WTF does this mean?


Registered Senior Member
Have you ever heard of anything like this?:confused: I was having a strange conversation with my friend over steam. I changed our names to me and him.

HIM: Joining.
HIM: Did you ever put what I said on the groups page?
ME: i was tired as shit and just closed out. I forgot to save what you said :(
ME is now playing Garry's Mod. Click here to join.
ME is now playing Garry's Mod. Click here to join.
HIM: Thats ok.
ME: are you still joining my server?
ME: i swithched lol
ME: im on a spacebuild serer now
ME: lol
HIM: Thanks for telling me.
HIM is now playing Garry's Mod. Click here to join.
ME: sorry i thought you decidede not to join
HIM: ffffffffft
HIM is now playing Garry's Mod. Click here to join.
HIM: I have been having a lot of dreams lately.
ME: about what
HIM: The end of mankind.
ME: hows it go?
HIM: Word repeat in my head.
ME: what word?
HIM: Old ones will awake they will return mankind will learn new kinds of fear when they are here they will reclaim. Up from the sea the sky is falling.
ME: do you know what it means?
HIM: It's lovecraft.
ME: ?
HIM: A very great cosmic philosopher.
ME: oh
ME: Do you happen to believe in aliens?
HIM: I believe humankind is very small.
HIM: And there are many other things out there.
ME: oh\
HIM is now playing Zombie Master 1.2.1. Click here to join.
ME: well I've seen a ufo so I personally believe
HIM: When I try to break reality.
HIM: Which I do often.
HIM: I see many things.
HIM: I've seen a tall man in a suit with no face following me. Yes the slender man urban legend.
ME: Is this that phiosiphers work again?
HIM: I've seen a creature completely naked on all fours with a lizard shaped head and huge claws at the end of my bed yelling at me in a tongue I did not understand.
HIM: No this is me.
HIM: I try to break reality.
HIM: Through meditation and deep thinking and digging around in books and the worlds history.
ME: ok, so these are your dreams?
HIM: No.
ME: or just random visions
ME: or things you made up while meditating?
HIM: Ok ever since I was young I knew the world was not what it seemed.
ME: true
HIM: I had to figure out what reality is where did it start when does it end etc.
HIM: So I dug and dug.
ME: What did you find?\
HIM: And something doesn't want me to.
HIM: I fear telling you.
ME: Please
HIM: Can you handle it?
ME: Yes
HIM: Can you even believe me?
ME: Yes
ME: i'm very gullible sadly
ME: but i have my limits'
HIM: There is no divine presence
HIM: No god.
ME: how did you find that?
HIM: Most humans are very insignificant.
HIM: But some aren't.
HIM: Some can end them.
HIM: By tearing the curtain and finding them and killing them.
ME: When you say some can end "them" what's them?
HIM: The old ones.
HIM: Lovecraft the philosopher got it half right.
ME: They are........?
HIM: They are beings of vast power in millions of other dimensions.
HIM: All races fear them even animals.
HIM: Because they could end our world whever they wanted.
ME: How did you find out about them?
HIM: Listen
HIM: There are few humans who can end them.
ME: i get it
HIM: And just need to be awakened.
HIM: They are chosen by something.
ME: Like people with a sixth sense?
HIM: Perhaps another race.
ME: Because, not to brag, but i do have a sixth sense.
ME: lol
HIM: Sadly there are only a few people who know their roles.
HIM: Therefore if they would apear which they already have started to.
HIM: We would not be able to fend them off.
HIM: Yes sometimes these people may have a sixth sense.
HIM: Or anything from being able to see the world in a differnt way.
HIM: But there are things like the slender man.
HIM: Who find these people who can end the old ones.
HIM: And kill them.
HIM: They can not kill them if they have awakened though.
HIM: But like I said only a few have.
HIM: There are also people like me.
HIM: Who try to forcefully wake these people.
HIM: The things also try to kill us too.
ME: when you say "awake" what do you mean
HIM: Awake by showing these people what they can do.
HIM: They can save this world and change it greatly.
ME: what can they do?
ME: oh
ME: can you give ma an example?/
HIM: Like I said they are the only beings who can kill the old ones.
HIM: Ok.
HIM: Lets say Plato a great great philosopher.
HIM: He changed the world.
HIM: Thorugh mathmatics and such.
HIM: But he was also killed very early and he was not able to change it enough.
HIM: Later on thwree will be people who will be able to shatter reality.
