You decide.

Beer w/Straw

Transcendental Ignorance!
Valued Senior Member
I'm claustrophobic. I heard a cave dweller died as he went off on his own... Exhaled his lungs to get into a tight squeeze... And got stuck more upside down and after 28 hours with too much blood going to the head.


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Suffocation underground is one of the thoughts that keeps me awake at night.
So I am NOT going to watch that video.:eek:
I wonder what cavers (potholers) dream about at night? Do they wake up under the bed?

It could get awkward if they woke up under someone else's bed.

In their dream, their crawling along a narrow cave passage, but in reality their crawling under the carpet into the next room.
It's possible.
I'm claustrophobic.
I once suffered from Acrophobia, fear of heights.
Until I saw the chance of a lifetime in being part of a crew on a square rigged Barquentine. To participate in this once in a lifetime adventure, I needed to overcome that fear, which I did with the help of our skipper, a young Danish bloke named Anders Jensen. He would accompany me up the mast to the top gallants and out on the yard arms while we were moored [no safety gear by the way] He succeeded and the next step in climbing that mast and venturing out onto the yard arms while out at sea, with the pitching and rolling was easy.
I'm not telling you to go into a cave and jam yourself into a tight spot, but it did work with me.:)
And since that time and more recently, I have also participated in buddy skydiving. :D Unbelievable thrill!!!
<---ex spelunker
Deep underground:
I found myself in a tight place
being the largest of the crew
I got stuck in a tight squeeze
The other spelunkers had to pull me through
in order to do that, I had to extend my arms over my head, and relax so that they could pull me through
relaxing while trapped in a tight squeeze deep underground was a real challenge
but, I managed
and we wandered underground for another 2 days, coming out in a different state
(Maryland to west Virginia)--- almost 60 miles by road from our entrance point.
great fun-----------------------never go alone
spelunking, i think, is best left to the little people