WTF Happened? : Heaven's War


It is very dry in here today
Valued Senior Member
What caused the rebellion? Was it Lucifer's envy of Christ or God? Why did so many angels back Lucifer? Did the rebels have just cause?

Omniscient God must have known what was going on. Was it all a ruse to bring evil to the world?

What kind of fighting do angels engage in? Aerial bombardments, surface to air missiles, dogfights, wing to wing combat, or just verbal insults?

We've had a few thousand years to analyze the ousting of Lucifer and his hench-angels. Seems odd to me that a god heralded as a universal peace advocate would be the first involved in conflict. I think His reaction to Lucifer, who I assume He could crush with a thought, kind of sent a message to the universe as to not fuck with Him because He is one bad MF.

Any excuse serves a tyrant.
What caused the rebellion? Was it Lucifer's envy of Christ or God? Why did so many angels back Lucifer? Did the rebels have just cause?

M*W: There was no rebellion. Ancient humans described what they saw happening in the skies. The Constellation Serpens which represents the Serpent in the GoE, may have had a meteor shower. The ancients created a story (myth) about the meteor shower which ended up being the story of Lucifer's rebellion.

Omniscient God must have known what was going on. Was it all a ruse to bring evil to the world?

M*W: There was no god then, and there is no god now. Nothing has changed except for our perception of ancient myths.

What kind of fighting do angels engage in? Aerial bombardments, surface to air missiles, dogfights, wing to wing combat, or just verbal insults?

M*W: I think you've answered your own question. Stars were called angels. Stars do what stars do. They burn up, they explode, they fall, at least that's what it looks like to us. They don't, however, engage in star-to-star combat.

We've had a few thousand years to analyze the ousting of Lucifer and his hench-angels. Seems odd to me that a god heralded as a universal peace advocate would be the first involved in conflict. I think His reaction to Lucifer, who I assume He could crush with a thought, kind of sent a message to the universe as to not fuck with Him because He is one bad MF.

M*W: Lucifer, again, is represented by the Constellation Serpens. As far as constellations go, Serpens was no meaner than the other constellations. Serpens represented a mythological devil to ancient humans. After all, they were the ones creating the myths.

There were no gods, only the myths of the constellations, planets and stars.
What caused the rebellion? Was it Lucifer's envy of Christ or God? Why did so many angels back Lucifer? Did the rebels have just cause?

Omniscient God must have known what was going on. Was it all a ruse to bring evil to the world?

What kind of fighting do angels engage in? Aerial bombardments, surface to air missiles, dogfights, wing to wing combat, or just verbal insults?

We've had a few thousand years to analyze the ousting of Lucifer and his hench-angels. Seems odd to me that a god heralded as a universal peace advocate would be the first involved in conflict. I think His reaction to Lucifer, who I assume He could crush with a thought, kind of sent a message to the universe as to not fuck with Him because He is one bad MF.

Any excuse serves a tyrant.
i have heard one inrtresting theory in that lucifer who was once samuel was the only archangel god thought could handle the task of controling hell and that at the end of time god he'll welcome him back into the fold
What caused the rebellion? Was it Lucifer's envy of Christ or God? Why did so many angels back Lucifer? Did the rebels have just cause?

Lucifer wanted to be a God like God. God knew that Lucifer was not capable of being a God, That indeed no angel is capable of being a God. God in his mercy decided not to destroy lucifer but to demonstrate to the heavenly host that he was justified in being the one and only God and that lucifers claim and challenge was faulty. If God had destroyed lucifer immediately then he would have been seen by the heavenly host as being God through brute force only Not God be justification of His perfection. So God allowed lucifer to take actions directed at undermining Gods claim to perfection by allowing him to sabotage His creation. But in allowing this to happen God has allowed lucifer to walk into a trap of lucifers own making.

Omniscient God must have known what was going on. Was it all a ruse to bring evil to the world?

It was a part of His eternal plan to defeat the challenge of lucifer and also save as many angels and humans as possible.

What kind of fighting do angels engage in? Aerial bombardments, surface to air missiles, dogfights, wing to wing combat, or just verbal insults?

This question makes you look stupid. Why do you ask such questions?

Do you think people after reading this question will look upon you as a deep thinking and serious person? Or do you think people will look upon you as a moron?

We've had a few thousand years to analyze the ousting of Lucifer and his hench-angels. Seems odd to me that a god heralded as a universal peace advocate would be the first involved in conflict. I think His reaction to Lucifer, who I assume He could crush with a thought, kind of sent a message to the universe as to not fuck with Him because He is one bad MF.

Any excuse serves a tyrant.

A few thousand years of garbage analysis by limited human beings who's perception and wisdom are so limited in comparison to God that it must be a source of laughter in Heaven don't you mean?

And yes one of the messages is that it is absolute foolishness to try to mess with God. The outcome of engaging in such action is eternal torment and agony in a lake of fire.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days