You are not alive until you have been animated by the Spirit


Registered Senior Member


Not everything that moves roundabout here and there is animated.

Being blown about by the wind is not animate.

In order for something to Animated, it must move about, freely, of its own Free Will.

Many human beings are not animated, are not fully conscious, nothing that they do, feel or say is of their own Free Will they are simply blown about by the Wind.

Man is born Flawed, less that a mere animal.

Man born less than a mere animal, incomplete, uncertain, had to become more than a mere animal in order to survive the Chaos of the material World of Reality, cause and effect, Evolution, the law of the Jungle, kill or be killed, might is right, the survival of the fittest.

Man, although born the Whole of a Single Reality, is born unaware of the Reality of Everything, incomplete, innocent, naive, and uncertain.

The Reality of Man’s BE-ing is boundless, is uncertain, is not absolute when first born.

Death is possible without dying, Death of the Spirit.

Man is a Duality that is the whole of a Single Reality, Two that are One, and as a continuum Man, Human BE-ings, he and she have Three Elements that make up the Whole of their single Reality.

The Whole, the Singularity of Man’s BE-ing has become differentiated, divided.

In a Continuum when two are one there is a third element that exist in between the Two that bonds the Two together. This third element of the continuum is something that is only readily apparent when the Two are One.

When the One becomes Two the Third Element is no longer readily apparent.

This Third Element becomes lost in space as dark matter.

Dark matter because it is not readily apparent, because it has no measurable Physical, Material properties, is best described as being a Spiritual Reality.

Because of Sine Man has become a Differentiation, divided, a Duality, the Two, Mind and Body have become individual Singularities without meaning, alone in the emptiness, each a single voice crying out, lost in the Wilderness, each each seeking out that which is not readily apparent as long as the One is Two, their Spiritual Matter Darkened, asleep, in the grave, Dead, their Spiritual Matter lost in Time and Space.

Because Man he and she have become divided they are each an incomplete BE-ing, existing without being alive.

“I think therefore I am”, is not enough to explain the meaning of life, that just doesn’t get it.

You can feel good and not know it, you can feel bad and not know it.

Mere animals may feel good or bad but the do not know, think, have knowledge that they do.

To say, I think there for I am although True is but a half-truth that has caused a great deal of confusion, tumult, turmoil, uproar, bedlam, clamor.

If all that you can say to yourself is I think therefore I am, you must without a doubt also say, think, to you self, Damn Is This as Good as it Gets, if it is I can find no meaning to Life, Nothing really matters.

Mere Animals find more meaning in life than does a Man that is Dead in Spirit.

To be a complete BE-ing you must be fully conscious, understand the meaning of life, why do we exist.

Not until the Two return to Oneness will the Dark Matter, the Spiritual Matter, not until that which matters Spiritually becomes part of the Whole, will Man be Animated, find meaning in life, not until he and she knowingly feel good about life will man be a Complete Be-ing.

You can think all that you want but you will never know that you exist, that you are a live, that there is a meaning to life, not until you feel alive, not until you become animated by Spiritual Matter, not until you can say I know that I am, that I exist, that I am a live, because I Think that it Feels Good to be Alive, will you be Fully Realized, aware, Fully Conscious.

Mind, Body and Spirit.------->O
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I agree with the thread title. but the rest of the starting post has a mysterious style and the last line pointing to the vowel 'O' (or is it zero.?). what is that.? :D
I think, therefore I am.
René Descartes

No more need be said.
Originally posted by everneo
I agree with the thread title. but the rest of the starting post has a mysterious style and the last line pointing to the vowel 'O' (or is it zero.?). what is that.? :D

O, a circle, zero, is symbolic of the Whole of a single Reality, a single integer, an undivided, undifferentiation, Singularity, a Continuum.
Moderator comment.

This appears to be a repeat of your other thread. Please don't do that. I'll assume you just wanted a better subject heading.

How about trying to debate rather than posting ambiguous and unsupported assertions.

You are not alive until you have been animated by the Spirit
Then no one is animate.

Death is possible without dying, Death of the Spirit.
Nope. Death means the end.
I Think, I assume

Originally posted by Cris
Moderator comment.

This appears to be a repeat of your other thread. Please don't do that. I'll assume you just wanted a better subject heading.

You know what happens when you assume something is or is not whatever.

Not Correct, I thought that it had not been posted and when I went to post it anew I did not remember the Title, I prefer the First
title but the second post because I corrected some errors.

See what happens when you think for your self. :D

I think therefore I am, nothing else need be said.

In some forums, if you make a post by mistake, you can delete it, can I do that here if I find I have, without intent, posted the same post more than Once?

Sorry for the confusion. :eek:
Wayne. You can delete your own individual posts except the first post in a thread.

I can delete the first post and hence the entire thread.

If you wish I can delete this thread for you.
i really enjoyed that ,wayne. good one.:)
chris, they are two separate threads. one refers to life and the other refers to salvation.
u have to be alive, chris, to know when u havn't been alive- most faiths refer to this. people seek this in many ways, including yourself in eastern culture. the beauty of this, is that, even if u are not alive, u still can be very much alive! this thing we talk about doesn't mean life need be much different, but your perceptions change.

