yo yoism.

Probably because you called it "yo yoism", which sounds like a cult built around a hand-held toy. Looks like just another whack-job, to me. Take anything, put -ism behind it, and you have a new faith. Also, my system shows that it's been up less than a day. What do these guys say about patience? ;)

I have a very low opinion of religion in general, but that's a personal outlook. I know people who have gotten some good out of it, regardless of what path they follow, but it's just not for me. I admit I only gave the page a quick scan, long enough to know that I'd heard it all before. What I found amusing is that they used an old joke to illustrate one of their points. Probably not a good move.
Probably because you called it "yo yoism", which sounds like a cult built around a hand-held toy. Looks like just another whack-job, to me. Take anything, put -ism behind it, and you have a new faith. Also, my system shows that it's been up less than a day. What do these guys say about patience? ;)

I have a very low opinion of religion in general, but that's a personal outlook. I know people who have gotten some good out of it, regardless of what path they follow, but it's just not for me. I admit I only gave the page a quick scan, long enough to know that I'd heard it all before. What I found amusing is that they used an old joke to illustrate one of their points. Probably not a good move.

so in other words you havent read anything about yoism. new faith? erm i wont reply further to your post because you have not read the link.

To me it says more about peoples need for ism's and belonging to groups than anything else.

I think those really inclined to 'open source' principles guiding their life truth do so anyway.
I'll ragard it as I did the Pastafarians, stop trying to fill the hole in you with things that seem appealing.
Chi I said I gave it a "quick scan". That doesn't mean I didn't read it, just because I didn't hang on every word. I saw nothing of depth in it. If you have something in particular you'd like to discuss further, please present it. Surely something there must have interested you.
the yoism site has alot of humour on it, if you scan through the pages and links you will find alot of video clips and they are really funny, especialy on the "is god listening" section where they done scientific tests on prayer and proved that praying does nothing when it comes to results, apart from maybe make things worse.

I just read some, I think it is a very good alternative for people with closed minds, not the ultimate source of knowledge thought...
It enforces the truth, as well as the not-truth doesn´t it?
i think its interesting and a good read. also quite funny. i dont know what you mean by it enforces the truth as well as the not truth,

