You can do self induced abortions with caffeine??


Monkey see, monkey denigrate
Valued Senior Member
Just out of morbid curiosity, and in case Ireland actually brings in that law to prevent pregnant women leaving the country for abortion...

I seem to remember someone told me this a while back on another forum. You ingest like 800mg of caffeine a day, drive the adrenals crazy, and give your body the message that you're in danger and it's not the right time to have a baby.

Can you actually do that? I looked it up and I can't find anywhere that says you can actually use it for abortions, just that very high doses will make you likely to miscarry.
It's not a guaranteed method, but it will cause some miscarriages. So will many herbs - abotificatants, sure, but also herbs that are failry common are often recommended to be avoided during pregnancy. Coffee is, really, herbal medicine which people take to treat modern life and their lack of enthusiasm for work, for example.

Stimulant overdose seems so much more dignified than inserting a long thin piece of metal inside you.

Stimulant overdose seems so much more dignified than inserting a long thin piece of metal inside you.
I've seen people do herbal abortions. It can be extremely painful and cause bleeding and require medical attention and may very well end up with pieces of metal being inserted. Anyone trying this should try to find someone who really knows what they are doing to guide them through it - a midwife herbalist, for example, with references.
Most of those kinds of abortions rely on ingesting a poison. The fetus is more vulnerable to the poison than an adult, so it kills the fetus and just makes Mum very sick. Fetus is miscarried and Mum recovers.

However, it can be a case of skating on very thin ice. A small overdose, and Mum can become very ill indeed, or even die.
You could Probally punch your self in the gut as well should work, the pain might help keep your mind off of possible guilt as well when it is done and over.
Abstinence of posting on the internet would eliminate flaming, miscommunication here, the spreading of misconceptions.....

And yet here you are posting.

I wasn't flaming anyone, all I'm saying is that if more people would take that precaution we wouldn't have the issue.
I wasn't flaming anyone, all I'm saying is that if more people would take that precaution we wouldn't have the issue.
I was not suggesting you were flaming anyone. I was pointing out how one can prevent flaming and other online negative outcomes by abstaining from posting. We can prevent car accidents by never driving. We can prevent heartbreak by never asking someone out. We can prevent a huge number of head injuries by always wearing a helmet. We can prevent skin cancer to a great degree by never exposing any of our skin to the sun.

IOW I notice how people do not abstain in a wide variety of contexts despite the fact that this can lead to problems.

So they must have values in addition to wanting to avoid certain outcomes.

They must want to live and love and have certain kinds of intimacy and experiences, despite possible outcomes.

Abstinence as a simple solution seems not to understand this. It is as if all of this did not exist and they were stupid.

An embryo is basically a large mass of rapidly dividing cells, kind of like a tumor. This is how tumor cells are fought - since they are usually in the division stage drugs are directed at dividing cells. Some regular cells get hurt too, but since the cancer cells are always dividing they get hit the hardest. I have a feeling that radiation therapy is not suitable for pregnant women.
I was not suggesting you were flaming anyone. I was pointing out how one can prevent flaming and other online negative outcomes by abstaining from posting. We can prevent car accidents by never driving. We can prevent heartbreak by never asking someone out. We can prevent a huge number of head injuries by always wearing a helmet. We can prevent skin cancer to a great degree by never exposing any of our skin to the sun. IOW I notice how people do not abstain in a wide variety of contexts despite the fact that this can lead to problems. So they must have values in addition to wanting to avoid certain outcomes. They must want to live and love and have certain kinds of intimacy and experiences, despite possible outcomes. Abstinence as a simple solution seems not to understand this. It is as if all of this did not exist and they were stupid.
You're talking about risk analysis and risk management. Balancing the reward from an activity (the nearly certain positive impact) against the risk (the less likely but still possible negative impact). It requires evaluating the negative impact in some objective way AND estimating the probability of its occurrence.

This is a skill at which Americans, in particular, are abysmally poor.

The example I usually cite is terrorism vs. drunk driving. In the past ten years, 3,000 Americans were killed by terrorists. We have spent roughly one trillion dollars in an attempt to eliminate terrorism. Assuming for the sake of argument that we have succeeded, that's $300,000,000 per life saved. We have reams of actuarial data from which we can calculate the average dollar value that Americans assign to their lives--life insurance premiums, wrongful death settlements, etc.--and it's actually in the five to ten million range. So this expenditure appears to be wildly irrational, especially during a crippling recession. And even more so, considering the likelihood of actual success as well as the calamitous second-order effects of the war in the Middle East; a proper risk management program must take all of these variables into account.