...i'd never seen it that way...death is possible without dying. death of the spirit... that's scary:D

in a way, chris, being less animated is kinda innoccent, so at least u would have higher beings looking out for your interests. so, in a sense, u are very much alive ( re animated ).

u have to be alive, chris, to know when u havn't been alive-
This is simply nonsense.

the beauty of this, is that, even if u are not alive, u still can be very much alive!
Total contradictory nonsense.

death is possible without dying.
Try suicide and let me know how you feel.

being less animated is kinda innoccent, so at least u would have higher beings looking out for your interests. so, in a sense, u are very much alive ( re animated ).
Originally posted by Cris

How about trying to debate rather than posting ambiguous and unsupported assertions.

Then no one is animate.

Nope. Death means the end.

Debate begins when one person thinks that another persons Statement is ambiguous, filled with unsupported assertions.

How can you be a monitor on a religious sight if you have no religion.

Joy is a Spiritual Reality, Love is a Spiritual Reality, Happiness is a Spiritual Reality, attitude, Mind Set, is a Spiritual Reality.

What do you know of the Reality of Dark Matter, Scientifically Speaking.

What is a continuum, what is the Space-Time Continuum, The Fourth Dimension Continuum.

All things Temporal are Spiritual Realities, thoughts are not Reality itself.

I think therefore I am, nothing more need be said.

The real problem is that most have no Idea what Spirituality is all about.

A Spiritualist, a Rationalist:

1. the principle or habit of accepting reason as the supreme authority in matters of opinion, belief, or conduct.
2. Philos.
a. the doctrine that reason alone is a source of knowledge and is independent of experience.
b. (in the philosophies of Descartes, Spinoza, etc.) the doctrine that all knowledge is expressible in self-evident propositions or their consequences.
3. Theol. the doctrine that human reason, unaided by divine revelation, is an adequate or the sole guide to all attainable religious truth.

Scientifically speaking when a Singularity is differentiated, mush of its significance, substance, Reality, is lost to Time and Space as Dart Matter, Dark matter is a Reality that is not readily sensible,

Dark Matter is a Reality but it is not a material, Physical, Reality, as we understand Reality To Be.

Man is not able to entertain the thought of a Reality that has no Physical, Material Reality.

Reality that is not readily apparent, the reality that holds the universe togeter and at the Same Time provides the Freedom for expansion.

Spiritual Reality, a Reality that is not readily apparent to the Senses, Dark Matter.

Gravity is a Spiritual, a Reality that is not readily detectable.

The only knowledge we have of Gravity is its effect, not what it is nor its Cause.

If you think therefore you are without physical, the Empirical, without an experience of the Flesh you are a Spiritualist.

Joy is a Spiritual Reality that is nothing more than Dark Matter and
for many a Reality that is not readily apparent because the One has become Two, the Whole of their Reality, their singularity has become Divided, become Two, a differentiation.

In order for a person to truly Joyful that person must be fully conscious, a Continuum, Four Dimensional.

They must possess knowledge that is Three Dimensional, Material, Physical Reality plus knowledge that is Temporal, they must be the Two that are One in order for the Dark matter, to be readily apparent.

Joy is determined by what we think but in order for thought to exist as a Reality it must be made real, not just exist as a though, it must be experience by the Flesh.

Thoughts themselves are not a Reality.

To be Fully Conscious, to find meaning in life you must be animated to be animated you must be a Rational Empiricist.

Joy determined by the Mind is seen as simple smile on someone’s Face.

Some even Jump for Joy.

Hermes pythagoras Trismegistus. :D
Originally posted by firingseeds
i really enjoyed that ,wayne. good one.:)
chris, they are two separate threads. one refers to life and the other refers to salvation.

I am glad that it made some sense.

It seems to have made more sense to you than it did to me.

As I said the second post and title change was not with intent.

You recognized something that I had not noticed, how funny,

a simple title change created a second post with an entirely different meaning.

Your awareness of the difference has helped me to create
completely new thought that is not even Relative to spiritually.

Thank you for your response.
Originally posted by Cris

This is simply nonsense.

Total contradictory nonsense.


IT is very clear to some, you must not be able to speak in tongues which makes it sound like Gibberish to you.
Originally posted by Cris
Wayne. You can delete your own individual posts except the first post in a thread.

I can delete the first post and hence the entire thread.

If you wish I can delete this thread for you.


Did you delete the first post even though I did not ask you to?

If so why after someone else pointed it out to you that the Change in Title created a second post which is entirely different in substance?

What of the responses to the First Post?

If the First post is still there I can not find it.

As a moderator you should not make an offer to delete a post and the delete it without discussion.

I Think therefore I am, nothing more need be said.

Did you delete the first post even though I did not ask you to?

What of the responses to the First Post?
They are here.

If the First post is still there I can not find it.

As a moderator you should not make an offer to delete a post and the delete it without discussion.
I believe James or another mod merged the two threads. Nothing has been deleted.

IT is very clear to some, you must not be able to speak in tongues which makes it sound like Gibberish to you.
I suspect it is very clear to most that it is simply gibberish.

Debate begins when one person thinks that another persons Statement is ambiguous, filled with unsupported assertions.
Nonsense. Debate is to discuss a question by considering opposed arguments.

You are simply babbling random assertions for the most part.

How can you be a monitor on a religious sight if you have no religion.
One does not have to be religious to be interested in the issues of religion.
chris, hi,
i can understand what you're saying but u can't understand me. what does that tell u? ( first answer, okay, not the second or third :D .)

So is that your problem or mine? Perhaps you are not saying anything that is understandable.
My humble opinion is that nothing can move about, be animated without a spirit to begin with.
But everyone is entitled to a opinion, so it's dumb to call eachothers arguments dumb!