X Religion + Y topic=?

Mr. Hamtastic

Registered Senior Member
I just wanted to start a thread where we could discuss our different perspectives on major topics from the viewpoint of our religions(or non-religions for you atheists). I'll start a couple of thoughts. Feel free to toss in your own thoughts.
Sex and christianity. The various flavors of christianity all seem to have different(and sometimes odd) views of sex. From my own reading of the bible, and my own faith, the rules are:1)Don't have sex with a married person that you are not married to, and 2) Sex outside of marriage is not a warm and fuzzy thought for God, although I have not found anything directly calling fornication a sin. I haven't found any for not having sex with dead bodies, either, so I'd call this one a maybe.
Marriage and christianity-Marriage is viewed differently by different cultures within different sects of christianity. Marriage seems to be intended more to make sure the male sticks around for the kids. Polygamy doesn't appear to be sinful, by what I've read, but my memory can be swiss cheese, and I'm not sitting here with a bible in my lap. This is all from the hip, so 'scuse anything I might be misremembering.
Incest and christianity- this seems strangely left out, except for... was it Lot's kids that had sex with him? Noah's son saw him naked and that was 'bad' for some reason. I guess he was really hung or something. Otherwise, there seems to have been alot of "kissing cousins". Was it Abraham or his son that needed to find a wife of the same tribe, the chick comes out and gives the servant and his camel water, and the servant knew this was THE girl? To me, tribe=family. I could be mistaken.
drugs and christianity-I'm clueless on this one. Societally, this is considered bad. Christianity doesn't seem to have an actual opinion, biblically. In churches I've heard reference to pharmakeia. I've never known what that was referring to exactly.
suicide and christianity-I don't know that this is a sin, unless you consider it murdering yourself. To me that's a stretch. I mean, technically, Jesus allowing himself to be crucified and not coming down off the cross or destroying the world, seems to me to have been suicide. I'd go so far as to say it sounds like a "go to heaven free" card.
Killing people and christianity-It's hard to say. If you can say it's "murder" then no. Otherwise, I wonder. Would a christian be right in killing their children before the age of innocence ends? An interesting quandry.
Christianity and carpentry. Think Jesus ever pounded a nail, spun a lathe or sawed a plank in half? Don't recall if he followed in his stepfather's footsteps. His real father knew a little about measuring & boat building. No apprenticeship for Jesus but somewhat ironic that he gets nailed to a wooden cross. Carpenter King? Could he have designed a better cross or built one for that matter? Is it possible that when Jesus was laying on the hands that they were festered up from slivers?
Sex and christianity. The various flavors of christianity all seem to have different(and sometimes odd) views of sex. From my own reading of the bible, and my own faith, the rules are:1)Don't have sex with a married person that you are not married to, and 2) Sex outside of marriage is not a warm and fuzzy thought for God, although I have not found anything directly calling fornication a sin. I haven't found any for not having sex with dead bodies, either, so I'd call this one a maybe.

Yes lets talk about how Christians peep there unwanted noses into people's sex lives. They aren't doctors, nor are they experts on the subject, yet they seem to always want to tell people what that can, should, and can't do.

Atheism - actually understanding why things are wrong... instead of reading it off a book that teaches you to behave well by scaring you
Atheism and Sex-?? Atheism and killing people-?? I was giving my views with the intention of others giving what they see as their beliefs/lack thereof and how it effects given topics.
Atheism and Sex-?? Atheism and killing people-?? I was giving my views with the intention of others giving what they see as their beliefs/lack thereof and how it effects given topics.

Atheism isn't a core set of ideals, so don't expect them. It's the lack of faith in your fake god.

But that in and of itself is virtuous, considering that an atheist doesn't have his or her sex life dictated to him or her by a 2000 year old text written by a bunch of arabs halfway around the world.
What was I thinking? That Atheists might have a set of values as relates to these things? My bad. I didn't realize that pedophilia, necrophilia, cannibalism, all are ok to the Atheist. I apologize for thinking otherwise.<yawn>

Muslims, Jews, Asian religions I am unfamiliar with, pagans, chime in. Apparently the atheists can't be bothered.
What was I thinking? That Atheists might have a set of values as relates to these things? My bad. I didn't realize that pedophilia, necrophilia, cannibalism, all are ok to the Atheist. I apologize for thinking otherwise.<yawn>

Muslims, Jews, Asian religions I am unfamiliar with, pagans, chime in. Apparently the atheists can't be bothered.

No, moron, if you could take off you idiot cap and actually read what I wrote, you'd see that I said "atheism is not a core set of ideals." And it isn't.

I know, it must be an incredibly foreign idea to you that people could actually think for themselves, rather than requiring a thousands-year-old book to tell them what is right and wrong...but totally, man, it's real.
What was I thinking? That Atheists might have a set of values as relates to these things? My bad. I didn't realize that pedophilia, necrophilia, cannibalism, all are ok to the Atheist. I apologize for thinking otherwise.<yawn>

Muslims, Jews, Asian religions I am unfamiliar with, pagans, chime in. Apparently the atheists can't be bothered.
M*W: What were you thinking? You're beginning to sound like S.A.M.. Where did you ever get the idea that atheists find pedophilia, necrophilia and cannibalism okay? We follow the laws of the land, we are honest citizens, we follow our conscience with respect to others, and we don't have to apologize for not believing in yours nor any other gods. Just because we don't believe in god(s) doesn't mean we are bad people. That is only your mistaken interpretation.

Go to some prisons and ask some pedophiles what their religion is. They most likely will say christian. Same goes for necrophiles and cannibals. What was Jeffery Dahmer's religion? What about that soccer team from South America that crash landed in the Andes? They ate their dead fellow teammates. What was their religion? Christianity. What happens every single day in the catholic church and occasionally in protestant churches--"eat of my body, and drink of my blood" sacrifice of Jesus. Is that, or is that not, a reference to cannibalism? Christianity sucks.

So, before you go around accusing atheists of the horrid acts you cited, you should learn more about who we are. Then you would learn who the most moral and humane people are. We are atheists.
<sigh> Sorry. I guess it was stupid of me to think I could start a thought provoking thread. In my desperation, I used some language that obviously offended. I apologize. If anyone has a mod's ear, ask them to toss this to the cesspool for me.