTB ...

I went ... I read ... I puked!

By the way, though you may be enamored with the site, it really isn't
necessary to post it twice.

Take care. :rolleyes:
careful chagur...

hehe you might cause a rebellion, if a girl was trying to kill me or hit me or something i mean like beat the crap out of me or something and i couldnt stop them then id give em a knock in the head. they want to hurt me. thats their choice. and if you try and hold the door open for those anti-men type girls they get all haughty and walk off. one of them cracked some guy in the head for it. this was after a short arguement where she said "i dont need your focking help with the door!" and him saying "sorry didnt know you were so strong." then crack! and down he went. this happend at another highschool then my own.