Writhing for God.

lol! :D

But seriously, what are they doing and why?
Is it expectation/suggestion induced behavior like hypnosis?
it's called drama enmos. maybe they thought someone in hollywood would notice them.
Then how do you know that's what they are doing? It's a little hard to believe such things, isn't it?
lol! :D

But seriously, what are they doing and why?
Is it expectation/suggestion induced behavior like hypnosis?

They speciously believe that because they have lost control of their normal bodily functions it is God actually taking hold of them and because his power is too immense for them to stand, their body quivers and contorts in all sorts of epileptic nonsense. So the more grotesquely convulsive one's experience, there is an inversely proportional amount of faithfulness or religiosity held by that person. Now the following is merely plausible conjecture but, it was likely started by a group of truly unfortunate people who, while supposedly being healed spiritually, broke down into a medical seizure, and the pastor, trying to save himself from the embarrassment of actually causing a seizure instead of curing the problem, concluded that he was experiencing the mighty rapture by God himself. Word of this spread and soon others began to reason that if they wanted to take their relationship to the next level with God, they too would have to have these sorts of experiences. Support for this idea can be found in the fact that, if I'm not mistaken, these sort of phenomenon are largely localized to our modern times and to areas of liberal protestantism which are themselves relatively modern. Any other accounts of why this might be?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a54iqEr1flQ My personal favorite :)
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People can create all sorts of strange states of consciousness at will. There is nothing particularly unusual about it, it's how religion has been practiced for millennia. A trance state is invoked through music, repetitive speech, or drugs. The drugs aren't used much in modern America, but the other methods are going strong.
Then how do you know that's what they are doing? It's a little hard to believe such things, isn't it?

they're obviously putting on a show. what is it accomplishing? what is their motivation?

who saw what happened to me? nobody. and i sure as fuck didn't look that stupid while it was happening either. cause i wasn't putting on a show.
It seems that over the years, having your mind snap is associated with some form of interference by some religious entity.

Actually you're witnessing a person lose their mind. The convulsive actions are the result of one personality taking over from the other. The real personality is overwhelmed but not without a struggle of sorts.

Fun huh? To sit and watch someone crack before your eyes.
Its called 'catching the spirit'.

Where do you think the Quakers and the Shakers got their name?