HIM: So we will not ssee what we see today.
HIM: Everything will be differn't.
HIM: We will also be able to see the old ones.
HIM: But the old ones can come at anytime especially before then.
HIM: To kill all of them and us.
ME: so the awoken will create the technology to travel between dimensions and find+kill the old ones
HIM: Something like that yes.
HIM: Am I making enough sense?
ME: oh
ME: yes
HIM: There will also be false chosen ones.
HIM: HItler....
ME: oh
HIM: Stalin.
HIM: And those beings that hunt the chosen ones and people trying to wake them are some sort of monsters created by something.
ME: oh. and what do you think about 2012 dec 21?
HIM: They are so dangerous.
HIM: If you see something that does not fit this world run.
HIM: Always just run.
HIM: Time and dates mean nothing.
HIM: That is a human creation.
ME: I no
ME: That slender man.... what is he?
HIM: He is one of trhose things that hunt chosen ones and people like me.
HIM: No where near as bad as the old ones.
HIM: But they are in this world.
ME: is he real or does he represent someone.
HIM: He is real.
HIM: THey have physical bodys.
ME: ok
HIM: Paranormal sightings.
HIM: Are usually the hunters.
HIM: Like that ufo you saw.
HIM: Or those alien abductiosn you hear about.
HIM: They are also hunters.
HIM: THey come in differnt forms.
HIM: Ghosts are also a form.
HIM: Or what we know as ghosts.
ME: The huge ass triangle floating 500 feet above my house and realeased a steam that disguised it as a cloud was a hunter
ME: I have seen ghostst in my house too
HIM: Yes.
HIM: Anyone could be a chosen one.
HIM: And Fate may be having me tell you this.
HIM: Because you are one.
HIM: But sadly you will probably die.
HIM: Before you can use your powers.
HIM: We are losing against the hunters.
HIM: And trherfore the old ones too.
ME: Do the masons/illuminati know anything about this?
HIM is now playing Zombie Master 1.2.1. Click here to join.
HIM: No.
HIM: They are false chosen ones.
ME: oh
ME: could they be hunters?
ME: I mean, they are already making fema camps
HIM: They are humans.
HIM: So no.
ME: oh
HIM: Hunters where orignally shadows observing humans.
HIM: THen their physical bodys where formed by humans fears.
HIM: So they are monsters.
HIM: THats where humans get monsters from.
ME: My Great grandpa was one of the highest members in the masons, and I plan on joining too so I could know the truths behind all the conspiracies.
HIM: Most groups put together.
HIM: Do not tell the truth.
ME: But the masons/government/etc claim to have had contact with aliens. or the huters, so wouldnt we want to know what they found out or are they using the groups as puppets?
HIM: Puppets.
ME: So being in the groups would get you closer to finding out what they want them to do.
ME: Would it, in your opinion, be a bad or good thing if I joined?
HIM: bad
ME: would they know that I am "chosen1"
ME: a chosen1
ME: or at least from this conversatioon i think
ME: Ok dude I feel like going to sleep but If you want to tell me that thing I was going to post on the group please do so. I am going to brush ma teeth.
ME: Ok I am going to go. This was a strange conversation. Have you ever thought about writing a book or something about this. That would be a good way to "awake" the chosen people. So, Cya.
HIM: Later.
It doesn't mean anything the guys clearly a nut job, the asylums are full of his type of people.
It's almost like a scene from "Twelve Monkeys" or "one flew over the cuckoos nest"
Tell him to lay of the drugs and alcohol, it's f**king him up.
It doesn't mean anything the guys clearly a nut job, the asylums are full of his type of people.
It's almost like a scene from "Twelve Monkeys" or "one flew over the cuckoos nest"
Tell him to lay of the drugs and alcohol, it's f**king him up.

OMG! :eek:

It's a HUNTER! right here on the forum! lol
Well, first, you would have to re-read this whole conversation CAREFULLY to understand what a hunter is. Secondly, that's a very good feint to throw the fellow of this post off to take your advice into thinking you're not a hunter, for clearly, that IS what a hunter would post. I didn't expect a second post from you if you weren't a hunter. Thirdly, this is a soul of light, a lurker. Don't expect him to respond again. See how many posts he has? Then check how long he has been here. . . mmmkay? He came here for honest counsel. The most honest counsel and discernment is what his gut tells him. He will know. . .