X-Rated Pornography and Lesbianism in the Bible.



The Bible has some really weird things in it that you would really be ashamed to even share with your own little kids!. It teaches you to fantasize about women's breasts and vaginas. It also teaches you to sleep with your own sister!.

A quick answer to the Christian folks who claim that the "Song of Songs" book in the Bible is talking about a husband and a wife: As you will see below in the article, the book is not talking about a husband and a wife. It's talking about two lovers. But even if it was talking about a husband and a wife, then wouldn't you agree with me that exposing your wife's privates to the world is pornography by itself?

What is the spiritual point and wisdom from having pornography in the Bible? How is it supposed to be GOD Almighty's True Living Words?

The Bible has some really weird things in it that you would really be ashamed to even share with your own little kids!. It teaches you to fantasize about women's breasts and vaginas. It also teaches you to sleep with your own sister!.

I have no problem fantazising about the female anatomy. In fact, I find it beneficial - it relieves you of a lot of emotional tension, and prepares you better for what nature intended the human being for.
Dude what's wrong about some pornography?
If you Islamic guys aren't used to it because your women have to go all covered up and if you see the tip of her nose you have to publicly execute her, doesn't mean other religions can't enjoy pornography...
Besides, If you get bored reading about Moses or whatever you can allways flip the bible over and open that book you mentioned for a sec to boost up the moral. Can't do that in the Koran...
Lesbianism: a mans fantacy is to have lesbians in his bed. So why not....besides never forget the holy books were written by men in a highly patriarchal society. Men at that time forbiden women to have sex before marriage so they had no women to sleep with unless they got married...so...where did they put their sexual energy and arrogance?!
Christ those arguments in that article are the intelectual equivalent of bashing rocks together.. :rolleyes:
Inane, unfounded, pointless.

enough said
Originally posted by exsto_human
Christ those arguments in that article are the intelectual equivalent of bashing rocks together.. :rolleyes:
Inane, unfounded, pointless.

enough said

I agree, but consider the fact that we use the concept of bashing rocks together quite often successfully in construction to install deep foundation, drill for groundwater, ect.. Note that when you bash two rocks together, one rock will always break before the other, since no two rocks have the same strength of material features.
But what's obvious, is that it's a missionary web site - you can even see the author's ads for "islamic screen savers" - "quran search software" - "free moslem marriage connection website"...


"Introduction: We must first of all know that the entire Bible is corrupted and unreliable and is mostly filled with man-made laws and corruption!" and "In either translation, we clearly see that the Jews had so much corrupted the Bible with their man-made cultural laws, that they had turned the Bible into a lie!"

That explains why the Qu'ran is so much worse, because , we all know that it was plagiarized from the Bible!
Originally posted by Flores
I agree
It is not sufficient to say, 'the argument is bad', and then just not explain why.

but consider the fact that we use the concept of bashing rocks together quite often successfully in construction to install deep foundation, drill for groundwater, ect..

And yet again, completely off topic.
Originally posted by DJSupreme23
But what's obvious, is that it's a missionary web site - you can even see the author's ads for "islamic screen savers" - "quran search software" - "free moslem marriage connection website"...


"Introduction: We must first of all know that the entire Bible is corrupted and unreliable and is mostly filled with man-made laws and corruption!" and "In either translation, we clearly see that the Jews had so much corrupted the Bible with their man-made cultural laws, that they had turned the Bible into a lie!"

That explains why the Qu'ran is so much worse, because , we all know that it was plagiarized from the Bible!

And can you bother yourself and provide a PROOF for your BS ?
There is nothing worng with pornography and homosexuality.

If you don't like it then don't do it. I respect that.

But if some crusty old book tells you it's bad and you believe it, then that's your problem.

Also, Proud Syrian, answer me this:

Do you believe in Islam through choice, or is it basically because of society and famlity pressures?
That the Hadidh and Qu'ran is plagiarized and influenced by teh Bible is not bullshit. It is fact.

Where do you think Mohammed got the inspiration for his stories about "talks with Gabriel in the desert"?

Gabriel is a biblical figure, one of the arch angels, remember?

Why is Jesus and every prominent male figure from the Bible also present in Islam? Because they were stolen fra the Bible, of course.

