Write4U's wobbly world of word salad woo


Valued Senior Member
3) Heat does not have either a frequency or a wavelength, as heat is not a wave. Heat is the internal kinetic energy associated with thermal motion of atoms and molecules, that flows between bodies at different temperatures.
Thanks for that informative response. I understand what it is but how does heat spread?

My question; Does heat propagate via a wave function? When heat encounters an "observer" does that wave function collapse and transfer energy?

Just looking for common denominators.
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1) There isn't actually a "law of entropy". There are laws of thermodynamics, some of which can be expressed partly in terms of entropy. The 2nd Law can be stated in the form that, in spontaneous processes, entropy never decreases, i.e. it either increases or, at best (and only in the special case of reversible processes), remains constant.
I see a common denominator between that 2nd Law and SOL, they are both universal constants, no?
Are they both subject to the same rules that govern quantum?
Thanks for that informative response. I understand what it is but how does heat spread?
Conduction, convection and/or radiation. Those are the process by which heat can be transferred from a hotter body to a colder one.
My question; Does heat propagate via a wave function?
Heat is energy, and energy is just a number. Energy is not and cannot be a wave (although waves "carry" energy, by which we mean that some energy is associated with a wave and can be transferred from one system to another by the wave).
... subject to the same rules that govern quantum?
Every time you use this word incorrectly God smites a physicist.

Quantum is not, in-itself, a thing; instead use it to describe the thing you want to ask about: "the quantum realm" or "quantum mechanics".
Heat is energy, and energy is just a number. Energy is not and cannot be a wave (although waves "carry" energy, by which we mean that some energy is associated with a wave and can be transferred from one system to another by the wave).
(p.s. the Bohmian Pilot Wave?)

I used this description:
In thermodynamics, heat is the thermal energy transferred between systems due to a temperature difference.[1]
A "differential equation?"
In colloquial use, heat sometimes refers to thermal energy itself. Thermal energy is the kinetic energy of vibrating and colliding atoms in a substance.
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Every time you use this word incorrectly God smites a physicist.

Quantum is not, in-itself, a thing; instead use it to describe the thing you want to ask about: "the quantum realm" or "quantum mechanics".
Of course, quantum is a thing. It represents a distinct "value", or a "potential".

What does mathematical quantum mean in physics?
What is a quantum? A quantum (plural: quanta) is the smallest discrete unit of a phenomenon.
For example, a quantum of light is a photon, and a quantum of electricity is an electron.
Quantum comes from Latin, meaning "an amount" or "how much?"
If something is quantifiable, then it can be measured.
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Thanks for that informative response. I understand what it is but how does heat spread?

My question; Does heat propagate via a wave function? When heat encounters an "observer" does that wave function collapse and transfer energy?

Just looking for common denominators.
You are getting completely mixed up. Heat is an emergent property of atoms as has been explained to you and are explained by the laws of thermodynamics.
A wave function is in the realm of quantum mechanics and relates amongst other things to the probabilistic nature of the micro world.
Of course, quantum is a thing. It represents a distinct "value", or a "potential".

What does mathematical quantum mean in physics?

Of course, quantum is a thing. It represents a distinct "value", or a "potential".

What does mathematical quantum mean in physics?

I have read all your responses. PLEASE get a basic book on physical chemistry to understand what guys like Boltzmann did.
There is a fair bit of mathematics in there but that is what chemistry and physics is. Approximations of the universe using mathematical relationships.
I see a common denominator between that 2nd Law and SOL, they are both universal constants, no?
I’m not going down these nonsense rabbit holes of yours any more.

I will occasionally try to correct or clarify points of science in what you write, when it is coherent enough to have a meaning. Otherwise, I’m out, where you are concerned.
You are getting completely mixed up. Heat is an emergent property of atoms as has been explained to you and are explained by the laws of thermodynamics.
A wave function is in the realm of quantum mechanics and relates amongst other things to the probabilistic nature of the micro world.
The poster you are responding to is most likely senile. He cannot use scientific terms correctly and always tries to drag the discussion onto a handful of pet obsessions, Bohm’s metaphysical speculations being one example. Discussion with him is invariably extremely unrewarding. You enter any such discussion at your own risk.;)
The poster you are responding to is most likely senile. He cannot use scientific terms correctly and always tries to drag the discussion onto a handful of pet obsessions, Bohm’s metaphysical speculations being one example. Discussion with him is invariably extremely unrewarding. You enter any such discussion at your own risk.;)
Ok thanks for the heads up.