During the same ten years, 120,000 Americans were killed by drunk drivers--forty times as many. This figure could be reduced to two or three digits by installing a breathalyzer ignition interlock in every car at the factory. It would cost no more than a couple of hundred bucks per car (much less than retrofitting, as is done today), and 99% of our fleet turns over in ten years. This comes out to around fifty billion dollars for the entire fleet, and drunk driving is moved into the same risk category as lightning and bee stings. That's only half a million dollars per life saved--with a very high probability of success and very few second-order effects (putting some bars out of business as people decide to get snokkered at home).

A no-brainer, right? Who would possibly argue against saving 150,000 lives vs. 3,000, at a fraction of the cost? Let's siphon off an almost insignificant portion of the funding for the War on Islam and use it to almost completely eliminate deaths due to drunk driving.

So why aren't we doing it? Because Americans are really shitty at risk analysis and management. After all, these are the same people who bought sub-prime mortgages. My people appear to have no sense of numeracy, despite getting university degrees in record numbers.

So don't expect them to be any better about risks in their personal lives that aren't so easily analyzed, such as balancing pleasure vs. pregnancy.
FR i love the US, blowing up other countries, locking people up with no trial =acceptable

"sir can you please blow one long continuas blow into this 10cent tube" = police harrasement and unreasonable search and sizure

During the same ten years, 120,000 Americans were killed by drunk drivers--forty times as many. This figure could be reduced to two or three digits by installing a breathalyzer ignition interlock in every car at the factory. It would cost no more than a couple of hundred bucks per car (much less than retrofitting, as is done today), and 99% of our fleet turns over in ten years. This comes out to around fifty billion dollars for the entire fleet, and drunk driving is moved into the same risk category as lightning and bee stings. That's only half a million dollars per life saved--with a very high probability of success and very few second-order effects (putting some bars out of business as people decide to get snokkered at home).

So why aren't we doing it? Because Americans are really shitty at risk analysis and management. After all, these are the same people who bought sub-prime mortgages. My people appear to have no sense of numeracy, despite getting university degrees in record numbers.

I agree that a lot of Americans are shitty at risk analysis (for instance people who are afraid of terrorists and sharks, while it is 1000 times more likely they will die in a car accident). Statistics play a little role in most people's minds, probably because most people are not enough well educated, overemotional or irrational.

However, I think that such a system could be potentially easy to fool. You could for instance get a cup of hot coffee, put a plastic bag over the top, wait for it to fill up with steam, then pump this into the breathalyzer. And this is just off the top of my head. I have a feeling that in 10 years there would be videos all over the net how to fool the breathalyzer in under 5 minutes even while stumbling drunk.

Stalin once said : ' A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic '. Most people don't care about routine accidents; the way their brain is wired those things are in a different realm of danger.
FR I love the US, blowing up other countries, locking people up with no trial = acceptable. "Sir can you please blow one long continuous blow into this 10 cent tube" = police harassment and unreasonable search and seizure. Classic
Actually here in Maryland that was in the news recently. The state legislature tried to enact a law that would require installing a breathalyzer interlock only in the cars of people who had been convicted of drunk driving. It failed. The primary opposition was not from the citizens or even from the drunk drivers. It was from the euphemistically named "hospitality industry." They said it would cut into their business because their customers would be afraid that they were "one sip over the line."

Personally I'm in favor of raising the BAC limit from .08 back to .10. I know that's a compromise but I think it would result in less resistance to law enforcement so on the balance it would be positive. Most people can manage to pull their act together, drive cautiously, and get home safely at .08 or .09. But at .10, most people really are too drunk to drive but also too drunk to be cautious.

A lot of us believe that the major opposition to making breathalyzers standard in all cars comes from public officials. If they get stopped by a cop for driving drunk they can usually talk him out of it. But the breathalyzer doesn't care who they are, the car simply won't start.
So don't expect them to be any better about risks in their personal lives that aren't so easily analyzed, such as balancing pleasure vs. pregnancy.
I agree with most of your response to my post. Yes, that was generally what I meant.

I would add to pleasure

yearing for intimacy
expression of love
simple curiosity

and some other natural urges and values.
I heard in some cultures they use eels.

Not a reliable method, as the eel doesn't know when to stop.

This report is fron the Sun, so it must be true

A CHEF has died after an EEL was put up his bum.
Shocked doctors in Sichuan, China, found the sea creature in the 59-year-old man's rectum after his death, it has been reported.

The 50cm long Asian swamp eel was allegedly inserted into the unnamed man's bottom, after he passed out drunk, by pals playing a prank on him.

Medics said the eel had devoured his bowels.

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