Islam is the creation of Mohammed, so that he could go on whoring, lying and polygamizing.
my 2 cents

Ok if you've read any of my other posts you probably hate me by now, but I've got to stick my nose into this one. First of all were do you see this stuff?
Quote: It teaches you to fantasize about women's breasts and vaginas. It also teaches you to sleep with your own sister!.
Just because something happens in the Bible doesn't mean God approves of it. In the Bible Pharaoh refuses to let the Hebrews go. Does that mean we should enslave some weaker nation just because it happened in the Bible? No! A lot of stuff is told about in the Bible that God doesn't approve of in hopes that we wont repeat the same mistakes.
Secondly, God does not approve of anything sexual in our lives before we are married. Sex is a gift. Have you ever opened a Christmas gift before Christmas? It kind of took the fun out of it in the end didn't it? Because not only is there no surprise, but you have to fake a smile and pretend you like it more than you do. What is wrong with a little pornography is that it promotes lustful thoughts. God said in the Bible that we sin just as badly in our thoughts as in our actions. This explains why the Muslim women remain covered. They don't want to create temptation.
Anyway I'm not going to preach at you guys. Just know it's not all ok, and just because our culture has decided it's ok doesn't mean you aren't going to have to answer to a higher power for your actions. Sorry if I got kind of preachy there I didn't mean it, but someone out there needed to hear that. Oh and one last thing. Yeah there is something wrong with homosexuality. I've been down that road I know how it goes. It is easy to be deceived in our culture today, but it is no excuse. God designed man with woman; there is no alternative.

Tons of Love to all,

Originally posted by DJSupreme23
That the Hadidh and Qu'ran is plagiarized and influenced by teh Bible is not bullshit. It is fact.

So you decided it is FACT....where your proof ???


Where do you think Mohammed got the inspiration for his stories about "talks with Gabriel in the desert"?

Gabriel is a biblical figure, one of the arch angels, remember?

Gabriel is not only biblical figure, he is angel from God, and God can send his angels to whoever he wants.....your assertion is really laughable :)

Why is Jesus and every prominent male figure from the Bible also present in Islam? Because they were stolen fra the Bible, of course.
Islam RESPECT Jesus and consider him to be a prophet from God, in Islam there is NO mention to as you ignorantly said ' every make figure from the bible ' this shows your immense ignorance about Islam and its teachings. shame really.


Islam is the creation of Mohammed, so that he could go on whoring, lying and polygamizing. [/B]


I dont need to comment on the above BS as your smell began to spread so fast Mr.skinhead neo-nazi.
Originally posted by Proud_Syrian
The Bible has some really weird things in it that you would really be ashamed to even share with your own little kids!.
life is weird, strange, that by its self doesn't make the Bible true or false, whether its the Word of God, you have to judge by what you get out of it.

I feel that the Quran is really weird, hard to believe, a very Arabic-centered & oriented, & I don't like that its no longer in chronological order, why would a caliph think it was ok to put it from longest sura to shortest?

It teaches you to fantasize about women's breasts and vaginas. It also teaches you to sleep with your own sister!.
are you sure? maybe it teaches you that? what a weak dirty mind!

A quick answer to the Christian folks who claim that the "Song of Songs" book in the Bible is talking about a husband and a wife:
ever heard of King Solomon?

As you will see below in the article, the book is not talking about a husband and a wife. It's talking about two lovers. But even if it was talking about a husband and a wife, then wouldn't you agree with me that exposing your wife's privates to the world is pornography by itself?
life is pornography, we live in a x-rated world, that's why you have to be weary, careful, etc.

and I'm afraid because of your weakness, you have to read only "Dick and Jane" readers, oops I said a bad word, I meant Little Richard.

What is the spiritual point and wisdom from having pornography in the Bible? How is it supposed to be GOD Almighty's True Living Words?
because it's true, life with warts & all, not sugar-coated
The song of songs does not teach you to fanatize. Can love be taught? I've found it similar to egptian love songs. "I adjure you, daughters of Jerusalem by the gazelles and hinds of the field, Do not arouse, do not stir up love, before its time."

"Be swift, my lover, like a gazelle or a young stag on the mountain of spices!"

From the egyptian song "The Chester Beatty Cycle of Three Songs"

"...Please come quick to the lady love
like a gazelle running in the desert
its feet are wounded
its limbs are exhausted
fear penetrates its body

the hunters are after it
the hounds are with them
they cannot see
because of the dust

its sees its rest place like a mirage
it takes a canal as its road..."
Song of Songs is a beautiful love story, but (as with most of the Bible) it can be taken out of context and turned into something it's not. The only interpretation I have heard from Chrsitians is that is was ment to symbolize the love between God and man. Thoguh it is talking about two lovers the symbolism is masterful. Other places in the Bible Jesus has been represented as a bridegroom and mankind as his bride. This book just takes it to the next level and discuses the deeper love shared. When it is put into context it really is a beautiful book.


