Ya.. Tie evolution with the bible?


Registered Member
Well, Lets say it goes in his order

1.God's creation of earth
1.Edon-With the first 2 humans
2.God creates other humans on earth *Cavemen*
They evolve etc...wutnot
2.Adam and Eve banished from Edon(Noting the fact that god's time moves faster then ours or so I believe) and banished from Edon onto Earth which edon floats off in whatever way god made it. Which how do u think that could of happened....?
Welcome to SciForums. I like yer username.

Just so ya know, religious threads go in Religion.

Snaphappy said:
Well, Lets say it goes in his order

I'm with ya so far.

Snaphappy said:
1.God's creation of earth
1.Edon-With the first 2 humans
2.God creates other humans on earth *Cavemen*
They evolve etc...wutnot
2.Adam and Eve banished from Edon(Noting the fact that god's time moves faster then ours or so I believe) and banished from Edon onto Earth which edon floats off in whatever way god made it. Which how do u think that could of happened....?

Are you aware that you have two ones and two twos in yer list? And that one event isn't even numbered?

Well, no matter. I get what ye'r saying. So . . .

Snaphappy said:
1.God's creation of earth

The belief that a god created the Earth is disputed by myself and others, but we're just saying, right? :p

Snaphappy said:
1.Edon-With the first 2 humans

The existence of Eden is also disputed, but . . . yeah. :D

Snaphappy said:
2.God creates other humans on earth *Cavemen*

This is an interesting fill-in-the-blank hypothesis. Have you proof of this, or are ya just guessing on this?

Snaphappy said:
They evolve etc...wutnot

I agree with this.

Snaphappy said:
2.Adam and Eve banished from Edon . . .


Snaphappy said:
. . . (Noting the fact that god's time moves faster then ours or so I believe) . . .

Again, do ya have proof of this fill-in-the-blank hypothesis?

Snaphappy said:
. . . and banished from Edon onto Earth . . .


Snaphappy said:
. . . which edon floats off in whatever way god made it.

. . . Okay. Proof?

Snaphappy said:
Which how do u think that could of happened....?

How could what have happened? Yer entire scenario, or Eden floating off?

I know you have a point; I'm sorry to say I don't see it.
Yes... clarification would be appreciated. Is the meaning of your post basically that God created evolution?
OR....maybe God just created Adam and Eve, and no other beings on Earth, and then the Nephilim came to Earth and mated with the humans. And you never know, maybe Eden is still on Earth, and when God says it is protected by angel(angels?) with a flaming sword, it could be a metaphor meaning Eden is hidden inside a volcano or something.
Are you asking for opinions on whether or not Adam and Eve mated with *Cavemen* or whatever happened to the garden of Eden, or......what? Am I somewhat close? :eek:
I think that's exactly what should happen, religion should evolve constantly to fit emerging truths. There really must have been an adam and eve, the parents of our very first truly human ancestor, not that they had to eat an apple or anything.
Well Adam and Eve's existence has been flawed. They did not know how to read or write, therefore they could not have left any evidence of themselves for the later generations.
Welcome, to the science forum guys, I still do not understand why people think Adam and Eve were true.
They see that populations expand exponentially, so they work backwards and figure there must have been only two people at some point, it's a brilliant piece of deduction, and verified by evolutionary theory.
Lord_Phoenix: Well Adam and Eve's existence has been flawed. They did not know how to read or write, therefore they could not have left any evidence of themselves for the later generations.
Welcome, to the science forum guys, I still do not understand why people think Adam and Eve were true.
M*W: Long before A&E were to have been in Eden, there were the ancient matriarchial societies (about 35,000+ years(?) before the writing of Genesis which is assumed to be around 1325 BC. The matriarchal cultures left cave paintings using menstrual blood, statuettes and figurines, and other artifacts that have been well documented. The Pentateuch is not about the ancient Hebrews but about the even more ancient Egyptians. The story of A&E is allegorical, so they probably didn't exist as individual humans. Moses was to have written the Pentateuch, but then again, he may have also been a mythological character. It was the ancient patriarchs of the hebrews who oppressed the peaceful matriarchal societies into slavery. We shall return!
spidergoat said:
They see that populations expand exponentially, so they work backwards and figure there must have been only two people at some point, it's a brilliant piece of deduction, and verified by evolutionary theory.
oh yeah,so how come there are so many different blood types?
if the human race started from two people wouldnt all have same type? :confused:
Snaphappy said:
1.God's creation of earth
its just a fictional story full of contradictions
1.Edon-With the first 2 humans
fairy tale story invented by religious people who had no clue about abiogenesis..
humans originated about 200.000 years ago,as an ape like neanderthals,how could the knowledge of such long ago beginings be preserved without any videos,writen documents or even language which obviously didnt exist then?
2.God creates other humans on earth *Cavemen*
does he also create dinosaurs,pterodactils,viruses,bugs,etc?
They evolve etc...wutnot
so now god controls evolution,eh?

so all those viruses such as aids,flu,sars malaria etc,
which continuously mutate adapt and become resistant to all our new drugs medicines are gods creation too,then?
2.Adam and Eve banished from Edon(Noting the fact that god's time moves faster then ours or so I believe)
how could gods time move faster,it doesnt make sense,also why should it?
could A&E be archetypal male and archetypal female? yin and yang, etc.
ellion: could A&E be archetypal male and archetypal female? yin and yang, etc.
M*W: Yes, this could be true. I think it's a story about the human race losing it's original androgynous body and soul as shown by the feminine counterpart Eve leaving Adam's masculine body when the genders separated and the human race was then doomed. I believe a state of 'paradise' will return when there is a total blending of race, color, creed, religion, natural origin, and gender.