Some of his posts read like someone had grabbed a bunch of scientific terms, put them in a cocktail shaker, then made a martini out of them.
Ok thanks for the heads up.

Some of his posts read like someone had grabbed a bunch of scientific terms, put them in a cocktail shaker, then made a martini out of them.
Indeed. One of his tics is to flip-flop between the meaning of certain terms in science and their general meaning in everyday speech. A good (and recurring) example is "function", flip-flopping between the mathematical f(x) meaning, as in wave function, with the general meaning, i.e. what something does. Another is "potential".

Dave even at one point produced something very artistic, called "Write4U's Wobbly Wheel of Word Salad Woo" , to depict the various buzzwords and obsessions:-

That is a very insightful and accurate description.
Yes BUT, what is the point of sites like this?
Someone asks a question and we answer if we are able yes?
As a student (I am a student of many things INCLUDING the things I am supposed to be an expert in) we are supposed to absorb information given to us by more qualified posters and info that is already in the literature. Verified as far as it can be.
This is a good thing it means we learn as we go along.
Being corrected and directed to a different way of approaching a problem.
Yes BUT, what is the point of sites like this?
Someone asks a question and we answer if we are able yes?
As a student (I am a student of many things INCLUDING the things I am supposed to be an expert in) we are supposed to absorb information given to us by more qualified posters and info that is already in the literature. Verified as far as it can be.
This is a good thing it means we learn as we go along.
Being corrected and directed to a different way of approaching a problem.
Yes, and you will see that is what happens when a sensible - or even discernible - question arises. I've even been known to take silly questions seriously, for the sake of an exercise, for instance this one: http://www.sciforums.com/threads/how-does-water-not-spin-off-the-earth.162679/#post-3611997
Some of his posts read like someone had grabbed a bunch of scientific terms, put them in a cocktail shaker, then made a martini out of them.
Then why do you not ask me to explain and/or clarify what it is that relates these seemingly random citations?

Unfortunately, few appreciate the effort to find "common denominators" as part of the search for an answer as to what makes it all tick.

So far I believe that Max Tegmark and several other "knowledgeable" scientists are/were on the right track in following the original scientists (Plato, Pythagoras, Galileo), by proposing
that mathematics is a fundamental logical essence of the spacetime geometry.

IMO, it fills all the requirements for being called "language of the Universe".

A whole new aspect of a mathematical universe has been introduced by Renate Loll et al.
Its named "Causal Dynamical Triangulation" (CDT), that proposes a spacetime unfolding in a fractal (mathematical) manner.
Causal dynamical triangulation (abbreviated as CDT), theorized by Renate Loll, Jan Ambjørn and Jerzy Jurkiewicz, is an approach to quantum gravity that, like loop quantum gravity, is background independent.
This means that it does not assume any pre-existing arena (dimensional space) but, rather, attempts to show how the spacetime fabric itself evolves.
There is evidence [1] that, at large scales, CDT approximates the familiar 4-dimensional spacetime but shows spacetime to be 2-dimensional near the Planck scale, and reveals a fractal structure on slices of constant time. These interesting results agree with the findings of Lauscher and Reuter, who use an approach called Quantum Einstein Gravity, and with other recent theoretical work.
more.... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Causal_dynamical_triangulation

I hear the poo-poos, but I never hear a better idea that can replace the concept of a Logical function that guides the interaction of "values" which can be symbolized with human maths. What's up with that?
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Just to conclude my own research and contribution to the question of "heat flow" from warm to cold.

