XMen vs X-Files



What is it with this fascination, that you don't want paranormal.

Then, they become block-busters. I don't get it. Why, would you argue something is not unknown, then entertain the notion. Why must we do this to ourselves.

What is one of the two themes together, I'll kick this off:

Xmen=Fire, Water, Earth, Storm.

Ok, now when you watch the news, do you feel anything may be responsible. Was it an Act of Nature. Or twist of Fate, perhaps someone did it.

Now, within these confines. Let's glance on over to the counter. Safety. Global organizations, and such. And, I will say, their quite obvious over-domination of talk points.

What is it that forces these things to happen, and then your racing around in your car screaming. Cutting people off. Next thing you know, you've impressed upon someone. Madder than you. They follow, you're now being stalked. Could call the Cops if you knew, maybe they'll roll up live, who knows, maybe we never will...

''What i find increadible is that no scientific theory can answer for the paranormal.''

Scully - Pilot Episode.
Said quite often. You'd think she'd break out them ghost chasers so many top scientists adhere to. You know, detect this, detect that.

There's a package, you know. I myself, think that when she became convinced, what with her child having capabilities, it was indeed an inducing shift.

So, let's see. Scully began this show, knowing what was absolute. Then, If i Recall, becomes lost; sterilized. Then, miraculously becomes pregnant. Her child, the Deliverer you might say.
Is some Mesiah. Of what must then be a most assured New Beginning.
The main problem is what defines the reality within our world is observation and some people observe things that are plainly not there to be observed. I can't suggest however that everything people observe are manifestations of their mind as they might well be the by-product of some sophisticated clandestine misuse program that doesn't entail Human Rights or The Nuremberg Code.

What I will suggest however is that there is a different between the mainstream "imagination" in regards to Science Fiction and such clandestine projects, although such projects will more than likely use the creation of fiction to attempt to hide themselves within a tangled web of psychosis.

Like I said, don't listen to the voices in your head.... Naturally such voices aren't suppose to exist, so if you hear any there are only two conclusions that can be drawn... either it's your imagination or an imposter. (Personally I would suggest the latter because you really shouldn't assume just because you hear them that it's yours)
Dude, quit watching T.V., not only is it going to your head, I think you may be getting

[DEL]<<<Press from it...What's this got to do with sci-fi. Come in hear, listen to him...
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Dude, quit watching T.V., not only is it going to your head, I think you may be getting

Sicgkinyles from it...What's this got to do with sci-fi. Come in hear, listen to him...

Your original post is about as clear, as is density to lead.

What are you trying to say to the world? that everyone is a comic book hero/villain? that we all have miraculous super-human powers that we unwittingly blank from existence?

My post was merely to try and understand what you were actually getting at since it comes across as complete gibberish, you aren't of course the only poster that seems to have trouble with communication but you're probably the first I've mentioned it to.
Dude, there's a show on, RIGHT NOW:!!!
