You could not make it up!


is this another practical joke?

sumtyms i wonder if these articles r really real.

but then again, i would not be the least bit surprisd if it wer real
Parady, or not, I laughed out loud. :D

If "or not", some American(s) should be automatically sent to the Front Lines to clear land mines with only a sledge hammer.
Mr. G

If "or not", some American(s) should be automatically sent to the Front Lines to clear land mines with only a sledge hammer.
Good one :D
It is true,they had her pic in the papers here,& the kid was upset as his GI Joe was incompleat!
If it is an official news source (like CNN for example), they almost never intentionally lie - because they could be sued for slander/defamatory or making a false official statement.

they almost never intentionally lie - because they could be sued for slander/defamatory or making a false official statement.

CNN lie?
oh my!

let me just apologize in advance for not having better control over the sarcasm, but . . .CNN is the most honest upright and objective organization. moreover, they r just really afraid of being sued. so much so that they are trembling. oh no! lol.

but seriously:
i totally disagree with your statement. but who knows. ive been known to be wrong. its true.

back to the subject at hand:
still, CNN isnt the practical joking type so if i did see that crazy article on cnn, id be pretty sure that it actually happened.

well that me done

yes thor the world has gone mad
yep!! it works no. maybe i just needed a reboot. my computer is very s...l...o..................w.
i bet it is real. i wouldn't doubt it. i htink its going over the top a bot.. but i also think that in the long run it makes pretty good since. if you let that on.. that why not the larger gi joe? with the removable gun? and if that kid gets to take his toy gun? why cant this kid? and so on and so on, until everyone has "toy" guns on the airplane....

adds up like pennies.. heheehe