WuJi- State of Emptiness


Registered Member
Is it possible to reach the state of wuji ?

where one should be empty in the mind; without any thought or intention. Nothing is held in the heart, there are no motives in the mind, no visual power in the eyes, no movements in the body, no distinction between clear and turbid. Have the mind and consciousness in a calm state.

Is this possible or is this a debate of beliving in a subconcious?

I was having a conversation with someone who said it wasnt possible to reach this state as it would mean death..

I do meditate myself, and not reached this state but had other experiences.
Im open on all thoughts and experiences on this before i reply
Peace n Light
it is possible, it has a number of names theres a certain method where you just just relax your eyes, tense no muscle or joint whatsoever, clear your mind fully of emotion and thought, and just exist.

it can make you feel wierd and creepy if your mind is not ready, you will be fine doing it, alot of people can just snap into it naturally, i can myself,

wuji itself is possible,

Didn't you ask this before?

The idea of emptyness is only partially revelant. To be totally empty is to shut out the outside which reinforces the self, but what this state really means is to pose no barriers to thought and perception, to let the mind and body do what they do best without excessive interference. Easier said than done, but totally possible.
you have to be conscious though,

and it isnt total emptyness, the state of wuji states total emptyness and clear mind, but even to grasp a clear mind and be conscious is to be aware of ones self, so in essence that is not total emptyness.


i know i read it myself after, its talking more about taiji styles than the actual state of wuji itself,

hold on a second i will get a good source, if i cant find one in 2-3 mins i will just write it all myself, there are methods to practice and try out.

Lordy, that sucker looked like a thesis in creative writing. The nearest I could understand is Wuji is consciousness with minimized / absent instinct / emotion. Of course that's taking a big leap of interpretation on my part...