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these things are always fun.

at some point i said "in a cave" and she responded "describe your surrondings" so i said it again and she gave the same response.

not quite that smart:p
She really starts to look stupid when you get her to talk to herself. I don't remember the link but it was a test, they connected two copies of her and had her talk to herself. She had a really fast conversation, but nothing was actually said.

same can be said of most people. We say alot but are we actually saying things that matter?
I agree....
But i think the major problem with the AI is that she won't (didn't say can't because I have seen it done) add any new information to the conversation. She can't make connections based on previous topics or knowledge.

For the work I do (in Military Simulation) we are working on giving virtual soldiers a better knowledge of their virtual surroundings so that human officers training inside the sim can give more human like commands and requests and the sim soldiers can use information they already know to understand what they are talking about.


its a 20 something year old learning database that can come up with the answer "myself" or "the game 20q" if you play that. it can even get "the state of nothingness".

Thats when you start putting soldiers in "boxes".
(I mean like complete scans of what they do depending on their heirarchal positioning.)

The point there is once you start doing that, why have humans in the field?

And when you get to that point, why fight wars with robots (especially if it gets to robots against robots)

I hope before long it would be understood that you could settle things with a game of "Risk" or chess, Or perhaps arm wrestling like a certain pair of Australian phone companies.

(Somebody if you've got the link it would be good to put here)
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