The X-Rated Bible

An X Rated King Solomon For Kids

It always facinates me to leaf through the myriad volumes of Bible stories for children that populate every bookstore. The familiar fable King Solomon's wisdom invariably appears in each and every collection, but the severly sanitized adaptation bears very little resemblance to the original text as found in 1 Kings 3:16-28. In the very unlikely event that I might decide to write an X-Rated Bibles Stories for Children some day, here is how the popular parable might unfold:

King Solomon and the Little Bastard

Once upon a time, there was a very wise man, King Solomon. The king was very rich. In fact, he had so much money that he married 700 wives and he also had 300 concubines. A concubine was a women who lived with a man without being married to him. Today, if a man and a women live together without being married, we say that they are living in sin because they are guilty of fornication. Fornication is having sex with someone you are not married to, but God doesn't want us to do that anymore.

Also, today, if you have more then one wife or husband, you are called a bigamist and bigamy is again the law. And of course, if your daddy cheats on my mommy and has a secret girlfriend, or if your mommy cheats on your daddy and has a secret boyfriend, that is called adultry, and God doesn't want us to do that either. The bible tells us that if people commit adultry, we should throw stones at them and kill them because God thinks it is much better to murder someone than to commit adultry.

Now, in Solomon's day, it was OK to have as many wives as you could afford to support because that was the time of the Old Dispensation which was God's plan A for the world. But today, we are living under the New Dispensation which is also know as God's plan B.

One day, two prostitutes came to see King Solomon. A prostitute is a women who sells her body for sex, and God never want us to do that. These two women brought a baby boy with them who was illegitimate. This means that no one knew for sure who the father for the child was. Since these two prostitutes had sex with so many different men, they could never know for sure which one of those men made them pregnant. Being pregnant means that their belly swelled up and got very big with a baby developing inside.

But this little bastard (another word for a child who's parents never got married) had a double problem. Not only was their doubt about who his father was, there also some doubt as to which of the two prostitutes was his mother.

One of the whores (another word for a prostitute) explained to the king that she and the other whore lived together in the same house. The first prostitute had a baby just three days before the other one also gave birth. But the second whore's baby dies one night when she accidently rolled over on it while asleep and smothered it to death. Then she got up and stole the baby from the other mother while she was sound asleep and put the corpse of her dead son in place of the living child.

When the first mother awoke and was ready to nurse her son with the milk from her breast, she realized that the dead infant was not hers and she accused the other whore of kidnapping (child stealing).

As the two prostitutes argued back and forth before King Solomon, each one claimed to be the real mother of the little bastard. The king asked for a sword because he was going to cut the living child in two pieces and give one half to each of them. The women who cried out and begged him not to do that, turned out to be the real mother.

When the people heard about Solomon's decision for the two prostitutes and their little bastard, they soon realized what a really wise king they had.

Now boys and girls, wasn't that a wonderful story?

Source: The X-Rated Bible: An Irreverent Survey of Sex in the Sciptures by Ben Edward Akerley
Originally posted by Proud_Syrian [/i ]

Originally posted by DJSupreme23
That the Hadidh and Qu'ran is plagiarized and influenced by teh Bible is not bullshit. It is fact.


So you decided it is FACT....where your proof ???
answered here by Randolfowhere is your proof that it isn't, why the Book of Mormon outdoes the Quran by miles, & they are both false. what FACTS do you have?

Where do you think Mohammed got the inspiration for his stories about "talks with Gabriel in the desert"?

Gabriel is a biblical figure, one of the arch angels, remember?


Gabriel is not only biblical figure, he is angel from God, and God can send his angels to whoever he wants.....your assertion is really laughable
why would God send Gabriel to start a new religion, one that has nothing to do with the past, except to make it Arabic?

Why is Jesus and every prominent male figure from the Bible also present in Islam? Because they were stolen fra the Bible, of course.
Islam RESPECT Jesus and consider him to be a prophet from God, in Islam there is NO mention to as you ignorantly said ' every make figure from the bible ' this shows your immense ignorance about Islam and its teachings. shame really.
respect? you steal our beliefs, then change them to suit Arabs, then say we are wrong, that the real Jesus is muslim? respect? you lie, that is disrespect, plagiarism, falsehood. is Jesus was a muslim, why didn't he talk about allah in heaven, about the stories that M included in the quran? BTW, those stories are from the Gnostics about the early miracles

Islam is the creation of Mohammed, so that he could go on whoring, lying and polygamizing.


I dont need to comment on the above BS as your smell began to spread so fast Mr.skinhead neo-nazi.
yeah, you are right, the quran smells like a pigs pen! phooey! sueeeee! the Quran is M's attempt to give arabs a chance to be people of the book, he was jealous that both Jews & Christians had a Book! look real close, the quran & hadiths are arab beliefs & customs, now made "holy" by a 'holey' book