That is not the principle of the United States government. The government doesn't grant rights, it protects the rights that are innate.
Theoryofrelativity said:
I frequently read about people talking about their right to do x y z.

We have no rights except those ordained by the controlling body (government)

We are not born with a right to anything, why do people assume rights to this that and the other.

YOU have no rights
Correct. Or as I like to say, you have the right to be born, and in the next instant be eaten by a hungry lion as your mother runs in terror. End of inalienable rights.
spidergoat said:
That is not the principle of the United States government. The government doesn't grant rights, it protects the rights that are innate.
Innate? Like...?
superluminal said:
Correct. Or as I like to say, you have the right to be born, and in the next instant be eaten by a hungry lion as your mother runs in terror. End of inalienable rights.

The right to be born does not exist either
It seems we as humans have trouble accepting we have no rights except those granted or imposed by someone else, a fellow human who assumes power over us.
Life, liberty, the right to ride your machine without being hassled by the man, ect...
spidergoat said:
Life, liberty, the right to ride your machine without being hassled by the man, ect...

These rights are not innate, they are given and taken away by the same hand that gave them.
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wikipedia said:
A right is the power or liberty to which one is justly entitled or a thing to which one has a just claim.
A person's rights depend on the definition of what is just. if you are born into a society that has a framework of justice, you have those rights innately .
cato said:
A person's rights depend on the definition of what is just. if you are born into a society that has a framework of justice, you have those innate rights.

As I said those 'rights' are not natural (certainly not innate) they are given and taken away, incarceration, possession of goods, removal of driving licence, death, abortion, whatever right was 'given' by that framework of justice there is a counter action which removes it when that same framework decides to do so.

There is no such thing as innate rights
Theoryofrelativity said:
It seems we as humans have trouble accepting we have no rights except those granted or imposed by someone else, a fellow human who assumes power over us.

Do you ever get tired of contradicting yourself?
superluminal said:
You know what I mean. Smartass #2. :D

I know what you mean :bugeye:

re smartass 1

I know the intelligent contributers understand what I am saying. The lesser men can do their own thing. Their lack of understanding is not my responsibility. :D
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The government doesn't dictate wether or not I can cover myself in purple paint, or if I want to walk in a silly way. There are many activities that aren't and shouldn't be regulated. Knowing you have innate rights will led you to stand up for them. So, you have them if you believe in them. It's conceptual. If you have been convinced that a governing body has complete control over you, then I suppose there are no innate rights. Your brain is the field on which the conception of rights acts. I agree, they are not a permanent part of the ether somewhere.
spidergoat said:
The government doesn't dictate wether or not I can cover myself in purple paint, or if I want to walk in a silly way. There are many activities that aren't and shouldn't be regulated. Knowing you have innate rights will led you to stand up for them. So, you have them if you believe in them. It's conceptual. If you have been convinced that a governing body has complete control over you, then I suppose there are no innate rights. Your brain is the field on which the conception of rights acts. I agree, they are not a permanent part of the ether somewhere.

You can cover yourself with puple paint because there is no law as yet stopping you. Trust me we have plenty of alternative rules that stop you doing equally unoffensive things. Re the silly walk, that is your behaviour not your right, and you may well end up with a psychiatric assessment for doing it. Cultural 'norms' of behaviour have seen to that 'right'.
or if I want to walk in a silly way
heh, thanks for reminding me of one of my favorite sketches.