How many androgydous people have you seen today? The numbers are growing! Then, and only then, will humanity be as one.
scorpius said:
oh yeah,so how come there are so many different blood types?
if the human race started from two people wouldnt all have same type? :confused:

No, people diverged into different groups long after that.
Medicine Woman said:
The matriarchal cultures left cave paintings using menstrual blood, statuettes and figurines, and other artifacts that have been well documented.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not denying that matriarchal societies could have existed in prehistory. I've seen some of the goddess figurines first-hand and know some of their contexts, but menstrual blood?

Don't you think that's reading a bit more into the archaeological record that really exists? Do you really think that hemoglobin can remain identifiable for 35 kyrs? And even if it could, don't you think that science would have a hard time determining the the estrogen levels in blood smeared on a cave wall after even a few days?

I'm not trying to be overly critical, in fact prehistorical goddess culture fascinates me... I just stumbled over that one statement :cool:
Medicine Woman said:
It was the ancient patriarchs of the hebrews who oppressed the peaceful matriarchal societies into slavery. We shall return!
The monotheistic patriarchal religions (the Abrahamic religions) have continued to do that. Women had long been the keepers and passers-down of wisdom concerning medicine, human relations, and many other important matters. The fact that they outlived men who were constantly putting themselves at risk was a big factor in that. The patriarchs needed to discredit them in order to take over society. As recently as the last half-millennium, Christian leaders popularized the notion of witches in order to
make people doubt the credentials of midwives, herbalists, and female healers. The classic image of the witch as a hag is derived from nothing more than the innocuous fact that many women simply lived long enough to develop the sunken lips of a toothless jaw and the sagging skin of old age.

Yes, many of us await the reascendence of our sisters and mothers rather anxiously. The little-boys-who-never-grew-up whom we have amazingly put in charge of huge countries with vast arsenals of weapons are dangerously close to destroying civilization. We need a proper balance of masculine and feminine energy to keep things running smoothly.
SkinWalker: Don't get me wrong, I'm not denying that matriarchal societies could have existed in prehistory. I've seen some of the goddess figurines first-hand and know some of their contexts, but menstrual blood?
M*W: A few years ago I checked out a book at the library on the power of menstrual blood. Sorry, I don't recall the name or who wrote it. I recall "Moon" was part of the title. I know that's not a big help. Anyhoo, menstrual blood was believed to be sacred according to the ancients. It had many supernatural uses including cave painting. I also know they painted the caves with ochre and other colorful ores like red clay, charcoal and sulfur.

I'm glad you got to view some of those artifacts. I've only seen one artifact in the Houston Museum of Natural Science that was called a "menstrual stick." It was usually made out of ivory or any other source would do, but the ivory sticks survived. The stick was about a foot long and an inch thick and cylindrical. The museum had it labeled as a hunter's record of his kill. It was in the dinosaur section of all places! I recognized what it was right away, even with my limited knowledge of such things. Another slap in the face of the goddess!
Fraggle Rocker: The monotheistic patriarchal religions (the Abrahamic religions) have continued to do that. Women had long been the keepers and passers-down of wisdom concerning medicine, human relations, and many other important matters. The fact that they outlived men who were constantly putting themselves at risk was a big factor in that. The patriarchs needed to discredit them in order to take over society. As recently as the last half-millennium, Christian leaders popularized the notion of witches in order to make people doubt the credentials of midwives, herbalists, and female healers.
M*W: This is why I chose the username "Medicine*Woman." Out of the 9 million women healers the patriarchy murdered, I am 9 million and 1!
Fraggle Rocker: The classic image of the witch as a hag is derived from nothing more than the innocuous fact that many women simply lived long enough to develop the sunken lips of a toothless jaw and the sagging skin of old age.
M*W: Well, I'm not quite there yet!
Fraggle Rocker: Yes, many of us await the reascendence of our sisters and mothers rather anxiously. The little-boys-who-never-grew-up whom we have amazingly put in charge of huge countries with vast arsenals of weapons are dangerously close to destroying civilization. We need a proper balance of masculine and feminine energy to keep things running smoothly.
M*W: You are so right about this! I believe we are coming soon into a more perfect gender balance which I believe to be the androgyne. I'm not androgynous, however, I am seeing more and more around. It's as if they have the perfect gender, although androgynes aren't homosexuals like they are assumed to be. They are a new breed -- well, a very old breed, I should say.

Thank you so much for this post. I hope everyone reads it.