Heat equation
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Animated plot of the evolution of the temperature in a square metal plate as predicted by the heat equation. The height and redness indicate the temperature at each point. The initial state has a uniformly hot hoof-shaped region (red) surrounded by uniformly cold region (yellow). As time passes the heat diffuses into the cold region.
In mathematics and physics, the heat equation is a certain partial differential equation. Solutions of the heat equation are sometimes known as caloric functions. The theory of the heat equation was first developed by Joseph Fourier in 1822 for the purpose of modeling how a quantity such as heat diffuses through a given region.
As the prototypical parabolic partial differential equation, the heat equation is among the most widely studied topics in pure mathematics, and its analysis is regarded as fundamental to the broader field of partial differential equations. The heat equation can also be considered on Riemannian manifolds, leading to many geometric applications. Following work of Subbaramiah Minakshisundaram and Åke Pleijel, the heat equation is closely related with spectral geometry. The heat equation, along with variants thereof, is also important in many fields of science and applied mathematics.
In probability theory, the heat equation is connected with the study of random walks and Brownian motion via the Fokker–Planck equation. The Black–Scholes equation of financial mathematics is a small variant of the heat equation, and the Schrödinger equation of quantum mechanics can be regarded as a heat equation in imaginary time. In image analysis, the heat equation is sometimes used to resolve pixelation and to identify edges. Following Robert Richtmyer and John von Neumann's introduction of "artificial viscosity" methods, solutions of heat equations have been useful in the mathematical formulation of hydrodynamical shocks.
Solutions of the heat equation have also been given much attention in the numerical analysis literature, beginning in the 1950s with work of Jim Douglas, D.W. Peaceman, and Henry Rachford Jr.
more.... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heat_equation#

OK, I'm done with this.
(p.s. the Bohmian Pilot Wave?)
There was a question mark there, but you haven't actually asked a question. What about the Bohmian Pilot Wave?
A "differential equation?"
The term "differential equation" has previously been defined for you and explained carefully to you. And yet, you insist on using that term in an idiosyncratic, pseudoscientific way. Why do you do that?

Are you unable to take in new information? Are you stuck in a very limited universe of your own notions?
Of course, quantum is a thing. It represents a distinct "value", or a "potential".
People here have also, previously, tried to school you on why your usage of the terms "value" and "potential" are pseudoscientific. You took nothing away from those attempts, it seems. It's a pity.

At what stage, if any, after careful correction by multiple independent parties who know what terms like "quantum" mean, will you be willing to adjust your usage to match the usage of every qualified quantum physicist or chemist? Will that ever happen with you, or will you endlessly insist on your own nonsensical attempt to redefine that word, too?
There was a question mark there, but you haven't actually asked a question. What about the Bohmian Pilot Wave?
Because that was being described.
The term "differential equation" has previously been defined for you and explained carefully to you. And yet, you insist on using that term in an idiosyncratic, pseudoscientific way. Why do you do that?
Because it is appropriate. Maybe "partial differential equations" would have been more accurate?
I speak in generalities.
Are you unable to take in new information? Are you stuck in a very limited universe of your own notions?
No, I am inside an expanding mathematical Universe along with some very good company.
People here have also, previously, tried to school you on why your usage of the terms "value" and "potential" are pseudoscientific. You took nothing away from those attempts, it seems. It's a pity.
Yes, I used the terms correctly in context of my posits, but it seems that there is no attempt at all to use my accompanying supporting sources.
At what stage, if any, after careful correction by multiple independent parties who know what terms like "quantum" mean, will you be willing to adjust your usage to match the usage of every qualified quantum physicist or chemist? Will that ever happen with you, or will you endlessly insist on your own nonsensical attempt to redefine that word, too?
And how do you know that my usage is in error?

Can you demonstrate it, so that I have an opportunity to respond to your narrow interpretation?
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The term "differential equation" has previously been defined for you and explained carefully to you. And yet, you insist on using that term in an idiosyncratic, pseudoscientific way. Why do you do that?
Partial differential equation
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A visualisation of a solution to the two-dimensional heat equation with temperature represented by the vertical direction and color.
In mathematics, a partial differential equation (PDE) is an equation which computes a function between various partial derivatives of a multivariable function. Wikipedia

Heat equation
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Animated plot of the evolution of the temperature in a square metal plate as predicted by the heat equation. The height and redness indicate the temperature at each point. The initial state has a uniformly hot hoof-shaped region (red) surrounded by uniformly cold region (yellow). As time passes the heat diffuses into the cold region.
In mathematics and physics, the heat equation is a certain partial differential equation. Solutions of the heat equation are sometimes known as caloric functions. The theory of the heat equation was first developed by Joseph Fourier in 1822 for the purpose of modeling how a quantity such as heat diffuses through a given region.

Does that look familiar? Common Denominators! Common function!
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