You can GET OUT of MY class! After you've apologized to everyone for your rudeness...

GB-GIL Trans-global

Senator Evilcheese, D-Iraq
Registered Senior Member
You can GET OUT of MY class!! After you've apologized to everyone for your rudeness and ignorance, we MIGHT let you back in.


Guess where that came from... ;)
Dunno, but I'd rather not apologise for something I didn't do

You shouldn't read those Jack Chick tracts...they'll turn your brain into Jell-O and you'll find yourself in a church with all the other mutton-heads!! *looks very frightened*

.............They are a lot of fun to make fun of though, aren't they? ;) :p
Puritan Pornography comparison?

During Clinton's infamous "Zippergate", I recall hearing a professor from Columbia University's School of Journalism on NPR, comparing the Fellatio Inquisition with Anti-Catholic League "Puritan Pornography", in which tracts were distributed to good, god-fearing protestants who would sit and read the lurid details asserted of Catholics and feign disgust. Yet, I don't know, you put the kids to bed, take your wife aside, and sit and read about alleged sexual perversion in a titillating context; the professor asserted that through protestant repression, people had found a way for sexual outlet. While such perversions as coitus interruptus and non-penetrating gratification seem tame to us, it was at the time a "righteous" way to stimulate.

I see the same thing at work here; a number of people who do not like Christianity constantly toiling around with the dumbest, least-functional, most disgusting aspects of it. Woo-hoo, so we get to make fun of the most superstitious, least educated, dumbest sons-of-guns in the nation. We see the infidel seeking some way to surround himself with ideas of God, even if only to reject them. Not so much Puritan pornography as Atheist adherence? In the end, while I'm always an advocate of hands-on experience (take that how you will), I do wonder why people wish to experience the least relevant, least effective, most superstitious thing out there. It is almost like Jesus, allegedly dying for our sins. To atone for the sin, he must have knowledge of the sin, hence the odd argument that Jesus was gay. However, it would seem that our atheist topic poster, in choosing to explore yet again the foul underbelly of Christian superstition, would seek in some way to defeat the superstitions that cannot be defeated. It is a shadow of a Christ complex, seeking to save the sinners when sin is a necessity. As much as I hate to admit it, stupid people are seemingly a necessity to life.

Is it, then, a comfort of stupidity that people seek? Is it a diversionary cycle whereby one can tread water and imagine progress?

There are a number of people, for instance, who might look at the quote offered in the topic post and say, "Yeah, and?"

What's the issue here? Or is it just wanking?

Tiassa :cool: