Y'know those colors when you close your eyes?


Registered Senior Member
Y'know those colors when you close your eyes? I have a theory on what these exactly are. I think that they are "noise" coming from your subconcious, are in your imagination, but are normally covered up by your sight. Some might contest this by saying that when you look at bright lights, it will leave a big "mark" when you close your eyes, but since all we see is light bouncing, it is a "memory", that was vivid enough for the subconsious to replay for a bit. You can try this yourself, by closing your eyes in a dark room, you can notice the colors may start forming patterns, or crude images, usually in a color negative. My guess is that your entire memory is replaying itself, and some other deeper things in the brain. Try yourself.

Questions? Comments? Concerns?
While I don't profess to know the exact explanation for the colors and patterns you see when you close your eyes, I would suggest starting a search on an opthamology sight.
Kewl....I'm gonna try that... :)

Okay, here's the facts:

I'm not your average computer geek or science freak.

I'm not all that great in science, especially when the use of big words come into play.

I'm UNDER 18...

While in the Science Olympiad, I stank from here to high heaven.

I do enjoy Bill Nye the Science Guy.

My favorite subject is History.

I've never divulged myself in a book about Anti-Matter.

I don't do crazy chemistry experiment in the basement (basically because we don't have one, but that besid the point).

I'm an Aries.

I love science-fiction and anime.

I've actually aced several science tests.

I've never made any scientific modifications.

The best character on Star Wars Episode 1 was JAR JAAR BINKS!
As to your question about those colors when you close you close your eyes...I have been experiencing what i might call a small psychic experience over the last few months, when I close my eyes ,I will sometimes see a very graphic picture ,or symbol that will make no sense to me at the time, but throughout the day that image will appear in my daily life... it is enough to make me feel dizzy and dissoriented. I believe there may be more to this than moist of us are ready to admit. This may account for what many call deja-vu? I dunno, just wanted to put my two cents worth in : )
Blessings and Good Fortune to all!!!!!
You recieve what you believe!!!!


Ya, that kind of thing has happened to me too. I'll just be walking around when the "colors" will overwhelm my normal sight. Somtimes i'll see a multitude of images, and on occasion, some kind of a schematic. It's almost like blacking out for a few seconds. Somtimes these images can be downright disturbing, or will show up later on in the day, week, or year. Just the same kind of thing.

Questions? Comments? Concerns?
When you said "colors overwhelm my normal sight", I got to remembering something. My father says that every now and then a swirl of bright lights and colors will just take over his vision. It only lasts for about a second (thnakfully it hasn't happened while he was driving). We think it's retinal detachment. You may want to look into that.
How come i can still see them when my eyes are still open when it's dark, or faintly when it's still light?

Questions? Comments? Concerns?
In my studies to unravel the strange events of my life I've studied astral travel and the people reporting colors may be "seeing" auras,and or what's called distant seeing.Very interesting stuff---when someone is sick I see "sick" colors around them,I can tell if the person is alive if they have been missing by the LACK of color in the eyes.This has screwed my mind so much thru my life(not understanding)
Those "colors" and "patterns" are nothing but retinal noise. The human retina is actually a pretty noisy light detector, but usually when there is abundant input there is enough signal present to overwhelm the noise to a point that the noise is not noticeable. When you get into a very dark room or close your eyes, you lose the signal and the noise takes over. There are ways to amplify the noise by mechanically stimulating the retina -- e.g. apply some mild pressure to your eyeballs.

The "negative" images you see when you look at an object for a long time, or at a bright light for a short time, and close your eyes -- are also artifacts of noise. The human retina is just an array of photoreceptors. By holding an image over the retina for a long time, or exposing the retina to a very bright image, you "tire out" the receptors that were receiving the brighter parts of the image. When you close your eyes, all receptors produce noise -- but those that are tired produce less noise. So, you end up seeing a "negative" image.

For example, the human retina has three distinct color receptors -- that detect red, green and blue light. Try this experiment: get a green sheet of paper, and paste a red circle on it. Hold the assemblage in front of your eyes so that it covers your entire field of view, and try to hold your gaze fixed on the circle. After a few seconds, close your eyes and cover them over by your hands, so as to enhance the 'darkness'. You will see an aquamarine circle superimposed on a magenta background -- a negative image of what you were looking at. That's because among the receptors that received light from the circle, the red-color ones are tired and produce less noise, while the green and blue are not tired and their noise overwhelms the red noise. So, where there used to be a circle you see a mixture of green and blue -- aquamarine. Similarly, among those receptors that were looking at the green background, the green are tired while the red and blue are producing most of the noise -- so you see a mixture of red and blue, or magenta.

Another cool experiment to try, is to hold a plain green, red or blue sheet in front of your eyes so as to cover your entire field of view, for a minute or so. Then take it away, and you will experience a 'color-filtered' world. That's because this will tire out one type of color receptors in your eye, and they will not produce as much output as they would if they weren't tired -- the perceived effect being as if there was less of that hue of light in the world. For example, if you were holding a green sheet in front of your eyes, when you take it away everything will take on a magenta hue.

Sometimes you get black/white silhouettes from looking at bright pictures. White light is a mixture of red, green and blue (among other wavelengths) -- so it stimulates all of your color receptors equally. When a cluster of all three types of receptors becomes more "tired" than the surrounding receptors, what you see is a dark spot on a lighter background.

Of course, these effects dissipate gradually, as your retina restores its balance. So don't worry about permanently screwing up your eyesight, have fun!

I am; therefore I think.
Um, not to be rude or anything,...but what colors? I dunno see any colors when I close my eyes.
Your perception to light depends on many things. While it is true that photoreceptors produce retinal noise, due to the variable gain and signal threshold of neuronal fire, the brain should filter out those noises at hypothalamus. If you are having severe problems, it is time to see a doctor. On the other hand, some people see auras – blue, green, yellow etc. Anyone want to shed some light on auras?
I think the color that you see when you close your eyes isnt anything, just that your eyes have been adjusted to light most of the time and then when they are closed it creates the illusion that colors are there.