X-mas food !!


Since I have nothing else to do right now , I might just as well ask this :

The religious X-mas is coming up , what do you eat all around the world on this day (I hope it will be from turkey to spaghetti ) :

In Denmark (my country):
60 % eats roasted duck (untill the H5N1 will stop that )
30 % eats roasted pork

Norway/Sweden :
1) Ludfisk/lutefisk : cod/heering treated in some acid and salt
2) or slices of ham ..........
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in america thanksgiving is about food. christmas is about celebrating the birth of christ by exchanging gifts. your question should be about thanksgiving not christmas (in america)
Sorry Leo - thanksgiving only exists in US - I was just curious, what the whole world was eating at a religious feast !!!
Ethiopia : injera with raw meat !!

Injera is sour bread - it looks like a table cloth , it tastes likes a table cloth .....

The X-mas dinner was fed to me by hand by the host , because I was the guest of honour in the small ethiopian village .......as a MD I took medicine both for tapeworms and other worms as well , the very same evening, when I was alone ..........
just kidding. we usually have ham,potatoes,corn,pies(all varieties),bisquits,gravy,beans,and a toast with our favorite brand of alcohol.
leopold99 said:
christians, and muslim foreskins
M*W: I recommend them as an appetizer, breaded and deep fried, and served with a tomato-garlic-basil sauce. Some people say they taste like calamari, but I think they taste like chicken.
pareclete you should at least put your country of origin in your profile.
you aren't muslim are you? i didn't offend you with my reply did i?
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: I recommend them as an appetizer, breaded and deep fried, and served with a tomato-garlic-basil sauce. Some people say they taste like calamari, but I think they taste like chicken.
we have them as a main course. 1000's of them
Hi Leo ,
No problem , I am from Denmark (the first country I mentioned) .......
Not muslim - used to be a christian now an agnostic .... sort of .....

Happy x-mas Leo ... your food sounds good ...
I will have roasted duck, sweet potatoes , sweetsour cabbage (tastes better than it sounds), sour cucumber and gravy -- washed down with red wine .....

for desert a special thing called Ris-a -la-mande - mix of rice ,milk,almonds,sugar,spices boiled into a special porridge like consistence , cooled down mixed with whipped cream - and then served with cherries and washed down with portwine..

Then coffee and cakes,brandy /liqeours ... after that so much sweets and candy that 3 families would become sick eating it .....

If anyone have the stamina - we dance around the X-mas tree for a while singing ; and then let the children fetch the gifts from under the tree - the children reads the labels of the gifts and give them to us .....

We celebrate X-mas in the evening of december 24.th .......

at last we watch the midnight mass from the vatican in Rome - always transmitted directly in Denmark ......

On december 25.th we have x-mas lunch (smørgosbord ) open sandwiches
on rye bread - with as much beer and strong alcohol (snaps) that a human beeing can possible drink and survive ...

two days after you have gained 3 pounds in weight .... can´t imagine why ....
it allways takes a month to loose it again due to the new years celebration .....
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Hmm...well, around Xmas time, my family usually eats sugared ham, biscuits, sometimes pasta, potatoes, etc....lotsa lotsa good food. Mwahahahhah!! Food.
My family typically eats prime rib seasoned with rock salt and cracked black pepper, cooked rare and bloody (sometimes I pretend it's the flesh of Christ).

On the side we have baked potato with sour cream, butter, bacon bits and cheddar cheese, mushrooms and/or asparagus fried in butter.

And served with a red wine or two, typically Californian or Australian.
Xerxes , Canada : sufganyoute (pastries,jelly-doughnuts) latke (potato pancakes) and chocolate coins ....
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what ever I fancy on that day, however traditionally on xmas, most people have turkey with brussel sprouts and chestnuts, and cranberries sauce, and an xmas pudding, covered in brandy.
here in england, especially the religious, but to me it's just a national holiday.
great for children though.
My family lives in Anchorage, Alaska, which is several thousand miles northwest of here. And that's where I spend Christmas.