YOU follow the same God.


Registered Member
Jews, Christians and Muslims shouldn't argue of who praises the right God because in each of their scriptures it says that they praise the God of Abraham, meaning they all have the same God.

another thing, Christians say everyone that doesn't believe in Christ goes to hell no matter how good they are. Muslims say that good Jews and Christians go to Heaven, too. I know this for a fact because im reading the Quran. The scripture is between pages 1-30. i cant remember exactly.

one last thing: the outrage over the comics. It is totally outrageous because Christ is constantly being made fun of and do Christians go crazy: no.
Modern muslims say that Mohammad should not be depicted but it never states this in the Quran, and I have seen Medieval images of Mohammad.
Another example of the twisting of beliefs religious leaders make.
Well, since the god of christianity, islam, and judaism doesn't exist, and since christ was a mentally insane criminal, you whole argument is pretty bloody pointless, now ain't it?
Christians say everyone that doesn't believe in Christ goes to hell no matter how good they are.


Actualy no they don' shouldn't talk so about things you don't really understand. There is a saying; "Fools tread with hobnailed shoes, where angels fear to trod"

Christianity says there is an "economy" of God ....that people are like a pocket full of change.
Some are like pennies, nickels, quarters, silver dolllars, ect.....
There is a teaching that some who are just good to a child of God will receieve a reward.
(If you so much as give a cup of water to an angel unawares)
Also the Jews were supernaturally blinded by that the truth could be offered to the gentiles, (the rest of the world).
So the Jews who have been true to their Judeism are still accounted the book of Revelations....(some had the testimony of christ, others it mentions, had the testimony of God, -the jews.)
There are many other classes of people who will either be saved or given a future chance to be, in true christianity.
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God is a soul eater, he eat sheeps like you.
He's Omnivorous and Satan is his chef !
And he's going to cook you guys.

Kiss the cook :D


God loves you ;)
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TheVisitor said:
Christians say everyone that doesn't believe in Christ goes to hell no matter how good they are.

Hmmm but I think God wouldn't want the 'bad boys' at his/her place. Remember the commandant 'Thou shall not steal'.

And I'm sure that if a follower of God never did any good deeds for anybody, even his/her family God will complain saying that it's a sin because 'You were not thinking of anybody but only yourself'. But then again God always seems to complain about everything. :D
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THERE IS ONLY ONE GOD... but the religions argue about the details..

hence the problem... and the solution... the empirical church of humanity.

Anybody can worship any god they choose to. Just don't try to kill me because you think that some god tells you to because I'm some infidel...