You have one week left to live.


The Man, The Myth, The Legend
Registered Senior Member
Say a scenario like in the movie "Deep Impact" happened, and a huge asteroid was going to hit the Earth in 7 days. All human life will be ended, and the World governments have no failsafe to stop it.

What would you do if you had one week left to live?
here a list

1. go to japan
2. have a threesome (both female)
3. own a sword
4. go on killing spree
5. sunbathe on the day the metor hit

if all this failed there can be one thing

shit myself
Brolly, you could only do one of those things, Shit Yourself:D
Seven Days to live

  1. Hold a meeting with all my loved ones and tell them how much they mean(t) to me
  2. Quickly believe in God (if I already hadn't)
  3. Cry a lot
  4. Laugh maniacally, because everyone's going to die, and humanity will pay for all its sins (*shrug* dunno why)
  5. Pretend the asteroid is HITTING RIGHT NOW!!!
  6. Yell "Just kidding" and laugh my head off
  7. Do the above repeatedly, until they all get tired of it and start believing there is no asteroid
  8. Tell everyone all my secrets..yes, all of them :eek:
  9. Rail at the government as to why they can't stop the asteroid
  10. Last day: Eat brownies (mmmm..brownies...), sit back, and watch the show

    Has anyone actually read Revelations? If you haven't, a series called "Left Behind" tells the story, in a modern perspective, as if it were going to happen tomorrow. (Don't read the "teens" version, because it's terrible *gag*) By: Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins
Stay awake through every day and night. Screw all the girls o ever wanted to. Walk along way. On the day of the hit, go to sleep!!

- Make a house made of 10,000 layers of concrete, metal, and all the other strong elements.

- store enough food and water and capsuls of oxygen for a month

- Take as many women as you can fit in the house, so that you can restart human life and be the father of humanity.

- Take from different groups of animals and act as if you are Noah.

Imagine how many babies you should make to re-populate earth

Unless it's going to empty the all the water in the ocean, I will find a super sub, and get enough food, drink, and girls, then hide deep under water on the ocean floor before the day of impact. :p
I'm sticking with digging the hole and crying plan.

hey Asguard...way ahead of you, man....already there... :D

